Quick weight loss

People who want to shed that extra fat of their body may at times find it extremely difficult to do so. They want a quick weight loss and reach their set goals soon. But that goal remains unachievable or it takes a very long time to achieve it. Here are 5 foods that the slimmer can incorporate in the diet to get the fit and trim body in a shorter time.

Quick weight loss tips

Christmas is coming soon. People want to enjoy it at the utmost. They want to have treats but also wish to not put on weight. Some people want to lose weight before they meet their close relatives and friends.

But losing weight could be an arduous task. To reach the set goal can be difficult for many people. How then to have a quick weight loss? Experts say that both diet and exercise are vital in order to shed those extra fats faster. Both carbs and proteins play a key role in diet to lose weight and go from flab to fab. But healthy and balanced eating with exercise matters a lot.

Experts from Breaking Muscle advise weight losers to have 5 types of foods to ensure that their exercise routine bears fruit.

What experts say?

A spokesperson for the center says:

It can often take time to become familiar with the right workouts for your fitness goals, and to add to that, it can be challenging finding where to start when it comes to the best foods to eat. Thankfully, there are plenty of foods packed with the important nutrients that fit different fitness goals, whether that’s to increase muscle mass, lose weight, or both.”

It’s essential that those who are into exercise understand that meals and snacks don’t need to be anything complicated, and something as simple as oatmeal and bananas for breakfast won’t take a chunk of time out of a busy day.”

Quick weight loss
Quick weight loss is desirous (Source: Pinterest)

Greek yoghurt

It has high protein. And experts state:

With low fat, calories, and even sugar, it helps to promote weight loss while simultaneously building muscle. As well as this, it contains probiotics to improve your immune and digestive health to contribute to a healthy gut biome. Add a handful of almond to the yoghurt for an even more effective snack, as one ounce has six grams of protein.”

Brown rice

On this, experts from the center say:

Containing fibre, complex carbohydrates, proteins, and antioxidants – and with healthy fat, it supplies your body with long-term energy during workouts. Plus, the high-fibre causes your body to feel more full, thus reducing your intake of calories to help with weight loss. Pair with kidney or black beans for an increased intake of protein to contribute to lower body weight and lean muscle gain.”

Quick weight loss
Brown rice quickens weight loss (Source: Simply recipes)

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Why oatmeal is good? The Breaking Muscle trainers say:

Not only does it provide complex carbohydrates and protein to aid your workout progress, but it is rich in fiber too. Plus, you can add in extras for more flavour like berries which contains inflammation-fighting antioxidants that help your body to heal after exercise.”


Eggs have the most bioavailable protein:

“To help muscle gain and weight loss, poached or boiled eggs are the healthiest way to consume them as they retain most of their nutrients and don’t require adding more calories from extras such as oil. Serve your eggs with whole grain bread for a high intake of protein and fibre.”

Sweet potatoes

Quick weight loss
Sweet potatoes have water and fiber (Source: Times food)

It has water and fiber in it and can assist weight loss. On it, the experts state:

Not to mention, they contain vitamin A, potassium, and riboflavin to name a few, which all aid the muscle building process. A flavourful pairing for sweet potatoes is red peppers which are filled with anti-inflammatory antioxidants to ease any pain after a workout.”