Respiratory diseases

Illnesses are unavoidable many times. Respiratory diseases commonly afflict humans. And the symptoms vary but can affect quality of life. Medicines help relieve symptoms but may have side effects. Diet does play a role in diseases. Certain foods aggravate symptoms while other foods ease them.

Foods and respiratory diseases

Respiratory diseases are commonplace. Season changes bring with them a lot of viral infections. And most of these affect the respiratory system with or without other system involvement. Some symptoms may be troublesome. Doctors prescribe medicines for easing them but the drugs come with their own side effects. Foods that we eat also influence our symptoms. Some worsen whole others mitigate them. Which foods are best and worst for these respiratory symptoms.

Running nose

Respiratory diseases
Running nose is uncomfortable (Source: Medical news today)

This is difficult when you have work or are outdoors. Taking a hot water shower and drinking warm tea can help. The founder of, Lauren Slayton, says:

“Try Wakaya Ginger tea.”

Ginger has antioxidant, astringent, and anti-inflammatory properties that decreases the nasal drip. Lauren adds:

“Apple cider and lemon in water works well, too,”

But avoid spicy foods and alcohol. They can worsen the running of the nose.

Sore throat

This is another common symptom of upper airways infection. Foods that help moisten your throat are good. These include lozenges, hard candies, and other fluids. Have soft and creamy foods like mashed potatoes, creamy soups, yoghurt, custards, scrambled eggs etc.

But hard foods such as chips, granola, nuts could increase trouble. Acidic juices and fruits also can harm.

Stuffed nose

In this, there is a nose block. Nasal mucosa is swollen and inflammed making breathing difficult. Hot water shower and humidifier helps. Turmeric milk helps in healing the nasal block. But avoid sugars and spicy food. These can worsen symptoms.

Respiratory diseases
Body aches accompany respiratory illnesses (Source: 1mg)

Body aches

This commonly accompanies cold or flu. Also, it might be due to overuse of muscles after a laborious day in the garden or at work. The internist from the Orange Coast Memorial Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California, Kristine Arthur states:

“For general muscle aches, food containing magnesium or calcium may help ease soreness,”

Calcium rich foods are yoghurt, green leafy vegetables, fortified orange juice, and canned salmon. While foods high in magnesium include nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables, dried beans and whole grains.

Dehydrating fluids like alcohol and coffee worsens the condition.


Respiratory diseases
Earache (Source: Westside head and neck)

This is a common accompaniment of upper airways infection. Therefore, foods to clear upper airways also assist in relieving this symptom. Chicken soup, and warm clear fluids ease the congestion and offer relief from ear ache. Nuts and salmon are good for decreasing inflammation due to their omega 3 fatty acid content. Vitamin C helps boost immunity. Foods rich in this vitamin include oranges, green leafy vegetables and berries.

Read here: What is ginger infusion? Preparation, health benefits and side effects!

Often, milk can worsen the pain because it thickens phlegm. But yoghurt is an exception since it has probiotics. Kristine adds:

Stay away from processed and packaged foods, too, which increase inflammation and lengthen the recovery process.”