Whenever, one feels tired or fatigued, they grab a cup of coffee or tea or such caffeinated drinks. But overconsuming caffeine can harm the body. Moreover, some people are sensitive to it. Then how to counteract the tiredness? In order to regain back the energy, one can eat or drink other foods and drinks respectively that does not contain caffeine. Which are these non-caffeinated foods that can boost the energy fast?
Energy boosters
When we feel tired, we want something that can give us an instant energy. This energy source can be a food or a drink. Often people resort to a cup of coffee for it. It provides the mood elevation and overcomes fatigue. It improves alertness and we can again go back to our work after it. Often, less sleep also can cause this tiredness. The stressful urban modern life causes us to not have enough time to sleep. Or the sleep is disturbed due to tensions. This leads to a feeling of tiredness the next day.
Coffee can overcome all the tiredness. But it comes at a cost on health. Some people are extremely sensitive to it and can develop jitteriness, palpitations, lack of concentration, lack of sleep etc with it. In others, overdosing causes these symptoms.
There are certain non-caffeinated foods and drinks and ways that counteract the tiredness without the side effects.
Non-caffeinated foods for tiredness
These foods can safely overcome our tiredness. It can also give us a restful sleep.
Kiwi fruit

This fruit from New Zealand has an instant energy boosting capacity. It has flavonols and antioxidants. The serotonin in it converts into melatonin in the body. The latter causes sleep. Also it has a lot of vital minerals, B vitamins, that help in boosting energy.
Having two kiwis before bedtime gives the consumer a restful sleep of few hours. But remember to allow time for digestion to get the effect.
Often, tiredness is due to less water in the body. Often people do not realize it. The dehydration can give a feeling of tiredness and makes our mind less alert. Drinking adequate water daily is a must. The amount varies according to age, gender, and weather conditions. But one should aim to have enough water to produce a clear urine.

Iron and vitamin C rich foods
Anemia is a common cause of tiredness. The person feels lack of energy and cannot complete tasks. Mind is also less alert. The hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the various body cells. When hemoglobin is low, oxygen transport is also low. Energy production in cells is hampered and tiredness creeps in.
If this is the cause, consult a medical doctor. The physician will start supplements. But eating iron rich foods also helps. And add citrus fruits for vitamin C which increases iron absorption in the gut.
Read more: What is caffeine addiction? How to overcome it?
Fresh air

This is not a food but an important way to overcome tiredness. Even 20 minutes of fresh air lightens the mood and fights fatigue. Studies have shown the benefit of fresh air in overcoming tiredness. Robert Kushner, medical director at Center for Lifestyle Medicine states:
“Going outside and getting a change of scenery is restorative to both the body and mind,”
“Many people feel better when they have sunlight coming into their work or living space.”