Andrea Neumannova
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Who Is Andrea Neumannova?

Andrea Neumanova is a professional bikini and figure competitor from Slovakia as well as a fitness model and online personal trainer.

Short Career of Andrea Neumannova

Andrea Neumannova, who is originally from Bratislava, didn’t have an easy childhood. Andrea was given the diagnosis of gastrointestinal perforation at the age of 9.

Which was one of the many health issues she had when she was younger. She spent most of her childhood and the first few years of her adolescence in a hospital due to her disease.

Andrea left the hospital when she was 16 and began living a typical life, just like the rest of her contemporaries.

Soon after, she found the gym and began working out to enhance her “well-being.” She became passionate about weightlifting after that, and her physique gradually began to change.

Andrea had a beautiful physique over a few years spent working out, and later she entered bikini competitions.

She quickly began to receive high rankings, which helped her become well-known in her native country. Andrea became well-known as one of Slovakia’s top fitness models and bodybuilding legends as a result of her success.

Body Measurements of Andrea Neumannova

Full Name: Andrea Neumannova
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Professional Bikini Competitor, Personal Trainer, Fitness Model
WEIGHT: Under 115 pounds (52.2 kg)
HEIGHT: 5’2″ (157.5cm)

Andrea Neumannova


Neumannova. She is also a professional bikini competition and fitness model.

She won the Adria Cup in 2014, which was played in Croatia.


Health Issues

In Slovakia’s capital of Bratislava, Andrea Neumannova was born and nurtured. Andrea never showed any interest in sports as a child because she was not an athletic person.

She was identified as having a vitamin deficit and a “very weak immune system” at the age of 6. Andrea’s intestines ruptured by the time she was nine years old. Andrea was sent to the hospital right away to have surgery.

Andrea’s mental health suffered as a result of the harsh events she had to endure at a young age.

At the age of 16, after more than 6 years in the hospital, she made a full recovery. Andrea only weighed 36 kg when she left the hospital. The physicians told her that to get healthy again, she needed to exercise and control her food.

Fitness Discovery

Andrea’s physical condition eventually got better over time. His mental health continued to deteriorate, though.

She claimed that she wasn’t content with her life as a result of her bad habits and the relationships she had at the time. She was aware that she needed to find a means to “get out of the negative.”

At this time, Andrea decided to start going to the gym as a method to let off some steam.

She began by performing only basic body-weight exercises and aerobics. But after a few weeks, Andrea started to feel good about her skills and decided to attempt weightlifting.

Andrea added, “The feeling was new for me and it was great,” after spending some time lifting bigger weights. I created something for my body and me. Every day I felt better, and gradually I became dependent on that sensation. Andrea Neumannnova

Days of Competition

It didn’t take Andrea long to get a terrific body after changing the way she approached her workout routine. Gabriel Toth was aware of her potential and diligence. She was approached by a former athlete in the gym who urged that she enter competitions.

After giving it some thought, Andrea decided to try it. She began learning more about participating and getting ready for a forthcoming regional competition in Bratislava.

Andrea performed at her best and won her first show with the assistance of one of her more seasoned pals.

Naturally, Andrea was overjoyed by her early accomplishment and felt “super-inspired” to keep up the good work. She subsequently went on to win other prominent competitions after this.

Success in Her Career in Fitness

Andrea persisted in participating in regional competitions, where she had remarkable success. She did, however, experience financial difficulties during that period.

If Andrea wanted to be successful in the fitness industry, she had to figure out how to maintain her diet and exercise routine.

A business quickly approached her and made her an offer of sponsorship. Andrea was able to refocus on her training and contests at this point.

She Got Her Pro Card

Over several years, Andrea excelled in both local and regional events, posting outstanding achievements.

After years of perseverance, she finally competed in the 2012 Slovakian National Bikini Competition and won first place. She obtained her Pro card at this location.

Andrea participated in the 2014 Adria Cup in Croatia after two years of continuous competition, taking first place.

She decided to leave the stage for a lengthier time at this point. Andrea earned a reputation as one of the best bikini bodybuilders to come out of Slovakia thanks to her inspiring tale and outstanding accomplishments.

Andrea Neumannova


Favorite Exercises for Andrea

Andrea Neumannova enjoys working out her back and shoulders the most. Wide grip pulldowns, chest incline dumbbell presses, back extensions, and narrow grip barbell rows are some of her favorite exercises.

Andrea claims that she dislikes exercising her arms the least of all her body parts.

One of the reasons Andrea prefers to train her shoulders 2-3 times a week is that they are the area of her body where she has the most room for improvement.

Getting Thinner

Andrea frequently works out during the week at a high level of HIIT when getting ready for a competition.

She performs steady-state cardio on Saturdays and Sundays, which she claims may be either treadmill running or outdoor running.


Kéto Diet

Andrea has been following a ketogenic diet for more than three years, and she is pleased with the results.

She asserts that increasing fat and protein intake while reducing carbohydrates gives her the best results and that she generally finds that carb cycling doesn’t work for her.

Andrea typically consumes 400–600g of boneless chicken breasts each day while training for a competition. Along with 150 grams of good fats, which according to Andrea “is vital” for maintaining her health and building muscle.


Andrea claims that she isn’t a “big fan” of supplements since whenever she takes them, she gets a rash on her face.

Andrea claims that one of the causes of this is the presence of traces of nuts in the majority of supplements, which is why she completely avoids using them.

What Andrea Neumannova Can Teach Us?

Andrea Neumannova experienced a lot of hardships as a child. from having a seriously weakened immune system to having an intestine rupture while hospitalized. She demonstrated to everyone that willpower is the essential ingredient for success by enduring it all with such great strength.

She persevered and rose to fame as a fitness star despite the awful circumstances.

You could overcome challenges in your life and finally achieve your goals if you had Andrea’s tenacity and willpower.

“What doesn’t kill you strengthens you. This was exactly the case for me. Andrea Neumannnova