Craig Golias
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Who is Craig Golias?

One of the largest bodybuilders in the world, Craig Goliath, often known as “Goliath,” stands 6’3″ tall and weighs an amazing 350 lbs.

He has garnered a lot of notoriety in the internet fitness and bodybuilding scene thanks to his incredible figure.

Short Career of Craig Golias

When Craig Golias was about 20 years old, he started his bodybuilding career. Craig was a tall and trim youth growing up.

Like the bodybuilders he read about in publications, he desired to get bigger and turn into a “giant” man. He then began eating multiple times daily and doing weights.

Craig would work out nonstop, hardly ever taking a break from his weightlifting. Craig gradually began to see the results of his dedication and discipline as he grew considerably larger.

Since then, Craig has developed into a fitness phenomenon and competitive bodybuilder, winning titles at events like the Mr. and Ms. Muscle Beach Bodybuilding and Figure Contest and the Los Angeles Bodybuilding Championships.

“From 150lbs to 350lbs! Anything is possible if you believe! Set a goal! Create a desire to achieve and the rest is history.”

Body Measurements of Craig Golias

Full Name: Craig Golias
ALIAS: Goliath
ERA: 2000, 2010
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder, Fitness Model
WEIGHT: Over 310lbs (140.6kg)
HEIGHT: 6’3″ (190.5cm)

“Just want to thank everyone who leaves positive feedback on my pages! Your honestly the motivation I have to push towards my goals. And for the negative comments, they push me forward as well.

To go out of your way and tell me I’m so big that I’m near death is actually a compliment to me. I’ve been checked and everything is healthy for my size. I might be a bit sluggish but it’s worth it to be able to chase dreams and accomplish goals.”

Craig Golias



“Cardio is ok sometimes! As long as you make up for it later by eating delicious treats!!!”


Training Week for Craig Golias

Six days a week, Craig Golias works out in the gym. Except when he wants to quickly reduce his body fat, he doesn’t undertake cardio.

In that situation, he will perform daily steady-state cardio for an hour until he meets his objective.

I detest cardio and only do it when I’m dieting. LOL, when I’m on a diet, I work out for an hour every day.

Craig’s training week looks like this;

  • Monday – Chest, and Hamstrings
  • Tuesday – Arms
  • Wednesday – Back
  • Thursday – Calves
  • Friday – Shoulders
  • Saturday – Quads
  • Sunday – Rest

Favorite Workouts

Craig claims that the only things he enjoys are “chest days.” Every time he works out in the gym to build his pecs, he feels inspired and content.

However, Craig claims that some body parts, such as the legs, “aren’t as pleasant and I detest quad days because I train them so hard. I have to work harder to gain weight because I get sick so frequently. – Golias Craig

Flexibility Exercises

To maintain his body’s flexibility, Craig stretches as frequently as he can. At his size, he claims it might be challenging to maintain flexibility without stretching.

He therefore always stretches, even if it is only for five minutes, following each session.

He either does simple, all-over stretches or stretches specific muscles that he trained that day. For instance, if Craig worked out his chest, he would probably stretch his shoulders and chest afterward.


Diet of Craig

Craig Golias maintains a solid, lean figure despite his enormous size. He achieves this by consuming a diet rich in foods and shakes that are high in protein and help him build lean muscle.

Weight gainer smoothies, which are high in protein and low in glycemic carbohydrates, make up about half of Craig’s diet.

They provide him with the energy needed for his lengthy and demanding gym sessions, which also enable him to gain muscle while he is sleeping thanks to slow-released protein.