new German study

In the last few years, intermittent fasting is gaining popularity. There are claims of several health benefits with it. And now a new German study reveals that this diet can have a positive impact on mood and reduces fatigue.

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Intermittent fasting and its benefits

Intermittent fasting is a type of time restricted eating. In this, the person fasts for a greater part of the twenty four hours of the day. And he or she eats whatever he or she likes in the restricted window period of 8 to 12 hours. Usually, it is 16:8 fasting. This means that the individual fasts for 16 hours and consumes in the remaining eight hours. And it implies that the person skips breakfast. The first meal comes at 12 noon. This would be lunch.

new German study
Intermittent fasting (Source: Forbes)

Advocates of this diet claim that it has a lot of health benefits. Its help in weight loss is backed by research. And now a new German study states that this diet reduces fatigue remarkably. Moreover, it can also uplift mood. It has a positive effect on emotional well-being, social interactions and overall mental health.

The exact details of the new German study

Researchers from a German institute recruited a group of intermittent fasters. They followed these participants of the study over three months. And they monitored them for weight as well as quality of life markers.

The research team found that after three months, the intermittent fasting individuals did lose significant amount of their body fats and weight.

new German study
A new German study says that intermittent fasting can reduce fatigue (Source: Medical News Today)

This diet also helped the recruits to feel less fatigued. The effect was significant. Moreover, the German scientists also found that the recruits experienced an improvement in their emotional well-being. Their social functioning and their general mental health also increased after three months.

Other health benefits

During the fasting period, the body undergoes certain changes. The blood insulin levels fall and now the body switches to fat burning mode. The human growth hormone levels increase. This too facilitates burning of fats for energy. Cellular repair sets in and gene expression also changes.

These are the reasons behind weight loss with this time restricted eating pattern. Studies and reviews have confirmed this. But effect on muscle mass loss are variable and require further studies to determine it.

In type 2 diabetes, there is insulin resistance. But intermittent fasting can reduce this and also lessen blood sugar levels. Human studies showed significant lowering of blood sugar with intermittent fasting.

But a 2005 study on women showed that their blood sugar levels worsened with 22 days of this diet. It reduces oxidative stress and body inflammation.

new German study
Intermittent fasting can uplift mood (Source: Only my health)


Intermittent fasting also benefits the heart. This is because this type of fasting lowers the body inflammation, inflammatory markers, bad cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and blood pressure. But all these are interpreted from animal studies.

Additionally, this type of eating with fasting reduces the chances of cancer. Both animal and human studies have reached this conclusion. However, more studies in this field would be beneficial.

Animal studies have also shown that it increases the amount of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and thus fights depression. It also protects against strokes and Alzheimer’s disease. This type of fasting can also make you survive more and better.

Read here: Foods to consume with intermittent fasting!

Having said that, it is best to have a one-to-one talk with your family physician before embarking on this diet. It might not suit everyone and it might not benefit everyone. Do it under medical supervision for best results and interpretation.

Ref: Men’s health