Geder Rocha
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Who Is Geder Rocha?

Unlike today, Geder Rocha wasn’t always involved in bodybuilding. In reality, his brothers urged him to start working on his physique, and at the age of 14, he went to his first gym session.

Short Career of Geder

Geder Rocha rapidly grew passionate about the lifting discipline and transitioned into a full-time competitor after being encouraged by the results he witnessed from training.

He won the Pro Card at the Arnold Amateur Ohio in 2017, less than a year after making his amateur debut. He has now been more successful both on and off the bodybuilding stage.

Here is his account:

Body Measurements of Geder

Full Name: Geder Rocha
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180cm)
WEIGHT: 205 – 215lbs (88.5 – 93.0kg)
PROFESSION: Lawyer, Men’s Physique Bodybuilder
ERA: 2010


Stats For Geder’s Bodybuilding

Geder Rocha


  • Sheru Classic Latin America Pro, Men’s Physique Division, 13th place
  • IFBB Governors Cup, Men’s Physique Division, 16th place


  • Olympia Amateur South America, Muscular Men’s Physique: over 174cm class, 5th place
  • Arnold Classic USA Amateur, Men’s Physique Class and Overall, 1st place


  • Arnold Classic South America (Amateur), Men’s Physique: up to 178cm class, 11th place


Bodybuilding Career

Geder Rocha

His older brothers first exposed Geder Rocha to bodybuilding.

Geder, at 14 years old, was excited to see his physique change as a result of weight training.

He quickly experienced “gains” in strength and size after listening to his older, wiser brothers. The young and aspirational Geder fell in love with bodybuilding as a result of the entire experience, inspiring him to take on bigger challenges in the shape of bodybuilding competitions.

Pro Card Triumph

Geder didn’t take bodybuilding long to commit to full-time, competing as a Men’s Physique athlete.

He competed in the 2017 Arnold Classic Amateur in Ohio after only one season. Geder impressively left that day’s competition with first place and a Pro Card.

A Successful Athlete

Geder is currently a successful bodybuilder and professional athlete.

He keeps raising the bar year after year for himself as well as other athletes he meets on the bodybuilding stage.

Training (Workout)

Geder Rocha

Geder Rocha practices bodybuilding like any other professional; during the “off-season,” he concentrates on hard compound movements to sculpt and shape his physique, while during the contest preparation period, he performs lighter workouts with more repetitions.

Geder selects exercises that are straightforward and fundamental:

  • Bench Press
  • Squats
  • Pull-ups
  • Deadlifts
  • T-Bar Rows
  • Leg Press
  • Biceps Curls
  • Triceps Extensions

Geder opposes “changing things up,” as do some sportsmen. Instead, he makes development by consistently lifting higher weights each month.

To maintain his muscle mass while cutting, he tries to lift as much weight as he can during his contest preparation.

Nutrition (Diet Plan)

Geder’s diet is all about simplicity and sticking to what works for him, just like his exercise.

He consumes standard bodybuilding fare like white rice with chicken, potatoes with fish and vegetables, and a lot of heart-healthy fats from avocados and olive oil.

Geder Rocha will lower his intake of calories from carbohydrates when he trims down for a competition. This will prevent insulin spikes, which can lead to weight gain, and keep him below his maintenance calorie intake.

Influences And Idols

Early influences on Geder came from his older brothers. They inspired Geder to start his bodybuilding career, and he hasn’t looked back since.

What Geder Rocha Can Teach Us?

No matter what your interest is, we can all aim to emulate Geder’s energy and excitement for bodybuilding.

Nothing is too huge to achieve if you put effort, focus, and dedication into it. as Geder has demonstrated to us.