A new study of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) had heartening results. It showed that one in three people surveyed revealed that they have changed their diet in the last two years in order to save the planet. This means that they are now placing environment above eating for their own physical needs and desires.
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) study
The US study of Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) surveyed people about their eating habits. And it showed that people are convinced that they need to change their diet habits in order to save the planet and slow the climate change. They are now eating environment-fueled foods and are giving importance to their personal values over their personal taste and physical needs.

The study showed that 31% of those questioned about their diet accepted to having changed it to meet their new personal values to prevent global warming. Moreover, this change took place in the last two years in them. MSC states:
“Following a summer of life-threatening heat waves, extreme storms, unprecedented flooding and other weather events exacerbated by climate change, some shoppers are taking control of their impact on the environment through their food choices,”
The effects of global warming is already creating disasters and natural calamities. The Northern hemisphere witnessed a bad drought this summer. A report of the Joint Research Centre reveals that Europe this year got only 20% of the usual rainfall. Sdritionalpy, FAO also stated that Sindh province of Pakistan produces a third of the country’s food. But this monsoon was extremely heavy and the area got 6 times the average rainfall. This destroyed a number of crops.
Details of the study
Three in ten people surveyed reported having changed their first in the last two years. They have started eco-friendly diet incorporating foods that have zero or less carbon footprints. Reasons cited for this change were to consume more sustainably sourced food in 17%..11% said it was to reduce climate change impact. And in 9% it was to protect seas and oceans.

Most change was done by Californians. 4 out of ten surveyed there said that they changed their eating behavior for the sake of saving the planet and preventing global warming. In 2022, Innova Market Insights’ Top Trend for F&B also revealed that there are a growing population of consumers who prioritize planetary health above their eating for their own physical health.
But certain countries….
Globally, more and more people are opting for foods that are sourced in a sustainable way. It should be in a neutral carbon footprint way and affect the planet and climate positively.
Read more: Environmental impact of foods: which are the worst foods for it?

But unfortunately, there are some countries that are not doing much for the sake of saving the planet and preventing natural catastrophes. Planet health is not getting its due importance and attention from policy makers of these countries. Innova Market Insights has stated that major countries of the world such as Spain, the UK and the US are not thinking about planet health. There has been political instability and economic uncertainty in these nations. This has led to job losses and insecurity which has dwarfed efforts in the direction to change diet and save the planet.