Gerald Williams
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Who is Gerald Williams?

Berkeley, California native and IFBB Professional bodybuilder Gerald Williams is a sponsored athlete.

He was active in athletics from a young age, which prepared him for success in bodybuilding.

Short Career of Gerald Williams

Gerald Williams finally experienced a setback when he had to deal with losing both of his parents quickly. This had a detrimental impact on Gerald’s life and his capacity to manage daily life.

Gerald, though, was able to put everything behind him and carry on with his life. He took a break from bodybuilding and focused on developing his other interests, such as real estate and education.

Eventually, in 2015, he returned. His career took off swiftly once more, and he soon received his pro card.

Gerald wants to encourage others to expand their horizons to help them develop into the best versions of themselves.

Body Measurements of Gerald Williams

Full Name: Gerald Williams
ERA: 2000, 2010
PROFESSION: IFBB Professional Bodybuilder, Sponsored Athlete, Licensed Real Estate Agent, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
WEIGHT: 235 – 245lbs (106.6 – 111.1kg)

Gerald Williams


Competitor Statistics

  • 2003: NPC Contra Costa Teen Open 2nd
  • 2003: NPC California State Teen Open 5th
  • 2004: NPC San Jose Championships 1st in Teen Heavyweight and 5th in Novice Heavyweight
  • 2004: Novice Heavyweight at 2004 NPC Los Angeles Championships 5th
  • 2004: Teen Heavyweight at 2004 NPC Teen Nationals 3rd
  • 2005: NPC California State Teen Open 1st
  • 2005: NPC Teen Nationals Light-Heavyweight 1st and overall
  • 2007: NPC California State Open Heavyweight 2nd
  • 2007: NPC Jr. Nationals Open Heavyweight 5th
  • 2008: NPC Sacramento Open Heavyweight 1st & Overall
  • 2008: Nationals Open Heavyweight 10th
  • 2015: NPC Los Angeles Championships Open Super Heavy 1st & overall
  • 2015: NPC USA’s Open Heavyweight 2nd
  • 2015: NPC North Americans Open Heavyweight 1st & 2nd overall
  • 2016: IFBB Golden State Grand Prix 9th
  • 2016: IFBB Ferrigno Legacy TBD
  • 2016: Sheru Classic Dubai 5th
  • 2017: IFBB California Pro 1st – Mr. Olympia qualifier


Early Years

In 1987, Berkeley, California, welcomed Gerald Williams into the world. His parents instilled in him the importance of maintaining a positive outlook on life as he grew up in a close-knit household.

This would enable him to mold his profession while coping with any setbacks.

Gerald’s fitness adventure began at a young age when he started to establish a reputation as a fierce soccer player.

Gerald eventually received a call-up to the United States National Soccer team, demonstrating his tremendous talent in the sport.

Gerald wanted to widen his horizons more when he started high school, though.

Gerald enjoyed working out hard, so he switched to playing American football, which allowed him to indulge his enthusiasm.

Gerald played American football up until his senior year of high school before deciding he wanted to pursue bodybuilding instead.

Beginning My Bodybuilding Career

Gerald’s transition to bodybuilding was made possible by his involvement in football. Regular weight training, which he truly enjoyed, would be required of him.

Gerald Williams made considerable improvement in the gym as he started to put on significant lean muscle mass.

He was then inspired to compete in bodybuilding, which helped him advance in his fitness goals.

Gerald ultimately decided to stop participating in high school athletics and pursue his passion for weightlifting as a career.

He devoted all of his attention to getting ready for bodybuilding competitions. Gerald was soon prepared to begin a new chapter in his life.

History of Early Competition

Gerald started his bodybuilding career at a young age. At the age of 18, he entered his first bodybuilding contest and finished second at the NPC Contra Costa Teen Open.

Gerald was immediately hooked, which solidified his interest in bodybuilding. He utilized this as a springboard to advance his fitness quest, and he later participated in several bodybuilding competitions.

The pinnacle of his junior bodybuilding career, nevertheless, was in 2005. He finished in first place overall, achieving his objective of winning the NPC Teen Nationals.

Gerald kept on competing until 2008 when he placed 10th in the Nationals Open Heavyweight division, which was his lowest finish to date. At this point, Gerald experienced a setback that radically altered the plans he had made.

Breathing Space

Gerald had to take a long seven-year vacation from bodybuilding due to personal issues.

In a short period, both of his parents died, which impacted him particularly hard. Gerald was left in utter anguish, and as a result, his performance in the tournament suffered.

Gerald concluded that he needed to pursue his other interests in life, such as real estate and academia, to support himself outside of bodybuilding.

He realized that it was crucial to have a backup plan in case things didn’t work out. Now was his chance to broaden his horizons, which he desired to do.

Creating a Life Away from Bodybuilding

Gerald would spend a total of seven years pursuing his other interests. He started working on his studies by enrolling in a university’s undergraduate program.

Gerald finished his undergraduate studies before starting his master’s program. He was successful in doing so, yet he desired to pursue his education.

Gerald would then begin his Ph.D. and eventually advance in his career by being hired as an adjunct psychologist at the Peralta Colleges.

Gerald also expanded on his passion for real estate by launching his own company. He achieved success rapidly and is currently living independently away from the bodybuilding stage.

Gerald, however, felt prepared to return to bodybuilding by 2015.

After getting other aspects of his life under control, he started taking the required actions to get back on the bodybuilding scene.

Backing Off

Gerald started his fitness journey once more. He resumed his previous routine of working out in the gym to develop a physique suitable for competition.

Gerald, though, quickly grasped how drastically things had altered. Gerald would need some time to get acclimated to exercising and working hard to adapt his physique after taking a long vacation from bodybuilding.

To advance in his bodybuilding career, Gerald had to up the volume and intensity of his workouts. He was able to do this via perseverance and regular gym training.

Gerald competed in his first bodybuilding event since his comeback at the 2015 NPC Los Angeles Championships Open.

He finished first and won the competition overall, reviving his bodybuilding career.

Now, Where is He?

After finishing first and second overall at the 2015 NPC North Americans Open Heavyweight, Gerald was able to quickly obtain his professional card.

Now that he was aware of his potential to recover, Gerald utilized this as motivation to step up his training regimen.

Gerald Williams was taught by IFBB Hall of Famer Chris Cormier, who made sure he stayed committed to improving in the gym.

Gerald’s desire to establish himself in the IFBB professional bodybuilding world brought them closer together.

Gerald’s professional bodybuilding career would eventually reach its pinnacle with his qualification for the 2017 Mr. Olympia.


Gerald has a busy schedule, but he makes sure it doesn’t interfere with his training.

He exercises frequently with his trainer because he understands the need for consistency. Otherwise, he would find it challenging to practice for tournaments.

Gerald keeps a cheerful outlook, but occasionally he feels like he needs a little more encouragement.

He relies on his encouraging training environment to accomplish this, following the advice of both his trainer and coach to stay on course.

Gerald concentrates on executing low repetitions of a hefty weight while making sure he feels a contraction with each rep.

He can continue to add lean muscle mass by doing this. The following is a workout he performs before a competition:

Arms and Back Workout

  • Hammer Curls with Dumbbells
  • Alternating Dumbbell Curls
  • Machine Preacher Curls
  • Tricep Extensions
  • Cable Tricep Pushdowns
  • Parallel Grip Lat Pulldowns
  • Isometric Low Rows


Gerald has a busy schedule and is frequently on the go. He does not allow this to have a detrimental effect on his diet, though.

He adheres to the food patterns that his nutritionist has given him. This enables him to maintain and improve his incredible body.

Gerald consumes a lot of protein each day, coupled with complex carbohydrates and good fats. One of his most essential meals, according to him, is breakfast.

He feels energized after that and is prepared to take on the day’s activities. The following are some breakfast options that Gerald frequently consumes:

Having Breakfast While Traveling

  • 5 Eggs
  • A portion of White Rice
  • Seasoning for Additional Flavour

Influences and Idols

Chris Cormier, in Gerald’s opinion, has been a major impact on the development of his bodybuilding career. When Gerald first started bodybuilding in 2005, they got to know one another. Chris has been his coach, mentor, and close friend ever since.

Gerald’s opinion on Chris’ influence was as follows:

Chris Cormier is greatly appreciated for all of his assistance and support. This guy goes above and above to help me out and is constantly encouraging me.

Chris recognized Gerald’s potential and believed that he could advance his fitness goals.

He urged Gerald to maintain his composure and avoid losing his cool. His bodybuilding career was able to advance in this way, and good results soon followed.

What Gerald Williams Can Teach Us?

Gerald immediately achieved success in bodybuilding thanks to his background in sports.

He decided to focus on his bodybuilding profession, putting his playing days in American football and soccer behind him.

Gerald, though, embraced the idea that if something went wrong with his bodybuilding career, he should have a backup plan.

Gerald succeeded in achieving success outside of the bodybuilding industry. Along with starting a real estate company, he also started teaching psychology as an adjunct.

Gerald overcame the deaths of his family members by learning to put negativity in the past. He was able to continue living his life after doing this.

Gerald Williams teaches us that you can already have the characteristics needed to excel in fitness.

However, having a mentor by your side when things aren’t quite going as planned will position you for success.