Totally vegan diet

Vegan Chef Babette is 70 years old now. But she feels and looks 40 years of age. What is the secret of her beauty and health? Babette attributes it to her totally vegan diet and lifestyle.

Vegan Chef Babette and her ageless beauty

The noted vegan Chef Babette is currently 70 years of age. But she glows like a 40 year old woman. Her health has also shown improvement. She attributes all this to her lifestyle change. She adopted veganism at her real age of 40 years after she met her husband. Her husband cooked s vegan meal for her on their first date. Babette recalled:

“I gave up meat overnight and I noticed I started feeling better.”

She adds:

I look and I feel amazing, at least like I’m 40 – and you can too.”

She now enjoys her feeling of three decades younger. Her looks also defy her age.

Totally vegan diet
Vegan chef (Source: xoNecole)

Babette’s health improvement

Babette also claims that she had a number of health issues before. These included asthma, eczema, and earaches. But after turning to a totally vegan diet, all these ailments disappeared. She states:

As I eliminated dairy, I stopped having asthma attacks, eczema started clearing up, and no more problems with my ears.”

And gradually, her health enhanced and her looks improved. It looked as if her youth has returned.

Totally vegan diet
Vegan foods (Source: Healthline)

The vegan lifestyle increased the glow of the chef’s skin. She was also able after it to digest her food easily and better. Babette feels that this change was like a miracle in her life. Now she eats not for the purpose of just eating. Her purpose has shifted to that of nutrition.

Babette cut down on her intake of crisps and fizzy drinks. She was so much influenced by this changeover that she converted it into a business. She started her own restaurant catering to vegan customers and named it Stuff I Eat.

Totally vegan diet and benefits

The website The Vegan review states that plant-based foods are high in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. All these have a beneficial effect on the quality of the skin. The website writes:

Vitamin C stimulates collagen production, while vitamin A is important for developing and maintaining skin cells.”

“Vitamin E can slow ageing and diminish the appearance of scars. All of these can be found in a healthy plant-based diet.”

Totally vegan diet
Vegan meal at Stuff I Eat restaurant, Inglewood, CA (Source: Foursquare)

Additionally, plant foods have ample quantities of fiber. This regulates the bowel movements and prevents constipation. It brings down blood cholesterol and prevents high blood sugar spikes. Moreover, fiber boosts the immune function and fights inflammation of the body. All these contribute to prevention of chronic diseases.

Read more: Hypercholesterolemia: one food can lower it by 30% in 4 weeks!

Foods sourced from plants also do not have cholesterol in them. They have no or low saturated fats and do not cause an elevation of bad fats in the blood. Some like nuts and seeds have omega fatty acids in them which are healthy for the body. Oil of the skin gets lessened and skin glow improves.