TJ Hoban
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Who is TJ Hoban?

TJ Hoban is a WBFF Pro fitness model, actor, trainer, and business owner who is from the warm state of California.

He is one of the most sought-after fitness models in the business, having appeared on more than 150 magazine covers.

TJ Hoban, however, began his path as an underweight adolescent with low self-esteem and little sense of purpose.

I rebuke you. Take your time, push a little harder, concentrate more, and dig a little deeper.

Body Measurements of TJ Hoban

Full Name: TJ Hoban
ERA: 2010, 2000
PROFESSION: WBFF Pro Fitness Model, Coach, CEO
ALIAS: Mr. Abs
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180cm)
WEIGHT: 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)

“Here’s to those committed to health, longevity, and achieving goals. Keep striving and silence the critics with success. Respect.”

TJ Hoban


  • WBFF Pro Fitness Model
  • 150+ Magazine Covers (2020)
  • Personal Trainer
  • CEO (Fitness & Sports)
  • Actor


Beginnings of TJ Hoban

Although TJ Hoban may serve as an inspiration to people now, his upbringing was quite different.

TJ describes himself as “a runt with coke bottle glasses, braces, and a bowl haircut” in high school. He was ashamed every time he interacted with his peers since they would make fun of him for his appearance. He asserts:

I was unable to approach a female or secure a date. In actuality, I did have a date for high school homecoming.

I spent money on a new outfit, a corsage, and a limo because I was so happy, but the night before the date, my date called to say she would rather go with my best buddy.

TJ was astonished, indignant, and saddened to learn that he was attending the high school homecoming alone. But as it happened, this experience served as a trigger for his transformation.

Utilizing the Darkness as Fuel

TJ finally had enough of “being overlooked” one day. He decided to use his unfavorable emotions as motivation to change. He begged his mother to get him some weights so he could work out at home.

TJ began working out intensely after their mom purchased the weights, converting his garage into a gym, affiliating himself with a local wrestling group, and practicing “like I was Rocky fighting for my life.”

Training quickly evolved as TJ’s outlet and starting point. He channeled any negativity or dissatisfaction in his life via the weights. His body began to change quickly, and he soon developed a stronger addiction to the fitness way of life.

“I wasn’t sure if it was because I felt more in control or because I was too exhausted to worry anymore. In any case, exercising became my therapy, and I’ve used it ever since to cope, reset, and concentrate on improving my life.

TJ Hoban Right Now

Unexpectedly, TJ’s modeling career started when he was discovered one day on the beach. As luck would have it, he was approached by individuals who offered him modeling jobs. TJ agreed, and the rest is history, as they say.

TJ Hoban has gained notoriety in the fitness sector since earning his first modeling job and has served as an example for many people who desire to make positive changes in their lives.

“Try low cable pec flys if you want to pack on some heft to your upper chest. For the best burn, flex and hold for two seconds at the top. Keep killing, my pals.


TJ Hoban works out six times a week with weights. He is aware of the ins and outs of working out as a seasoned fitness model.

He has become a master of his training after many years of practice and has discovered what exercises his body responds to the best. While sculpting his ripped 8-pack was challenging, keeping it that way is equally challenging. However, he relishes every moment of it.


TJ will lengthen his cardio sessions and do them more frequently when he needs to focus on maintaining a low body fat percentage.

He also enjoys exploring new aerobic exercises outside to keep things exciting. When he’s busy, he may also exercise on the treadmill.


Weight training is similar to cardio in terms of keeping things interesting and new. TJ uses pull-ups, squats, and other compound exercises to build a complete body.

But to hone particular muscle groups, he also includes isolated exercises. He can continue to have a balanced, attractive figure because of this.

Back and Biceps Workout

  • Pull-ups, 4 sets followed by 3 drop sets, 8-12 reps
  • Seated Cable Rows, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Bicep Cable Curls, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Seated Cable Rows at an Incline Angle, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell Rows, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Reverse Cable Crossovers, 4 sets, 8-12 reps
  • Bicep Concentration Curls, 4 sets, 8-12 reps

Sample Week of Training

Here’s how a fitness model’s week of training might look for TJ:

Monday: Chest

  • Bench Press, 4×8
  • Incline Press, 4×8
  • Cable Flys, 4×8

Tuesday: Legs

  • Leg Extensions, 4×8
  • Squats, 4×8
  • Leg Press, 4×8
  • Lying Leg Curls, 4×8
  • Calf Press Supersetted with Calf Raises, 4×8
  • Donkey Calf Raises, 4×8

Wednesday: Back

  • Bent Over Rows, 4×8
  • Cable Pulldowns, 4×8
  • Cable Rows, 4×8
  • Deadlifts, 4×8
  • Single Arm DB Rows, 4×8

Thursday: Shoulders

  • Shoulder Press, 4×8
  • DB Lat Raises, 4×8
  • Front Raises, 4×8
  • Barbell Shrugs, 4×8

Friday: Arms

  • Close Grip Bench Press, 4×8
  • Preacher Curls, 4×8
  • Cable Pushdowns, 4×8
  • Hammer Curls, 4×8

Saturday: Rest

Sunday: Legs

  • Leg Extensions, 4×8
  • DB Walking Lunges, 4×8
  • Calf Press Supersetted with Calf Raises, 4×8
  • Donkey Calf Raises, 4×8

“Developing a body is similar to developing a business. It requires patience, effort, dedication, and consistency. You will either succeed or fail as a direct result. Work doesn’t lie; justifications do.

TJ Hoban


TJ believes that when it comes to maintaining a slim physique, eating is even more crucial than exercise. Lean chicken breast, brown rice, yams, avocados, nuts and seeds, and egg whites are some of the foods he chooses to eat.

TJ enjoys cooking for himself, but due to his hectic schedule, he isn’t always able to do so. He chooses a food prep service in these situations.

How TJ-Like Athletes “Bulk” and “Cut”?

To add additional muscle over the winter, TJ could engage in a “bulk.” While he will unavoidably put on some weight along the way, he will make an effort to eat a lean diet with a focus on protein and good fats.

However, TJ has been doing this for a very long time and has fulfilled his genetic potential, so even a little muscle gained is considered a success. For novices, it’s far easier to develop lean mass during a bulk.

Consuming High-Grade Fats

TJ tries to limit his intake of saturated fat, although he doesn’t avoid it. When possible, he will prefer organic and grass-fed options. He produces more natural testosterone as a result, which promotes muscle preservation and fat loss throughout a cut.

“Reject convention, demand more of yourself, and never stop improving.”

Influences and Idols

While TJ has his heroes and influences, he has emerged as an icon in his own right since beginning his quest.

People all across the world continue to be inspired by TJ because of his incredible narrative, his desire for growth, and the success he has already found.

Put the work in every damn day. No regrets.”

What TJ Hoban can teach us?

TJ teaches us to never stop getting better.

TJ holds a WBFF Pro status and has appeared on more than 100 magazine covers. But he never stops looking for fresh methods to advance and succeed even more. I didn’t come this far to merely come this far, as TJ so eloquently puts it.

You can achieve your goals, no matter what they may be if you approach them with the same mentality.