Everyone has suffered headaches at some point in their lives. The causes are varied. It is necessary to find the root causes of this problem especially if it is chronic.
But do you know that certain foods can trigger headaches? If you are experiencing frequent headaches, look into this aspect of the cause of headache especially if you find it remains unrelieved with medicines and treatment. Which are these headache-causing foods?
Foods that can cause headaches
The causes of headaches are many. It is best to consult a medical expert to know the reason for frequent head pains. The treatment from a medical person relieves most of these types of pains.
But at times, there is an incomplete relief. If this happens, try to check whether food is the causative agent for it. Certain foods can make your headaches worse. Which are these headache-causing foods?
Headache-causing foods
Below are 8 foods that can make your headache worse or trigger it. These foods precipitate an attack of migraine and hence one should avoid them if one is suffering from headaches.
Chocolates: notorious headache-causing food

Chocolates contain the ingredient caffeine and also beta-phenylethylamine which can trigger migraine attacks in certain patients. If you are one of them, avoid this food.
Artificial sweeteners
These are used as sugar replacements to sweeten foods without calories. But many of these sweeteners can precipitate an attack of migraine.
Aspartame is especially notorious in this respect. Most processed foods contain these artificial sweeteners. Hence it is best to keep away from foods containing these substances if you suffer from such headaches.
Monosodium glutamate or MSG

People fond of Chinese foods would be aware that this ingredient is common in almost all Chinese foods and is a food additive. It is the sodium form of glutamic acid and is considered safe.
The latter is naturally present in our body system. But in some people, MSG can trigger migraine attacks. The American Migraine Foundation data shows that 10 to 15% of people with migraine find this as the cause of their headaches.
Cured meats
These cured meats include deli meat, ham, hot dogs, and sausages. All such foods contain preservatives such as nitrates that give color and flavor to the food.
On reaching the body, this nitrate converts to nitric oxide. The latter is a vasodilator and can relax the blood vessels including those of the brain. This vasodilation of the cerebral vessels leads to headaches.

Aged cheese
Aged cheese contains tyramine. This substance results when the aging process causes the breakdown of the proteins present in the cheese. The content of tyramine is related directly to the aging of the cheese.
This can trigger headaches. The worst among the cheese are feta cheese, parmesan cheese, and blue cheese.
Pickled and fermented foods
These types of foods also have large amounts of the triggering factor, tyramine. Hence they can cause headaches. Foods in this category are pickles, kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, etc.
Also, read Banana peels: know all the uses and benefits of this food waste!
Frozen foods
These can also cause headaches. This is more so if one consumes frozen food items such as ice creams after exercise, after the body is overheated, or very quickly.
Salty foods
These foods are high in sodium. Sodium causes water retention and raises blood pressure. This in turn can lead to headaches of the throbbing type. Processed foods are high in sodium and are best avoided by these patients.