Lauren Pisciotta
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Who Is Lauren Pisciotta?

American social media star, manager of artists, and fitness model Lauren Pisciotta. She was first identified as Niykee Heaton’s manager, a well-known pop singer and internet celebrity.

When people discovered Lauren’s incredible body, they started online following her right away.

She eventually rose to fame online as a result of this. She now travels the world and collaborates with Niykee on fitness photo assignments.

Lauren consistently finds time to work out despite leading a busy life. She will make do with bodyweight exercises if she doesn’t have access to a weight facility.

Lauren has no justifications. She puts in a lot of effort to achieve her objectives both inside and outside of the gym, leading by example.

Body Measurements Of Lauren Pisciotta 

Full Name: Lauren Pisciotta
PROFESSION: Social Media Star, Fitness Model, Artist Manager
ERA: 2010


  • Musician Manager
  • Exercise Model
  • Star of Social Media


Short Career of Lauren Pisciotta Lauren Pisciotta

Exercises that help Lauren maintain a trim, slim physique include aerobic and weight training, which helps her build and tone her muscles.

Lauren Pisciotta might train anywhere between twice a week and six times a week, depending on how hectic her life gets.

One thing that never varies, though, is her commitment to working out; each time she visits the gym, she exerts herself to the fullest.

Glute ExerciseLauren Pisciotta

Lauren’s glutes are the result of her dedication and perseverance at the gym.

Lauren Pisciotta used numerous approaches and routines that encourage muscle growth while working out with weights several times a week to build them.

Squats, deadlifts, lunges, and barbell hip thrusts are some of her go-to exercises for building glute strength.

The majority of these are compound exercises that target several muscles in Lauren’s body, mainly her legs and glutes.

Deadlifts help Lauren keep her tight abs by strengthening her low back and core. Here is what Lauren’s glute exercise would resemble;

  • 3-5 sets of 12 repetitions of squats
  • 3 sets of 12 repetitions of Romanian Deadlifts
  • 3 sets of 12 reps of hip thrusts
  • Also, 3 sets of 10-step lunges
  • 3 sets of 18+ repetitions of cable glute kickbacks

Nutrition (Diet Plan)Lauren Pisciotta

Lauren prefers to make her diet straightforward. She places more emphasis on eating entire foods, which provide her body with all the nutrients it needs to stay healthy and lean, rather than counting every calorie.

Lean meat, plant-based proteins like beans, and egg whites are her go-to protein sources. She also consumes complex carbohydrates, which provide her muscles with more glycogen and keep her robust for exercise.


Lauren will occasionally take vitamins for convenience even if she isn’t a huge lover of them.

For instance, if she is too busy to prepare a nutritious dinner, she may choose a natural meal replacement shake that will provide her with all the nutrients she would otherwise obtain from whole foods.

What Lauren Pisciotta Teaches Us?

Whether it’s at the gym or outside, Lauren Pisciotta always works to achieve her objectives. Her main priorities are expanding her clientele and winning over as many people as she can. Lauren’s progress is motivated by a great deal of passion.

She demonstrates how doing something you genuinely love makes it not feel like work. Do everything you do with heart, passion, and a drive to achieve.

You can achieve greatness in that way, just like Lauren Pisciotta did.