
Constipation is a common problem. And it affects everything in our life for that day. Some people have this problem perennially. This is upsetting. Research says that bowels should move everyday for good health. Which are the foods to eat to prevent and treat this condition?

Constipation and its ill-effects

Constipation is a common problem in the world. It commonly affects people who eat little or they eat less of foods containing dietary fiber. Due to this, the person feels backed up and bloated. Hard stools can give rise to anal fissures and fissure in ano. The person may also get back ache and headaches. There might be abdominal discomfort and lack of concentration or willingness to work. Some even experience leg pains due to it. Medicines have their own side effects. And chronic constipation is a risk factor for colon cancer.

Highly processed refined foods, less water intake, low dietary fiver, and sedentary lifestyle cause constipation. Sydney Greene, dietitian states:

“Constipation can be due to a lack of fluid intake. Staying adequately hydrated is important for optimal digestion,”

But the good news is that there are certain foods that can help relieve this problem.

Chia seeds

Chia seeds (Source: Sharmis Passions)

Add it to smoothie or pudding or a fruit juice. Sydney adds:

These seeds swell to 10 times their size when in contact with fluids,”

Its gel like consistency softens and lubricates stools and improve bowel movement.


These have a lot of dietary fiber that adds roughage to stools and regulates bowel movements. Sydney says:

One cup of raspberries contains 8 grams of soluble fiber, which adds bulk to stool,”

Ground flax seeds

Whole flax seeds, ground flax seeds, and flax seeds added to bread and cookies can help improve bowel movements. They have soluble fiber and can be a great snack.


These are rich in fiber that can aid digestion and improve the bowel motion. Dietitian Lisa Moskovitz says:

[Beans are] good sources of constipation-relieving fiber,”

“Because [the fiber in beans is] non-digestible, it can help push waste through your intestines more quickly and efficiently,”


Quinoa (Source: Love and lemons)

Carb which is healthy is present in quinoa. It gives a feeling of fullness and also overcomes constipation. One cup of it gives 11 g fiber.


One cup of prunes has 12 g of fiber. It has the laxative sorbitol too. Lisa explains:

“[Sorbitol] is a type of sugar alcohol naturally found in these plant foods that is poorly digested and attracts water into your intestines, making bowel movements easier,”


It has fiber, magnesium and sorbitol. All help bowel frequency. It has both soluble as well as insoluble fiber.

Dark green leaves

These leaves contain ample quantities of dietary fiber. Sydney adds that these edible leaves also have a lot of magnesium. This mineral is good to overcome constipation.

Read more: 7 nutrition tips for good health in people above the age of 60 years!


Yoghurt (Source: IE)

Curd or Yoghurt is good for the digestive tract. It has a lot of healthy bacteria. These keep the gut healthy and boost immune function. The digestion emptying and frequency improves and constipation is prevented.