Diabetes mellitus calls for omission of sugary drinks from the diet. This is difficult for some people. But it becomes simple if they know the healthier alternatives in drinks and beverages. Which drinks or teas can diabetics take with no guilt or fear?
Diabetes mellitus
Diabetes mellitus is a condition of elevated blood sugar levels. Both the fasting as well as post-meals blood sugar levels go high. This could be due to less insulin secretion from the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas or due to insulin resistance in the body.
Diabetes is of two types: type 1 that occurs in young age and is brittle type, and type 2 which comes later in life and is relatively less brittle. The first things doctors tell to delete from the food menu of diabetics are sugary drinks and foods. They cannot have soda, soft drinks etc. Nowadays, people are so dependent on these carbonated drinks that they find it hard to lead a life without them. But there are healthy alternatives that people with diabetes can consume.

Dietitian Lori Zanini from Dana Point, CA says:
“Tea is a great choice for individuals with diabetes — it can be a carb-free way to provide hydration and antioxidants,”
Another dietitian, Julie Stefanski based in Pennsylvania adds:
“One meta-analysis of tea and its effects on the risk for developing diabetes concluded that drinking three or more cups of tea per day was linked to a lower risk of diabetes,”
Green tea
This is a great option for diabetics. It prevents diabetes and controls blood sugar in those who have it. This tea brings down body fat and waistline and prevents obesity that can complicate diabetes. Nutritionist Erin Palinski-Wade states:
“Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) in green tea has been found to increase the uptake of glucose into muscle cells,”
Black tea or oolong tea
Both of these can prevent and manage high blood sugar levels. Innumerable studies have confirmed this advantage of black tea.
Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea gives a restful sleep. Julie explains:
“Diabetes is considered an inflammatory state, and along with proper food intake, good quality sleep is important in reducing inflammation,”

Further Erin adds:
“Chamomile tea has also been associated with improved insulin sensitivity and glucose management and may help to reduce oxidative stress in the body.”
Ginger tea
Studies have shown its benefit in blood sugar control. It improves glycemic control when taken for 3 months. It increases insulin sensitivity and enhances action of the enzymes of carb metabolism.
Hibiscus tea
It is refreshing as well good for diabetic control. Erin states:
“Drinking eight ounces of hibiscus tea twice daily was found to reduce systolic blood pressure in individuals with diabetes in a one-month period, which is especially good news for this population, as they are at a higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease,”
Rooibos or red tea
Laboratory data reveals that red tea can decrease weight. This aids in better blood sugar control. It assists in halting the progress of the disease. Additionally, it prevents further complications related to the disease. One study also showed that it decreases bad cholesterol in the body and protects the heart, brain, and blood vessels.

Read more: What is red tea or Rooibos? Health benefits and safety
Moreover, peppermint tea can calm the mind, reduce stress and help indirectly in sugar control. Peppermint aromatherapy helps in a similar way.