Andreas Cahling
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Who is Andreas Calling?

Andreas Cahling is renowned for possessing one of the best IFBB senior pro bodies ever seen.

His chiseled physique and jaw-dropping abs are proof of what can be accomplished with years of study, commitment, and healthy eating.

Short Career of Andreas Cahling

Andreas Cahling participated in competitions all through the 1970s and 1980s, winning titles like Mr. Venice Beach.

He recently made a comeback in 2011, demonstrating to everyone that the sport of bodybuilding is still very much alive and well. Throughout his life, Andreas carried his love and passion with him.

Andreas, however, didn’t begin with bodybuilding as his first sport; he also competed in freestyle wrestling and was a junior Jodo champion.

At the age of 17, he traveled to Japan and studied with the country’s top police, earning titles and a black belt.

Body Measurements of Andreas Cahling

Full Name: Andreas Cahling
ERA: 1970, 1980, and 2000
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder, former wrestler, and Judo Champion
WEIGHT: 185 to 195 lbs. (83.9 – 88.5kg)
HEIGHT: 5’7″ (170cm)

Andreas Cahling


Andreas competed in his teens, twenties, thirties, and forties up to his sixties. Not only in bodybuilding, but also in wrestling and Judo in his early years.

  • 1990 IFBB Niagra Falls Pro 4th

“I started weight training at age 11 in 1964 to get stronger for wrestling. It was all bodybuilding from age 23.”

Biography of Andreas Cahling

Junior Wrestling Champion In Japan

In his early years, Andreas wrestled in several styles, such as Greco-Roman and freestyle. At the age of 17, he relocated to Japan where he attained his black belt in Judo.

He took in fresh and great adventures while learning the language and appreciating the diverse culture.

He recalls the excitement of moving to a new nation and playing for the Japanese wrestling team. Taking in their deeply ingrained culture and their training methodology. Andreas also remembers having the chance to practice with riot cops.

Andreas also had a job at Edelweiss, a German tavern in Osaka. He was able to continue his love of wrestling and reside in Japan as a result.

He carried on competing, this time for Momoyama University in Osaka, in the Japanese freestyle wrestling league. At age 18, he also competed in the senior division of the Japanese wrestling championships, but he was eliminated.

Andreas began strength training when he was just 11 years old because he knew it was the secret to beating and dominating his wrestling opponents. Later, this appreciation of power developed into a passion for bodybuilding.

Transferring To The California Gold’s Gym

Andreas returned to Sweden, where he was born, after spending some time residing there and enjoying his childhood. Upon his return, he competed in the Swedish Judo Championships and achieved first place in the youth division.

Andreas developed a dependence on strength training, particularly bodybuilding, after realizing the value of weight training for improving all athletic performance.

His enthusiasm for strength continued to develop as he experimented with strength training more. He was aware that bodybuilding was popular at the time in America, particularly at the renowned Gold’s Gym in Long Beach, California.

He boarded a plane and flew to California, where he remembers arriving only two hours before entering the initial Gold’s Gym. Andreas took his training and physical fitness seriously.

Conflict in the 1970s and 1980s

Andreas had the good fortune to train with bodybuilders like Arnold, Ric Drasin, and many others during the heyday of the sport. Since then, no place has been able to match the ambiance and excitement of Gold’s Gym.

He had a long career on stage and appeared in various magazines and health and fitness commercials. Even Andreas had his swimwear store in California, which flourished in the heyday of the late ’70s.

Andreas gained first place in the Mr. Venice Beach competition in 1976, and he finished second in the Mr. World competition for the IFBB in 1977. He finished a solid fifth in the 1978 IFBB Mr. World amateur competition.

Andreas continued to enjoy competing and finished sixth in the 1978 IFBB Mr. International, but he worked even harder the next year to win most of the competitions.

He placed second in the IFBB Mr. International competition in 1979. Andreas participated in the IFBB European Men’s Championships that exact year and finished third.

Getting Back On Track

At the height of his career, Andreas won the IFBB Mr. International title in 1980. Andreas kept on competing until 1993.

He successfully made a comeback to bodybuilding in 2011 at the IFBB Pro World Masters Championships, and again in 2012 at the IFBB Masters Olympia & Pro World at the age of 59, when he finished 16th overall.

Andreas is a testament to what can be accomplished when consistency, passion, and determination are properly combined.

The Secret to Eternity

Here is Andreas discussing the secret to longevity;

Much of it is hormonal and hereditary. In addition to a happy outlook and gratitude for the simple things in life, nutrition and exercise are also essential elements.

The capacity to understand, We need to exercise wisely and take care of ourselves as we would a vintage car. There’s no need to exert oneself excessively.

Included Film

In the movie Kung Fury by Davis Sandberg, Andreas plays the role of Thor. Based on the renowned martial arts and police movies of the 1980s, the movie is a martial arts action and humor.

After watching Andreas online, the director wrote to him and suggested that he be cast as Thor. Naturally, Andreas accepted straight away and immediately took a flight to Sweden. On the set, he was the sole hired actor.

Facial Cancer

Because of the minor decrease in the left side of his face, there have been many reports that Andreas had a stroke.

Andreas discloses that his current facial appearance is the result of surgery to remove a tumor from his face that was related to facial nerves.

“About ten years ago, I did have a very uncommon tumor on a facial nerve removed. It got close to my brain, so I decided to have it removed surgically.

This is one of the causes of how my face currently appears. I never experienced any physical pain either before or after the operation. I received a false diagnosis of facial paralysis for a long time. Andrew Cahling

Today’s Andreas

Andreas keeps supplying the world with his passion for human anatomy and his explanations of how adopting the right outlook and way of life can help us reach our objectives.

Andreas holds that there is no one universal rule for optimal health when it comes to exercise; instead, he focuses on the fundamentals, such as eating full, unprocessed foods naturally, paying attention to the body, and variation.

You may find him online discussing a wide range of topics, such as the usage of hormone replacement therapy and ways to prevent the negative effects of modern living on testosterone levels, which Andreas believes is the secret to a long and healthy life.

In addition to the many health presentations Andreas enjoys giving, he also plans to develop his workout plans so that others can follow in his footsteps and build a robust and healthy body.

“Select activities that will both energize your body and mind.”

Andreas Cahling


Mental Fortitude

Andreas Cahling has a strong will and the mental fortitude to face his anxieties and accomplish his goals in life as well as in bodybuilding.

He discusses how his difficult mental attitude has guided him toward excellence ever since he was a small child. Here, Andreas discusses his hardened mental edge;

“Since I was very young, I have always taken on challenges, even making me do things I was terrified to undertake. For instance, despite my fear of heights, I trained to be a military parachutist and was successful.

Variety And Andreas

Andreas appreciates variety in life, therefore he frequently switches up his workouts. He never follows a set routine; instead, he always goes with his gut. He will make his decision on what he wants or needs to train for as soon as he enters the gym.

He occasionally works the same body part twice a day to promote faster growth. You can find several internet training videos of Andreas using lighter weights and higher reps in his workouts. Andreas frequently uses lesser weights and higher reps.

In addition to strength training and bodybuilding, Andreas enjoys keeping both his body and mind in shape. His workouts include weight lifting, posing, balancing training, dancing, and bicycling.

Nutrition of Andreas Cahling

Testosterone and Hormones

Andreas is a staunch supporter of the idea that the human body should be modified to best meet its requirements.

He emphasizes the value of eating full meals, getting adequate nutrition to sustain your exercise, and most crucially, increasing testosterone levels.

Andreas Cahling also likes to emphasize that metabolism and hormones play a major role in this and not countless hours of cardio would get individuals in shape and lose weight.

He claims that, rather than tracking or restricting your calories, that is the best way to keep healthy and lean.

Changing Diets

Over the years, Andreas has consumed food in a variety of ways. He used to be a vegetarian and a vegan, but he now realized that no one diet will help you reach your goals.

But what will make a difference is how much we consume and the quality of the foods we purchase, therefore those factors should be given more weight.

Here is Andreas discussing his eating habits;

“I have gone 27 years without consuming red meat. Even though I’m not a vegetarian anymore, I’m obsessed with eating only natural, unprocessed, ecological (organic), and very nutrient-dense foods.

The exercise regimen that was accompanied by the most food and was hormone-synchronized produced the best benefits for me.


Andreas will take a range of dietary supplements to boost his overall health as well as the synthesis of his hormones and testosterone. To achieve the finest benefits and give his body a break, he will stop taking supplements every few days.

When he wants to gain muscle mass, he uses whey protein, a variety of vitamins, including vitamins C, E, B, and D3, as well as natural supplements like chlorophyll, chlorella, and turmeric.

Andreas will also take lysine, glutamine, and wheat-grass juice as supplements. He enjoys bee pollen as well. Food is the most important thing, beyond everything else, Andreas likes to emphasize.

“In Osaka, Japan, I practiced judo with the riot police. Because of my experience in wrestling, I learned judo rapidly.

Influences and Idols

His father had the greatest impact on his life. Along with his father, Mr. Oshidate, Andreas’ wrestling coach at Momoyama University in Osaka, Japan, had a significant impact on his life.

The young Andreas was greatly influenced by his judo instructor, a Japanese riot policeman. He learned Jodo from the Japanese riot police and immediately mastered it.

What Andreas Cahling Can Teach Us?

Andreas Cahling enjoys athletics and bodybuilding and has a long and healthy career. His in-depth analysis of nutrition and the relationship between hormones and the body demonstrates how crucial food type and quality are.

Variety is essential for training. Andreas demonstrates to us that this holds both inside and outside of the gym. Throughout his life, he makes care to engage in a variety of activities to be active and in good bodily and mental health.

Andreas thinks the secret is to pay attention to the body and study as much as you can about nutrition. but also to strengthen the intellect, set objectives, and become mentally strong. Here is Andreas discussing his philosophy of life;

“Try to pay attention to your body. Understand nutrition. Concentrate on organic, natural foods. Learn how to train safely to avoid being hurt. By concentrating on what you have rather than what you need, you may train your mind to think positively.

By adopting Andreas’ way of thinking and imitating his positive outlook on life, goal-setting, and healthy outlook on life, one can achieve greatness.