Annabel DaSilva
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Who is Annabel DaSilva?

Annabel DaSilva’s turnaround from struggling with bulimia and body dysmorphia to becoming a well-known fitness model is genuinely inspirational.

Early Life of Annabel DaSilva

After graduating from high school at the youthful age of 16, Annabel DaSilva began modeling. This was initially her ideal position. But she soon became aware of the limitations this way of living imposed on her. b

When it came to her nutrition and exercise, Annabel was always on the lookout for improvements. She felt awful as a result, which exacerbated her body image problems.

Her life didn’t start to improve until she decided to switch from the demanding lifestyle of a bikini model and the regular travel to the weight room.

She went on to sculpt a body that now serves as an example to others after spending years working out and altering her view on eating.

Annabel DaSilva

Body Measurements of Annabel DaSilva

Full Name: Annabel DaSilva
DATE OF BIRTH: September 28, 1993
ERA: 2010 
PROFESSION: Bikini Model, IFBB Pro Competitor
AGE: 28
HEIGHT: 5’8″ (172.5cm)
WEIGHT: 135 – 145lbs (61.2 – 65.8kg)


  • Fitness Model
  • IFBB Pro

Biography of Annabel DaSilva

Unrealistic Body Image

Annabel DaSilva is a budding fitness star who was born in Brazil but now calls India home. Annabel has always aspired to work as a model.

Annabel’s passion for modeling led her to drop out of high school at 16 and choose to travel the world as a model rather than continue her education.

But it was at this point that her situation began to deteriorate.

Annabel quickly recognized that the modeling industry had completely damaged her self-image and confidence. She created a bad relationship with food as a means of meeting the requirements of the modeling business.


Unfortunately, Annabel’s problems with her self-image quickly progressed to bulimia and body dysmorphia, which are far more severe.

In her first three years as a model, Annabel had trouble adjusting to daily life. “I always felt like I needed to lose weight, and I was always picking at myself. I thought I was never enough.”

But after waking up one morning, Annabel told herself, “Enough is enough.” Her road to physical fitness started at this time.

Lifting Weights to the Rescue

Annabel believed that starting a gym would aid her in overcoming her struggles with body image. And it did assist her.

Annabel’s self-confidence increased when she started using heavier weights and increasing the number of nutritious items in her diet. She also noticed physical changes.

“I started my fitness journey three years ago, and that’s when I started to embrace the skin I’m in and became more body positive.”

The Lifting Bug: Catching it

Annabel fell in love with the fitness lifestyle during her makeover.

She improved her motivation by exercising diligently and adhering to a strict food plan. She did this, and a few months later she participated in her second fitness competition.

Online sharing of progress

Annabel posted updates about her travels on social media. She was able to discuss her progress with her friends and family and keep track of it thanks to this.

Annabel was shocked to see how quickly her social media following expanded. In the end, it was this that helped her become the fitness influencer and role model she is today for other women who have faced similar difficulties.

Without lifting, I truly don’t know where I would be or what I would be doing. It changed everything for me and transformed me. My perspective has entirely transformed. “Healthy body, healthy mind”

Annabel DaSilva

Training Annabel DaSilva

Annabel works out with weights five times a week on average, for 90 minutes per session.

She has a few rules for having a great workout. These include:

  • Mind and muscle connection – Annabel makes sure that her muscles stay fully engaged throughout the whole exercise.
  • Leave the ego at the door – She doesn’t concern herself with numbers too much, instead focuses on the quality of her reps and form.
  • Mobility work before workouts – Mobility drills like stretching improve Annabel’s range of motion and reduce the risk of an injury from exercises.

Stretching After Training

Before training, Annabel will do some foam rolling and dynamic stretches. After finishing her workout, she’ll do longer (static) stretches to promote blood flow and reduce the lactic acid build-up in her muscles.


Annabel just had only one goal in 2014 when she was still modeling in bikinis: to look trim and have abs. She claims to have “eaten like a bird, used fat burners, and chewed and spit out food.”

She claims that when she woke up one morning, she suddenly realized how bad her habits were.

For Annabel, this was the tipping moment.

She began making drastic dietary modifications after this point. This involved increasing the number of good fats, lean protein, and some carbohydrates for energy.

Exercise Meals

Annabel enjoys consuming a lot of calories both before and after exercising. This gives her the energy she needs while also supplying the nutrients she needs for muscular growth and repair.

Her pre-workout food is oatmeal with protein powder, and her post-workout meal is sweet potatoes, tuna, and eggs.

The Rules of Annabel for a Healthy and Lean Body

Annabel is a strong proponent of balance, particularly when it comes to her eating habits. She claims to have discovered this the hard way.

To maintain a high metabolism, she’ll eat multiple smaller meals throughout the day. For Annabel, some processed foods are off-limits.

She could occasionally overindulge since it keeps her inspired and “mentally energized.” She just watches her eating to avoid bingeing.

Annabel prioritizes drinking water and green tea when it comes to liquids. She never drinks since it affects how productive and effective she is in the gym.

Annabel makes sure to get at least 6 hours of sleep each night on top of everything else. She has discovered that being sleep-deprived leaves her groggy and unproductive all day.

“Truly happy and content with the skin I’m in. Feeling more fulfilled than ever. Being able to pursue my passion and model.

Training hard & fueling my body with enough food. Not defining myself by numbers; be it on the scale or the clothes size I wear. Authentic. I think that’s my favorite part.”

Influences and Idols

Annabel doesn’t have a mentor or coach at the gym, but she does turn to a few close pals for advice. I’m fortunate to have individuals like that in my life, declares Annabel.

Mia Hamm, a former American football player, was the first role model she aspired to be like. Growing up, Mia served as Annabel’s role model and has influenced her fitness journey as well.

What Annabel DaSilva teaches us?

If you want to pursue your aspirations, Annabel DaSilva has one piece of advice for you: “Just start!” Every successful person started as a novice.

According to Annabel, comparing yourself to others simply serves to divert your attention from following your path and keeps you from realizing your full potential.

As she says; “Walk in with a game plan, stay confident, ask for help when needed and focus on yourself. Way too many times we compare chapter 1 to someone else’s chapter 10. Embrace your journey!” – Annabel DaSilva