Gut problems

Are you suffering from gut problems? Do you have stomach discomfort and pains which increase off and on? You are not alone. There are many patients who suffer from gut issues and are unable to have a solution for it. Surveys have shown that around 12% of people residing in the USA have an irritable bowel syndrome. And 60 to 70 million in the USA have inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis).

There are certain foods that can worsen it. Hence, you should avoid these foods in order to ease your stomach pain and ease the digestion.

The new study on gut problems

A significant number of people in the USA suffer from gut problems. These might be as an irritable bowel syndrome or IBS and inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. The latter includes the two chronic inflammatory entities of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.

Gut problems
IBD (Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine)

These diseases cause victims to have chronic abdominal upset with aches and pains. This may be excruciating or just annoying. The discomfort can upset your daily routine and also the quality of your life.

Researchers from the University of Manitoba and the University of Alberta published a study in the journal Gastroenterology. They studied patients with IBD and tried to know the effect of fiber on their colonic tissue taken during biopsy.


The study showed that participants who were suffering from IBD were unable to digest properly the unfermented dietary β-fructan fibers. Upon ingestion, these induced more inflammation and caused more symptoms in them.

Susan Bowerman, is the senior director of Worldwide Nutrition Education and Training at Herbalife Nutrition. She said:

“The findings of this study may help to move nutritional guidance to patients on a more personalized, individualized basis—what the authors refer to as ‘precision nutrition,'”

Gut problems
Beta fructans (Source: Wikipedia)

She continued:

We are moving away from a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to managing those with IBS or IBD, and this information provides more insight into the effects that specific types of dietary fibers may have in certain individuals with these symptoms.”

Susan adds that these beta-fructans are in many healthy foods. They are harmless for normal people who can continuing having them. But in those with gut inflammation and its symptoms, it is best to forego foods containing it.

Foods to avoid

These fibers are ample in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. These are also all healthy foods from plant sources. Susan explains:

Avoiding Beta fructans means avoiding specific foods that contain them: grapefruit, bananas, dates, prunes, foods in the onion family, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, and certain grains, beans and nuts.”

Gut problems
Fiber rich foods (Source: Styles at life)

But quickly she adds:

That because Beta fructans are widespread in foods, consultation with a registered dietitian who specializes in digestive disorders would be valuable in order to ensure that a balanced diet will still be consumed after you remove these fiber-heavy foods.”

Also, read Dietary fiber: advantages and content in individual foods!

Fiber is an important nutrient but it can worsen symptoms in people with inflammatory gut. Dietitians can help to have them without problems.