Body inflammation

Tomatoes belong to the nightshade group of vegetables. There is a myth that it can cause body inflammation and hence one should not consume it. How true is this myth?

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Tomatoes and the nutrition

Tomatoes are highly nutritious. They belong to the nightshade family of vegetables. They contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and can make any recipe delicious. It has vitamin C, potassium, fiber, beta-carotene, lycophene etc.

Body inflammation
Tomatoes (Source: Medical news today)

But over the last few years, they have been embroiled in a controversy. There are some people that claim that these can give rise to body inflammation and hence diseases. Is this a myth or a fact?

Tomatoes and the nightshade family

Studies have repeatedly and consistently shown that fruits and vegetables are good for the body and health. These foods contain a lot of nutrients that can help the body fight various diseases. They have phytochemicals in them that can prevent damage and reduce body inflammation. These have a positive impact on blood pressure, blood cholesterol and insulin resistance. Therefore, they lessen the risk of heart disease and diabetes risk.

Body inflammation
Tomatoes decrease inflammation (Source: Health)

Having colorful vegetables per day are healthy way to fight back the chronic diseases in the body that come with age. Having 5 servings of them per day lessens the risk of early death by 13% compared to 2 servings per day. The all-cause mortality and that due to hearts disease, cancer or respiratory illnesses are less.

But over the last few years, tomatoes have a bad name. They belong to the nightshade family that is the Solanaceae family. The other vegetables in this family are bell peppers, paprika, egg plant, and some spices. Some people strongly feel that these cause body inflammation and hence are bad for health.

These vegetables have alkaloids in them that protect them from insects and pests. Solanine is the primary alkaloid in tomatoes that fights these pest attacks. This substance can cause stomach upsets and digestive issues but only if eaten in large amounts. But in the normal quantities that one eats tomatoes, this substance is harmless in the body.

Do tomatoes cause body inflammation?

Therefore, tomatoes do not cause digestive issues or inflammation in the body. This is a myth. There is no truth in this statement. Young, green potatoes can cause stomach upsets but tomatoes are not known to cause it. But that too only when taken in excessive amounts.

Body inflammation
Effects of Body inflammation (Source: Mindfood)

Cleveland Clinic states that certain people may have sensitivity or intolerance to tomatoes. They might be allergic to it and this might be immune-mediated. But such people are few and they have other allergies or intolerances along with. They have symptoms of allergy such as atopic eczema, asthma, allergic rhinitis, and allergic conjunctivitis. Hence, one can easily differentiate these people from others. In healthy individuals, tomatoes do no harm and can be consumed in moderate amounts.

Also, read: Healthy options in place of nightshade vegetables in those who have problems with it!

Arthritis Foundation of America also does not recommend people with rheumatoid or other types of arthritis to stop consuming nightshade family vegetables or tomatoes. There is no scientific backing for this myth. But if one feels that he or she has worsening of symptoms after eating tomatoes, do an exclusion diet for 48 hours to check for improvement. Reintroduce the tomatoes into the diet after 48 hours and see whether the symptoms worsen.