Thinner legs

When people desire weight loss, the loss of fats is in general.

Every part of the body loses it. Can you lose fat from specific areas of the body? How to lose fat from the thighs? How to get thinner legs? Is there a way out?

Table of Contents

Weight loss and thinner legs

For weight loss, people do dieting. They restrict calories and certain foods. This helps the majority of the people. But with this regime, weight loss is generalized.

Fat is lost from all parts of the body almost equally. Experts too state that losing fat from specific areas of the body is difficult with diet alone. Then what to do if you want thinner legs and thighs? Is it possible?

Jessica Mazzucco is a certified fitness trainer who has founded The Glute Recruit. She explains:

“To lose thigh fat and tone your legs, focus on eating a healthy diet, doing cardio three days a week, and strength training three to four days a week.”

Thinner legs
Thinner legs with duet, cardio, and strengthening training (Source: YouTube)

Discussing the duration of this regime, she adds:

“How long it might take to notice a difference in your leg strength and appearance depends on individual factors but in general, most people will notice a difference within one to three months.”

Steps to reduce inner thigh fat

1. For good body function and to lose weight, eat healthily and eat balanced. One should remember that all nutrients are essential for the body. Do not forego them. Have all but in limitation. Jessica elaborates:

To lose thigh fat you’ll have to follow a healthy diet, which is imperative for weight loss.”

“There isn’t one particular diet that is best for losing thigh fat but in general, reducing consumption of refined carbohydrates and added sugars aids in weight loss.”

Therefore processed foods, fizzy drinks, and frozen meals should be out of the daily menu. Have more whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, eggs, milk and milk products, lean meat, etc.

Thinner legs
Steps to get skinny legs (Source: Rachael Attard)

2. Brisk walks and cardio should be done at least 5 times a week. It should be at least 250 minutes a week. Jessica states:

“Cardio is a great way to lose fat in all areas of the body, including your legs.”

“Cardio exercises burn a lot of calories, which can help you stay in a calorie deficit.”

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprinting is also useful for it.

Training legs

3. You need to build muscles in the thigh. The muscle mobilization exercises will reduce body fat too. Do strengthening training for the muscles of the thigh.

Jessica recommends doing leg-focused strength training at least three to four times in a week. Muscles might get sore with workouts. Give them at least 48 hours to 72 hours of rest to aid recovery.

Strengthening your legs can also give them a more lean and toned appearance,

states Andy Stern. He is a certified personal trainer who is the founder of the boxing gym Rumble.

Thinner legs
Exercise to get thinner legs (Source: Rachael Attard)

The three exercises good to get thinner legs are Sumo squats, Curtsy lunges, and Goblet squats.