Brandon Schram
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Who is Brandon Schram?

Fitness model, motivational speaker, and celebrity coach Brandon Schram was born and raised in Los Angeles.

After years of terrible lifestyle decisions, such as binge drinking alcohol and eating unhealthy foods, he started his fitness adventure at the age of 21. Brandon’s first objectives were to improve his health and build a lean, athletic body.

Short Career of Brandon Schram

With the development of his physique, Brandon Schram found that fitness had a positive effect on more than simply his appearance; it also enhanced his connections with others and his confidence.

As a result, he was motivated to impart his skills to others to aid in their fitness transformation.

What began as a straightforward interest in helping people for Brandon eventually developed into a “full-blown” career.

Since then, he has developed into one of Los Angeles’ top coaches, motivational speakers, and fitness influencers.

Here is his account:

“The chances against you becoming a human were 400 trillion to one… and here you are. If no one has informed you today, allow me to emphasize how important you are.

Your presence is intended. Enjoy and appreciate it! Live the best lives we can.”

Brandon Schram

Body Measurements of Brandon Schram

Full Name: Brandon Schram
HEIGHT: 5’7″ (170cm)
WEIGHT: 165 – 175lbs (74.8 – 79.4kg)
PROFESSION: Celebrity Trainer, Fitness Model, Motivational Speaker
ERA: 2010

“You are responsible for your self-assurance, your skills, and your achievements. Go get it if you want it. The only thing standing between you and yourself is you.

Your potential will ultimately be unlocked after you set aside your insecurities and self-doubts.”


  • Fitness Trainer for Celebrities
  • Featured Athlete
  • Exercise Model
  • Inspiring Speaker

“1. Always present your best self. 2. Be prepared so that you never need to get ready. 3. Consistently put in the most effort in the office.


Unwise Life Decisions

Brandon Schram

Born and reared in Sherman Oaks, California, Brandon Schram is a native of Los Angeles. He has Caucasian, Dutch, and Indonesian ancestry.

Brandon didn’t focus much on exercising or living a healthy lifestyle in the beginning.

Brandon struggled with bad decisions before he began his fitness adventure at the age of 21. He drank too much alcohol and overate junk food. Brandon had a bad lifestyle, and it showed in the way he looked and felt.

Making A Life Change

As the years passed, Brandon grew tired of his way of life. At age 21, he decided to take charge of his circumstances by going to the gym for the first time.

As Brandon Schram stated, “I began my fitness adventure at the age of 21, weighing just 127 pounds of skin and bone. I decided to change; I decided to be stronger, live a healthier lifestyle, and be happier.

Brandon has dramatically changed his life since he decided to join the gym. Through years of weight training and wise eating habits, he went on to develop an incredible body and become a well-known celebrity trainer.


Fruit’s Important Role

Every day, Brandon Schram makes an effort to consume two servings of fruit. He likes apples or cantaloupes for fruit. According to Brandon, cantaloupe has a low carbohydrate content and is high in protein and vitamin A.

Brandon thinks that everyone’s diet should include fruit as a main component. He claims that there are two key advantages of eating fruits:

Natural Energy Boost – According to Brandon, the natural fiber and sugars in fruit work together to normalize blood sugar levels. This guarantees a gradual and consistent flow of energy throughout the day.

Brandon consumes his cantaloupe in the morning with his breakfast as soon as he wakes up to hasten protein synthesis. Then he consumes it again with his meal or protein shake.

Two cantaloupe meals a day help Brandon stay thin, muscular, and strong by accelerating the delivery of protein to his muscles.

What Brandon Schram Can Teach Us?

Beginning The Process

Brandon Schram

Here is Brandon’s inspirational advice for anyone looking to better their life: “Quick reminder that you can always pursue your aspirations, no matter how old or how late you are in life.

Some succeed at a younger age. Some people live to be old. The fact that they both succeeded is all that matters.

Comparing your development to someone other than yourself is the worst thing you can do. You are in your lane; they are in theirs. Keep your attention on yourself.

Ensure that you continue to advance and go forward. If you haven’t already, get moving now! Ideas are a terrific place to start, but without action, they are useless. -Brian Schram