Ashley Horner
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Who is Ashley Horner?

Ashley Horner has always been interested in exercise. She spent her entire childhood participating in gymnastics and was raised on a property with horses.

Short Career of Ashley Horner

Things didn’t start to alter until Ashley Horner had her son. She put on an additional 45 pounds and lost interest in exercising.

She made the resolve to transform her life and restore her body to health, and she started preparing for her first competition. Ashley went on to win her first tournament as well as many others.

She is now a well-known personal trainer, fitness model, and motivation for millions worldwide.

Body Measurements of Ashley Horner

Full Name: Ashley Horner
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder, Fitness Model
ERA: 2010

Ashley Horner



A Fit Lifestyle

When Ashley Horner was a senior in high school, she initially became interested in exercise.

She had always been in good health as far back as she could remember. Ashley participated in soccer and loved gymnastics for many years.

She recalls witnessing her mother gradually alter her lifestyle to be more health-oriented, which in turn started to alter Ashley’s approach to exercise.

“I stopped drinking soda, switched to skim milk, and enrolled the whole family in a neighborhood gym.

I had no idea that the few modifications she made inadvertently would have such a significant influence on the person I would develop to be years later.

Gaining Weight

Ashley Horner put on an additional 45 pounds throughout her pregnancy after getting married and giving birth to her kid.

Before becoming pregnant, though, she was convinced that she would always remain in shape; sadly for Ashley, this wasn’t the case.

“I gained a total of 45 pounds during my pregnancy, and my kid was delivered! I had vowed before getting pregnant that I would never put on the extra 10 to 20 pounds of pregnancy weight and would always stay in great condition, even after having a baby.

She eventually began to understand how much weight she had acquired in the months after the birth of her baby.

Ashley recalls, “I will never forget standing in front of the mirror months after my baby was born and being shocked by what I saw!”

Looking after her newborn kid was a full-time job, she remembers not showering for days and feeling dreadful. She realized she had to change and make things better from this point on.

Even for a seasoned gym goer like myself, which I had always been. Even though I had never had to fight so hard for something that should have come naturally to me.

First Place in a Contest

To prepare for her first figure competition, which was held in Cape Cod, America, Ashley Horner committed herself. The contest was taking place on April 19, 2008.

She made touch with a local expert in fitness and competitive preparation. Ashley had no idea that this individual would forever alter her life at the time.

Her name was Rhonda Finlayson, and she taught her all she could have possibly wanted to know. diet, nutrition, and all aspects of getting ready for competitions.

It didn’t take long for her body to start drastically altering. She noticed that her abs, legs, and arms were all beginning to take shape.

The numerous hours spent working out and eating healthful meals paid off. Ashley won her first tournament and has since participated in a great deal more.

“All the hard work paid off and I won my very first competition. Since then, I’ve competed several times, enjoyed the challenge and all the hard work and dedication it takes to get there.”


Ashley admits that she has never enjoyed doing cardio as much as she does lifting weights. while she is aware that cardio is necessary. She’ll attempt to go rock climbing, ocean swimming, or a brief HIIT workout.

Ashley will include an abdominal workout almost every day of the week.

She doesn’t give herself much time to recover in between sets while doing this exercise. Just enough time to hydrate and acclimate, as Ashley puts it.

“I drink more than half a gallon of water during each workout. I drink all the time.

Ashley’s Training Week

Mondays: Leg day

  • Walking lunges with a 45-pound plate over my head 100x 4 sets of 25.
  • Squat rack 95 pounds 15x I always go deep with a great form to hit the glutes.
  • Deadlifts 120 15x
  • Leg extensions 30 pounds 30x
  • Plie’ squats with a dumbbell 65 pounds 15x
  • Jump squats 15x, 3 sets
  • Burpies15x, 3 sets

Tuesday, Back & Biceps

  • Lat pulls down 100 pounds 12x
  • Seated row 80 pounds 12x
  • Upright row 50 pounds 12x
  • Low back extension 35 pounds 20x
  • Cable bicep curls 50 pounds 12x
  • Single arm concentration bicep curl 25 pounds 15x
  • DB hammer curls, 30 pounds 12x

Wednesday, Shoulders

  • Seated lateral raise 10 pounds 15x
  • Dumbbell shoulder press 35 pounds 12x
  • Cable reverse flys 30 pounds
  • Arnold pressed 25 pounds
  • Barbell front press, 45 pounds

Thursday, Chest & Triceps

  • Dumbbell chest press flat bench 30 pounds 15x
  • Incline Dumbbell chest press 25 pounds 15x
  • Cable flys- 30 pounds 12x
  • Max out on push-ups 3x
  • Overhead tricep extension 30 pounds 20x
  • Cable triceps single arm press down 30 pounds 15x
  • Skull crusher’s barbell 25 pounds.


  • “On Fridays, I do a complete full-body workout
    with HIIT sessions in between. It usually lasts for about 60-90 minutes.”

My Cardio is higher right now because I am 5 weeks out from a show in
LA at the Iron man convention.

“I enjoy Egg Whites most mornings making Coconut Pancakes out of Coconut Flour. My meals are spaced out all throughout the day to keep my energy levels and blood sugar levels high and my body well fed.”

Ashley Horner


Ashley constantly strives to eat as healthfully as possible, even off-season. Ashley views it as a full-time job and makes sure all facets of her preparation, including her food, are on point.

The majority of the time, she will adhere to a Paleo diet. She enjoys adding cream to her coffee in the morning and consuming protein shakes all day.

Ashley claims to enjoy eating seafood, particularly raw tuna. Additionally, she enjoys eating all animal proteins, fresh fruit, and almonds.

Ashley’s Diet

  • 1st Meal: Coconut Pancakes made with ¼ Cup Coconut Flour, 4 Egg Whites, 2 tbsp. Coconut Extract, 1 tsp. Baking Powder and 2 tbsp. Splenda
  • 2nd Meal: Protein Shake, Celery, and Nuts-N-More Peanut Butter (2 tbsp.)
  • 3rd Meal: 4 oz. Chicken Breast, Mixed Veggies, ½ Avocado, and 1 Whole Sweet Potato
  • 4th Meal: ½ a cup of Cottage Cheese, Raw Almonds, and a Small Apple
  • 5th Meal: Fish and 1 cup of Steamed Veggies
  • 6th Meal: Protein Shake

Influences and Idols

She was immediately inspired to start modeling after seeing Amanda Adams. Amanda is “exactly what a fitness model should be,” in Ashley’s opinion.

She appreciates the way she commands attention on stage and in photos. However, Ashley claims that if “you didn’t know who she was,” “you would never know by the way she acted or presented herself that she was a model” when everything is quiet and she is at home with family and friends.

Ashley cited Ava Cowen’s figure as another source of influence.

What Ashley Horner Can Teach Us?

Years before she entered the modeling industry, Ashley had already caught the fitness bug. She became aware of the value of staying active and strong thanks to her early love of sports and healthy living.

However, she had a challenge following the birth of her son. She put on 45 pounds and was losing ground.

This just served to demonstrate how she recovered her strength and full health when she was facing a long and arduous road ahead and her emotions were down.

You can be like Ashley and accomplish your objectives, no matter what they may be if you have the same enthusiasm and desire. Ashley likes to share these three bits of advice with people wishing to get into fitness:

  1. “Do not be afraid to eat! You have to eat and when you transition over to the 6 small meals a day you will feel like you’re eating a lot. But your body will use that for energy.”
  2. “Don’t be afraid to go heavy. You will not get a masculine body like a guy, as we don’t have the hormones.”
  3. “Never stop learning, we have information all around us. Learn from others’ experiences and learn from your body. Everyone is different and everyone’s gains come in a slightly different way so experiment and don’t be afraid to change things up.” – Ashley Horner