Colin Wayne
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Who is Colin Wayne?

Colin has experienced a lot, going from a skinny high school student to a staff sergeant in the military.

He received an honorable discharge from his service in Afghanistan after being struck by a rocket blast.

Short Career of Colin Wayne

Colin Wayne didn’t let that deter him, though. After overcoming his injuries, Colin rose to fame as a global fitness icon and encouraged millions of followers to adopt a healthy lifestyle.

“It’s motivating to see your body constantly getting better.”

Body Measurements of Colin Wayne

Full Name: Colin Wayne
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder, Fitness Model
WEIGHT: 215-225 lbs.(93.0 – 102.1kg)
HEIGHT: 6’2″ (188 cm)

“To me fitness isn’t just a trend, fad, or just a thing for the summer; it’s a one hundred percent of every single day lifestyle.”

Colin Wayne


  • Muscle & Fitness Male Model 2013: Month Two Co-Winner
  • 2013 NPC Northern Kentucky

“I was always small framed growing up, I joined the military 2006 and was 145 lbs soaking wet.”


Young Years

Huntsville, Alabama’s “Rocket City,” where I was born and raised (USA). Throughout high school, Colin participated in football, baseball, basketball, and soccer because he had always excelled in sports.

Even though Colin was athletic, he was still a young child; this was what inspired him to go out to the gym to become stronger and fitter.

American Military – Beginning of Fitness Journey

At the age of 17, Colin Wayne decided to serve in the Alabama Army National Guard following his high school graduation in 2006. He didn’t have to wait long to start his military training.

He completed his basic training over the following 22 weeks, joining the American army. He was sent to Cairo, Egypt, in 2008, when he was 19 years old, to take part in military operations.

Colin opted to start weightlifting in the gym in 2009 after noticing an improvement in his fitness levels while serving in the army. He started his road toward fitness when he was 20 years old.

Honorable Discharge From the Military

Colin served his country for three years in Iraq after being sent there in the same year (2009). He was dispatched to Afghanistan in 2012 when he was only 23 years old and given the rank of Staff Sergeant.

While serving in Afghanistan, he was wounded by shrapnel from a rocket explosion and taken to the hospital.

Colin learned he would be sent back to America and would be honorably dismissed from the military a week later.

“It’s not easy to make Staff Sergeant PERIOD, much less in 6 years at 23 years old.”

Exercise modeling

Colin Wayne developed a passion for exercise throughout his six years in the military. In his spare time, he had been lifting weights to match the bulk of the larger soldiers in Afghanistan.

In 2012, he decided to pursue a career as a fitness model due to this enthusiasm.

After healing from his injuries and going back to the gym, Colin wasted no time in approaching multiple magazines and starting numerous social media profiles.

He put in a lot of effort over the next four years to build his physique and become a successful model. His perseverance eventually paid off.

Social Media Trend

After appearing on the pages of major fitness magazines, Colin gained notoriety in 2016 for his ripped physique.

Due to this exposure, he amassed millions of internet fans and started motivating people to live healthy lifestyles and pursue their aspirations.

Colin had established himself as a social media celebrity and fitness icon by the age of 27.

“I go in the gym with a game plan. I try to move the most amount of weight as possible – but that’s based on specific rep ranges and which training styles I intend on using that day.”


Colin enjoys working out in the gym six days a week and takes Sundays off to let his body recover and grow.

Every session he works for different muscle groups, except when he trains the chest and back.

Workout Routine:

  • Monday – Chest, mostly incline movements
  • Tuesday -Back
  • Wednesday – Hamstrings/calves
  • Thursday – Shoulders/traps
  • Friday – Biceps/triceps
  • Saturday – Quads/calves
  • Sunday – Rest

Favorite Exercises

Here are the three exercises that Colin believes are vital to muscular development:

  • Squats
  • Bench Press
  • Dead-lifts

“Diet is so much more than just less than appealing food. It is the fuel that gets you through your day and powers you through your workouts to be in the most efficient mode for whatever goal one may be trying to achieve.”


Colin Wayne maintains a strict diet throughout the year because he understands the value of nutrition.

Since he has been eating healthily for a while, he doesn’t believe in cheat meals because they make him feel lethargic and ill.

His favorite dish is chicken with asparagus and almonds, and he believes that low-carb diets are ideal for his body.

Diet Plan

Here’s Colin’s nutrition plan:

  • Meal 1 – 3 eggs and 5 egg whites
  • Meal 2 – (Post Workout) 50g whey protein with banana
  • Meal 3 – 8 oz Chicken, 1/3 cup almonds, 1/2 cup of asparagus
  • Meal 4 – 8 oz Chicken, 1/3 cup almonds, 1/2 cup of asparagus
  • Meal 5 – 8 oz Chicken, 1/3 cup almonds, 1/2 cup of asparagus
  • Meal 6 – 8 oz Chicken, 1/3 cup of almonds, 1/2 cup of asparagus
  • Meal 7 – 8 oz Steak or salmon, 1/2 tsp Olive Oil, 1/3 cup of almonds or 2tbsp natural peanut butter, 1/2 cup of asparagus

Supplement Stack:

  • Multi-vitamins
  • Fish oil
  • Fat burner
  • Testosterone booster
  • Creatine
  • Whey isolate protein
  • BCAA
  • Glutamine

“When I was deployed in Iraq we had a bodybuilding competition that I competed in. Sgt. Mark King was a bodybuilder who won Mr. NY and he was very influential.”

Influences and Idols

Colin ultimately decided to change and adopt a healthy lifestyle, but he acknowledges a Sargent from his time in the army as having a significant influence.

He values the support of his followers as well because it fuels his ambition and drive for success.

“If you are open and kind to others you will go much further than you probably expected. I have picked up some invaluable tips and advice along the way.”

What Could Colin Wayne Teach Us?

Colin doesn’t waste time; instead, he actively pursues his objectives, which helped him eventually become an international fitness model and a staff sergeant at the age of 26.

Always aim high and put in your best effort to fulfill your dreams.