Headache-relieving foods

Do you suffer from frequent headaches? Are you popping in anti-pain medicines for it? If yes, then think twice. Medicines will relieve the headaches but will leave you with several ill effects.

One is aware that certain foods such as aged cheese, and chocolates can trigger headaches of the migraine type. But Nature has also provided humans with certain foods that can give them relief from headaches.

Which are these headache-relieving foods?

Headaches and foods

Migraine is a condition of repeated attacks of headaches. These are of the throbbing type and there may be other associated symptoms along with it.

These may include nausea, vomiting, etc. Certain foods can trigger an attack of migraine. These include chocolates, MSG, alcohol, aged cheese, etc. Dehydration and hypoglycemia can also be precipitating factors for an attack of migraine.

But on the other hand, certain foods can help a person overcome headaches. Which are these headache-relieving foods and drinks?

Wynne Brown is the medical director at the Integrative Medicine Center of Wake Forest Baptist Health in Winston-Salem North Carolina. Wynne states:

“Food really is the first medicine,”

“When you’re trying to manage migraine, what you eat — and when you eat — can make all the difference,”

She adds:

“By adding different fresh fruits and vegetables to our diet, we can reap benefits in terms of water content as well as vitamins and minerals,” 


These are instant energy boosters and can easily ward off an attack of migraine or that caused by hypoglycemia. Fresh bananas are better than processed foods such as granola bars for it. They have 74% water and Wynne explains:

“Bananas are a great food for quick energy recovery, and they’re high in magnesium, which can be helpful when people have headaches,”

Watermelon: great headache-relieving foods

Headache-relieving foods
Watermelon has a lot of water (Source: Well plated by Erin)

This is another fruit that helps in headaches. It has a large amount of water that can help overcome dehydration. 33% of people with migraine report that dehydration is the trigger factor for it.

Nuts and seeds

Magnesium decline is a common cause of cluster headaches. In such people having nuts and seeds are beneficial. These nuts and seeds are rich in magnesium and fiber. Dietitian Sarah Thomsen Ferreira says:

“Prioritizing ample amounts of magnesium-rich foods daily is one of the best ways to keep these headaches at bay,”

Cashews, flax seeds, chia seeds, and pumpkin seeds have a lot of magnesium. Pumpkin seeds also have a lot of fiber that can help bowel movements and fight constipation. Constipation can also lead to headaches.

Herbal teas

Headache-relieving foods
Herbal tea can decrease headaches (Source: Candy)

An infusion of herbs and leaves such as that peppermint is good for headache relief or sinus inflammation. Wynne explains:

“Peppermint can be effective in relieving sinus pressure,”

“Peppermint oil is used as an essential oil for headache or migraine. You could put peppermint oil or fresh peppermint in a cup of hot water and inhale the steam and also drink the liquid,”

The infusion also provides adequate water to correct dehydration.

International Journal of Preventive Medicine carried an article in 2019 that showed that a drop of peppermint oil (diluted) put into the nose relieving headaches in 42% of the recruits.


Headache-relieving foods
Berries (Source: Egg and plant)

Delicious berries of all types have a lot of antioxidants. On this, Wynne has this to say:

“Eating things that are high in antioxidants can help to relieve sinus pressure over time,” 

Read more: Hepatitis A outbreak in the USA and Canada linked to contaminated strawberries!

Smaller-sized fruits have a higher risk of contamination from pesticides. Hence dietitians recommend eating organic berries.