Ben Booker
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Who Is Ben Booker?

Ben Booker overcame his struggles with alcoholism and crippling injuries to become a fitness icon who motivates people worldwide.

Ben has gone a long way in the fitness world since he conquered his issues; he is now a cover model, business owner, and social media icon. He accomplished it by using all of his resolve, perseverance, and unwavering self-confidence.

Ben has been an inspiration for people all around the world because of his passion and desire to overcome obstacles to achieve greatness. This is his story:

I’m a husband and a father of three who transitioned from being a plumber to becoming a fitness model to becoming a business owner and entrepreneur.

No matter what your story is, it’s crucial to share it. No matter how insignificant you think it is, someone else could need to hear it.

Body Measurements Of Ben Booker 

Full Name: Ben Booker
HEIGHT: 6′ (183cm)
WEIGHT: 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, Personal Trainer, Entrepreneur
ERA: 2010


  • Case Study
  • Individual Trainer
  • Entrepreneur in fitness

“I’m appreciative that I’ve been sober for 12 years. Thankful for my wonderful wife and my wacky fantastic kids! I do appreciate that I have some gray hairs on my beard and brows.

With each year that goes by, my perspective on life changes as a result of my experiences with both success and failure.


Early Years Of Ben BookerBen Booker

In his youth, Ben Booker was a devoted sportsman. He competed in football, basketball, and track during his time in high school. In high school, he says, “sports were my life.”

Ben was so devoted to these sports that he believed he might one day play professionally. But a series of incidents stopped this from happening.

Ben recalls that he was involved in a terrible car accident that rendered him incapacitated for several months. He missed every game during his senior year of high school as a result.

Ben had several issues, including alcohol abuse in addition to his dashed sporting ambitions. He started drinking when he was 13 and through time, became progressively more and more dependent on alcohol.

Ben’s body was overflowed with toxins from the medicine, which made him feel unwell, unmotivated, and even depressed.

Later on, Ben’s alcoholism began to have an impact on his marriage. He was urged to make changes by his wife Erin, who disapproved of the way he lived.

Ben decided to end his addiction once and for all after experiencing years of ups and downs and relapses.

Ben also started working out, seeing it as a way to get rid of the bad feelings he had been experiencing during his rehabilitation. At this point, Ben’s life started to become better.

The bench press was Ben’s first exercise in the gym, according to his recollection: “The first thing that I was able to do was bench press.” Ben worked out with all of his might because he was driven to regain his former level of fitness.

Ben was able to fully recover from his previous injuries, but he was still unable to get the body he desired. He worked out extremely hard, yet he hardly saw any improvement in his physique.

He eventually realized that this resulted from his diet, which was deficient in proteins and other elements critical for muscular growth. Ben didn’t break the plateau and started gaining again on his body until he entirely changed his diet.

Making the Most of the ChancesBen Booker

Ben’s new diet and fat-burning vitamins helped him sculpt a fantastic body.

Ben’s physical change was so spectacular that it caught the attention of several fitness businesses.

These very firms’ representatives offered Ben sponsorship opportunities and the chance to compete in a fitness competition.

Ben accepted the offer on the spot since he knew it would enable him to begin a career in the fitness sector. Ben started his career in fitness at this point.

Getting Results

Ben won his first fitness competition in 2010. This increased his visibility in the field and helped him establish himself as a successful fitness model.

He made the most of this opportunity by opening his online profiles and telling his tale to the globe.

He gained a lot of fans because of his motivational story and their ability to relate to him and his prior experiences.

Ben rose to fame as a fitness professional in 2016, a social media influencer, and a gym proprietor.

Ben Booker Right Now

He runs his gym in addition to working for his father’s company. He raises their three children and assists his wife in her CrossFit pursuits.

Ben wants to have a positive impact on as many people as he can by demonstrating to them how they can succeed despite their worst circumstances.

When working on squat mobility, patience is essential. Work your drills slowly and thoroughly. Leaving the ego at the door and removing the weight. It’s more important to move effectively and maintain good health.


Putting Hypertrophy First

Ben has stayed with a hypertrophy training program for most of his bodybuilding career. To prevent training plateaus, this entails varying the rep ranges and set counts.

As Ben puts it, “I persisted with it since it’s the only style I’ve ever done. To avoid plateaus, I incorporate a lot of huge sets and supersets.

Ben Booker’s Exercise Routine

Ben takes a 90-second break in between each session and activity. Here is a picture of the entire exercise;

Day 1: Back, Chest, Biceps, and Calf

  • Reverse close grip seated lat pulldown 4×13-15
  • DB Press 413–15 on a flat bench
  • 413–15 single-arm cable curls
  • Raising a seated calf 413–15

Day 2: Abs, Legs, and Shoulders

  • 413–15 Smith Machine Shoulder Press
  • Pulldowns with one arm in reverse (from across the body) 4×13-15
  • 4 single leg presses, 13 to 15
  • Straight Leg Lifts While Hung 413–15

Day 3: Chest, Back, Biceps, and Calf

  • hefty pushups (45lb weight on back) 4×10-12
  • 4 x 10 – 12 single arm cable rows
  • 4 x 10 – 12 reverse grip bar curls
  • 410–12 single-leg standing calf raises

Day 4: Legs, Shoulders, Abs, and Trestles

  • 410–12 quad extensions
  • 4 x 10–12 squats
  • 410–12 Arnold Press
  • Bench Sit-ups with a decline: 410–12
  • 4 x 10 – 12 cable tricep pushdowns

Day 5: Calf, Back, Chest, and Biceps

  • Bent-over dumbbell rows, four sets of eight to ten.
  • 48–10 Incline Dumbbell Press
  • Also, 48–10 straight bar curls
  • 48–10 calf raises

Day 6: Back, Core, and Abs

  • 48–10 deadlifts
  • Raising a single arm cable (from side to in front) 4×8-10
  • Leaning Over 48–10 Extensions of Cable Rope
  • 48–10 wipers, up to failure.

Ben’s Top 3 Workouts To Build Muscle

Ben is adamant that the most crucial exercise for anyone looking to gain muscular bulk is the squat. He gains a strong core and legs through completing this activity, as well as an increase in natural testosterone.

Dumbbell Press: Early in his bodybuilding career, Ben had trouble bulking up his chest. Ben, though, added dumbbell chest presses, and this issue was no longer an issue. His pec muscles have grown and become more defined thanks to this practice.

Ben’s preferred biceps exercise is the barbell curl. He enjoys pushing past failure by dropping the weights after every set, usually at approximately 8–10 reps. Ben believes that barbell curls are the best exercise for building biceps.

“I have made great progress. Teaching your body to move more effectively and smoothly takes time.


He dials His Nutrition

Ben eats a variety of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats to seem ripped and muscular. To receive the needed vitamins and minerals, he also eats a lot of fruits and vegetables every day.

Ben considers breakfast to be the most significant meal of the day. He never skips this dinner as a result.

Ben occasionally switches up the other meals, depending on what the family is having that day. He hardly ever consumes protein bars, although he does only sip one or two shakes throughout the day.

Plan for Ben Booker’s Meals

First Course: Whole Wheat Toast, 5 to 6 Whole Eggs, fried in non-fat cooking spray, with one Egg being used to make an Egg Sandwich with one slice of American Cheese.

  • 2 protein bars for the second meal.
  • Third Meal: Apple and Banana, String Cheese, Chicken Breast, Yoplait Yogurt
  • Final Meal: Protein Shake
  • Pasta, 10 ounces of meat (such as chicken, fish, or turkey), and vegetables make up the fifth meal (Broccoli, Asparagus, etc.)
  • A protein bar, leftover chicken, and 4-5 eggs make up the sixth meal (scrambled or fried)
  • Casein Protein Shake as the seventh meal

Supplements for Building Muscle and Losing Fat

  • Pre-workout
  • Burners of fat
  • BCAAs
  • Casein and Whey Protein

“We can all become distracted by likes and what our peers are up to, but try to keep your focus on the real people with whom you come into everyday physical touch.

Keep your conversations with friends and family grounded. Social media should not be your main focus; instead, effort should be placed on spoken communication.

Influences And Idols

Ben is motivated by the knowledge that he is taking “the next correct step.” Ben sets an example for not only his fitness followers but also for those who are closest to him as a husband and father of three. Ben is motivated by this to improve himself to the fullest.

His wife serves as his primary source of motivation because she manages to fit CrossFit into her hectic schedule and sets an example for their children, much like Ben does.

Ben has high regard for his grandfather Ellsworth as well. Ben is heard here discussing his grandpa.

When I think back on the people I admired in my younger years, like my grandpa Ellsworth, I am struck by the sense of respect and honor he could inspire in a room.

He was a man of few words, yet people paid attention to what he had to say. Words have power. I aspire to lead each day in a way that honors him and people like him. – Booker, Ben

“I had no idea how much responsibility becoming a father would entail. Don’t get me wrong, I knew it was important, but it’s amazing how well my children read non-verbals and what my genuine intentions are. They notice everything!

What Ben Booker Can Teach Us?

Growing up as a talented basketball and American football player. After sustaining severe back and neck injuries in a vehicle accident, Ben’s athletic career came to an abrupt end. He also had a serious alcohol problem, having started drinking at the age of 13.

Ben, however, discovered how to handle all of life’s challenges with grace. In addition to overcoming these challenges, his strong character, willpower, and persistence have also helped him to achieve a new level of success in his life.

After experiencing many highs and lows, Ben was able to realize his full potential as a fitness model, entrepreneur, and internet influencer.

The story of Ben Booker has shown us that attitude is everything. Your mind may either be your most powerful ally or your worst enemy, depending on how you approach things.

You may achieve greatness by cultivating an unwavering mindset and setting worthwhile goals, just like Ben Booker did.