Competitive running

Competitive running is exciting and thrilling. It requires a lot of energy and stamina and good health. Gut health is also vital because it would be disappointing if in the midst of a run you start getting stomach cramps, bloating or other digestive issues. What you ate before the run could win or defeat you in the game. Certain foods can give you gut woes and should be avoided. Which are the worst foods before a run?

Competitive running and gut woes

Imagine yourself all geared up to participate in the running competition. You have the sports clothes and sneakers on and are eyeing the trophy. And as you start running, you get digestive issues: tummy upset, stomach cramps of bloating. Your urge to use the toilet gets intense. That is the worst scenario. You would never want this to happen with you.

Competitive running
Competitive running (Source: Jerk magazine)

For that, one has to be mindful of what you eat before the run. Food consumed the night before also can harm you during the next day run. There are certain foods that energize you without any unpleasant effects. These are the foods that you should eat. And there are other foods that can adversely affect your running performance or give you unpleasantness at that time. These foods you should avoid for a day or two before the competitive running.

The worst foods before the run

Effect of foods on the body is individual. But certain foods would definitely give gut trouble to everyone who consume it. And this is bad if you have taken it before the running competition.

Lessen fiber rich food intake

Personal trainer and coach, Kristen Hislop says that two days before the run decrease intake of fiber rich foods. Whole grains, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, lentils can strain the digestive system. Try to ease the gut by avoiding them.

Race coach and personal trainer, Whitney Biaggi agrees with Kristen. She tells to avoid these foods on race day mornings too:

Generally, highly fibrous foods can often cause abdominal issues, which can mean additional bathroom stops and discomfort,”

Competitive running
Avoid certain foods before the run (Source: Polar)

Author and nutrition coach, Elyse Kopecky alerts that protein bars or powders have inulin fiber derived from chicory root. This is a hidden danger. Also these bars have sorbitol that can irritate the gut.

Fatty foods

These foods remain in the stomach for a longer time and take time to digest. Hence, avoid pizzas, burgers, fries and such greasy fried food items on the night before and morning of the run.

Acidic foods

These acidic foods such as tomato sauce can cause heart burn and discomfort. Often, we have the sauce with pasta or spaghetti. Kristen cautions:

“Everyone thinks about pasta before running and often that comes with tomato sauce, but tomatoes are very acidic and can cause heartburn,”

You can have high carb foods like pasta and spaghetti but in place of tomato sauce use butter of olive oil. And avoid other such sour foods too.

Spicy foods

Competitive running
Tips on pre-run foods (Source: Twitter)

Dietitian and coach, Cortney Berling states that spicy foods cause heartburn and distress in many people. It is best to avoid them the night before as well as in the morning of the run. Eat nutritious but eat bland of subtly.


This can give rise to gut irritation. Also, it causes diuresis and dehydration. This would fatigue you soon and more, warns dietitian and personal trainer, Nicole DeSena.

Read here: Pre-run meal: what and when? Some meal ideas here!

Elyse adds to avoid any new food prior to the run. It is not the time to experiment them. Whitney explains:

“Since food can affect everyone differently, it’s important to test any fuelling plan, especially what you eat pre-run, prior to race day, ideally during training runs.”

Coffee effect varies in people. Some find it performance boosting while others get stomach issues with it. Decide whether to have coffee or not based on how your body reacts to it. For some, dairy van give trouble. So it is best avoided.