American singer and songwriter, Bruce Springsteen is 73 now. But he continues to write hit songs that top the music charts. He also has a podcast and is very much active in his field even today. He shares his diet secrets that provides him with the strength and energy to be active at this advanced age.
Bruce Springsteen
Who does not know Bruce Springsteen? This famous singer and songwriter from the USA has a roaring career. Even at the advanced age of 73 years, he is unstoppable. Bruce has been giving hit songs and music that continue to rule the music charts. He has a big fan following and is also active on his podcast. This podcast is in partnership with his old friend and former President of the USA, Barack Obama.

What keeps him active and fit at this advanced age? Bruce attributes his great going life to his diet. He has adopted a diet that keeps him fit and active throughout the day. It takes him forward and allows him to perform all his tasks and duties diligently. That is the secret of his long and healthy life too.
Bruce talks about his diet secrets
Recently, Bruce was talking to his friend and co-musician, Tom McGraw. This interview was for Apple Music and Bruce spoke about his lifestyle and dietary choices. Bruce revealed:
“The biggest thing is diet, diet, diet. I don’t eat too much, and I don’t eat bad food, except for every once in a while when I want to have some fun for myself.”

And he stressed:
“So I think anybody that’s trying to get in shape, exercise is always important of course, but diet is 90 percent of the game.”
For Bruce, exercise is vital but not as much as diet. Diet for him is of prime importance. Bruce elaborated:
“I don’t do that much right now,”
“I lift a little weight to stay toned, I may get on the treadmill.And I walk, I don’t run anymore.”
The threadmill incident
This talk led the two men to the story and incident on the treadmill that Bruce had. But the singer was hesitant to discuss on that subject more. He just said:
“If anybody’s come off a treadmill at about 60 miles per hour, that’s what happened to me.”
Bruce probably had a minor accident on the treadmill when it was at high speed.

Even research has shown that diet counts when it comes to life longevity. By simply changing the diet, the healthy change itself adds 13 years to an individual’s life. The study on this was published in the reputed medical academic journal PLOS Medicine.
In this study, the researchers studied the impact on longevity of life in men and women who changed their typical Western diet to an optimized diet. The former diet had a lot of red meat and processed meat while the latter diet emphasized on eating more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts.
For a woman who starts a healthier diet at 20 years, she gains 10 years more of her life. And for a men starting to eat in a healthy way at 20 years, he gets 13 years more life. If the woman started healthy eating at 60 years, she would have 8 years more of life. And for men, healthy diet could lead to 9 years more of life if they start it at 60 years of age.
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Plant based diet can add around 3.5 years more if started at 80 years for both men and women. Legumes, whole grains and nuts contribute the most to life longevity.