7 Best Lower Back Workouts with Dumbbells (with Pictures) (1)
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The strength and stability of your lower back are essential to growing your body in a way that makes it look and function at its best.

Consequently, it becomes crucial to effectively train your lower back muscles if you want to prevent injuries during your lifting adventure.

You can perform several compound lifts, like the squat and deadlift, with good form thanks to your lower back strength.

So, what constitutes effective lower back exercise? You may work out your lower back muscles in a variety of ways, which will give them a wonderful workout.

We’ll be shedding some light on some of the top dumbbell lower back workouts in this piece.

Dumbbells allow you a wider range of motion while also giving you an efficient workout in the convenience of your own home. Simply a pair of dumbbells is all that is needed to do the lower back exercises with dumbbells that we have outlined in this article.

So, if you’ve decided to strengthen your lower back, this post will be of great use to you. Let’s get going.

What Will I Discover?7 Best Lower Back Workouts with Dumbbells (with Pictures)

7 top dumbbell lower back exercises

You must put a lot of focus on strengthening your lower back muscles if you want to develop a back that supports you while you engage in a variety of sports activities and appears big.

The nice part about using dumbbells to work your lower back is that you don’t necessarily need to go to the gym.

With the lower back dumbbell workouts shown below, you can still give your lower back muscles a solid workout even if you only have a pair of dumbbells at home.

Good morning dumbbell

One of the best dumbbell exercises for the lower back is the “good morning.”

When you execute the Good Mornings exercise with dumbbells, you have a wider range of motion. It is also a fantastic choice for novices who want to train their lower back safely.

Why is it crucial@?

You can primarily target the muscles in your lower back by performing dumbbells in good mornings. However, they also partially work your glutes and hamstrings.

Dumbbell good mornings help to strengthen the muscles in your spine. Include them in your lower back training program. As a result, you perform squats more effectively on one hand and learn how to perform some exercises with the right posture.


  • Hip-width apart, place your feet firmly on the ground.
  • Now take a dumbbell and grip one end in each hand, grabbing it with both hands.
  • Put the dumbbell behind your head, resting it on your upper traps, while raising your arms.
  • The knees should be bent slightly to begin the exercise. Push your hips back as you lean forward. Your hamstrings will begin to feel slightly stretched. For one second, maintain this posture.
  • Bring your upper body back to the beginning position at the end. Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise.
    Repeat as many sets and reps as needed.

Hyperextensions with dumbbells

Dumbbell hyperextension is a good exercise to use if you want to improve the strength of your lower back muscles.

Your hips and lower back muscles are worked throughout execution, which helps to strengthen them.

Why is it crucial?

One of the most fundamental dumbbell exercises for the lower back, dumbbell hyperextensions develop your lower back through its full range of motion without endangering it in any way. However, when you first begin this workout, you must remember to use light dumbbells.


  • Dumbbells of the right weight should be placed in front of the hyperextension bench. Once you are in the position to do the exercise, you can also request that your training partner give you the dumbbell.
  • Put your thighs on the pads of the hyperextension bench and sit down. Your hips must be parallel to the pads’ upper border. Hook your feet under the bench’s leg pads to stabilize your body.
  • Lift the dumbbell off the ground by carefully angling your upper body until it is virtually perpendicular to your lower body.
  • With both hands, hold the dumbbell against your chest.
  • Lean your upper body forward gradually until it almost makes a straight angle with your lower body while maintaining balance and engaging your core. You must act with a straight back.
  • Using your hamstrings and glutes, elevate your upper body until it is parallel to your lower body. Holding your lower back in a flexed position, hold it for about a minute or two.
  • For the required number of times, repeat the aforementioned steps.

Weighted Deadlift

A wonderful exercise that promotes both strength and size increases is the deadlift. Perform deadlifts to efficiently exercise your lower back muscles in addition to several muscle groups at once.

Why is it crucial?

The correct execution of a dumbbell deadlift helps to relieve back discomfort, avoid lifting-related injuries, and enhance muscle coordination in addition to strengthening the lower back muscles.

Dumbbell deadlifts should therefore play a significant role in your lower back training program.


  • Holding a dumbbell in each hand, take a hip-width stance.
  • Arms should remain at your sides. Face your palms toward your outside thighs.
  • The knees should be bent slightly to begin the exercise. Maintain a straight spine, engage your core, and drive your hips back.
  • Continue until the dumbbells are touching the ground.
  • Hold this position for a brief moment before using your leg drive to elevate your body slowly back to the starting position.
  • Repeat as many sets and reps as needed.

Deadlift in Romania with dumbbells

A variation of the standard dumbbell deadlift is the Romanian deadlift. Performing a Romanian deadlift with dumbbells is an excellent strength-building exercise in addition to efficiently engaging your lower back muscles.

Why is it crucial?

Dumbbell Romanian deadlifts work your glutes and hamstrings at the same time. When doing this lower back dumbbell workout, you must be careful with your lifting technique.


  • Standing firmly on the floor with your feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, begin the exercise. The front of your thighs must be facing your palms.
  • By softly bending your knees and pushing your hips back, slowly tilt your upper body forward while maintaining spinal neutrality.
  • Lean your upper body forward until your palms are just over knee level. In this position, your hamstrings will feel stretched.
  • Hold this position for one to two seconds before slowly lifting your upper body and straightening your legs to return to the beginning position.
  • Repeat as many sets and reps as needed.

Side hip raise with dumbbells

Your lower back can be strengthened via dumbbell side hip raises. With just one dumbbell and some room, you may complete the exercise in the convenience of your own house.

Why is it crucial?

This exercise not only strengthens and trains your lower back muscles but also your hip abductor muscles.

The dumbbell side hip raise can help you in that regard if you’re willing to lose more inches off your side waists.

Your obliques might then be shaped as a result. You can also help yourself by doing the dumbbell side hip raise to relieve back pain.


  • Your right side should be facing the floor while you lay on the ground. Put your elbows directly behind your shoulders and your right forearm on the ground. At this time, your forearms will form a right angle with your upper arms.
  • Next, flex your right knee to a 90-degree angle.
  • Put a dumbbell on your left hip while holding it in your left hand.
  • Lifting your right hip off the ground will start the motion. Keep your body in this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Next, slowly bring your right hip down until it is touching the floor.
  • For the required number of sets and reps on both sides, repeat the previously indicated processes.

Donut Bird Dog

Some dumbbell lower back workouts have a very straightforward setup and execution. The dumbbell bird dog is one such exercise, just like the dumbbell side-hip raise. You don’t need need to go to the gym to perform it. You only need one dumbbell, that’s all.

Why is it crucial?

Its execution targets your core to some level and gives it good exercise in addition to strengthening the muscles in your lower back. You may even decide to tie ankle weights to your legs for additional resistance during this workout.


  • Get down on all fours and place your knees and palms on the floor-positioned workout mat. Make sure to maintain a straight back. Your right hand should be pronated while holding a dumbbell.
  • Tighten your abs and raise your right hand till it is parallel to the floor to begin the movement. Your palms need to be on the ground.
  • Raise your left leg behind you until it is parallel to the floor at the same moment. Keep your body in this position for 5 to 10 seconds.
  • Return to the beginning posture by carefully lowering your right arm and left leg.
  • Next, carry out the identical motions with your right leg and left arm.
  • Execute the specified amount of reps and sets.
  • Weights Superman

Another excellent exercise that strengthens the lower back muscles is the Superman exercise with dumbbells. One of the simplest dumbbell workouts for the lower back is this one.

All you need is some room and a set of dumbbells to perform it. The nicest part of this workout is that you don’t necessarily have to be extraordinarily athletic to complete it.

Why is it crucial?

By using dumbbells in the superman motion, you may exercise and improve your lower back muscles as well as your glutes and core.

One of the most straightforward dumbbell lower back workouts is the Superman exercise. However, it is still one of the best lower-back dumbbell workouts.


  • Lie face down on the floor prone to begin this exercise. Stretch your legs behind you and your hands out in front of you. Maintain a neutral head position.
  • Hold a light dumbbell in each hand at this point.
  • To strike the soaring position of Superman, simultaneously raise your arms and legs as high as you can. This position will cause your lower back to begin to flex.
  • Hold on to this pose for one to two seconds.
  • Now, simultaneously descend your arms and legs to the ground to slowly return to the beginning position.
    Repeat as many sets and reps as needed.

A Conclusion

The lower back workouts with dumbbells listed in this post can do wonders for your lower back’s strength, flexibility, and mobility. All you have to do is include them in your exercise regimen.

Along with properly exercising your lower back muscles, you must also plan for rest and recovery if you want to build them up. Therefore, it is not at all advised to train them every day.