
A heatwave is going on in the UK. Keeping hydration is vital for body functions. But often, we do not pay much attention to it. And remain underhydrated.

How to overcome it easily and simply? Which fruit is best for it?

Hot weather and hydration

The summer days are on in Europe. In the UK, temperatures are soaring. Water and fluids assist hydration. And what we eat also matters in this weather.

The food should be such that it has more water content and can help in adding to the water intake in a day. Expert dietitian Rob Hobson states:

“Many people are unaware that our diet provides nearly 20 percent of our daily fluid intake, with fruits and vegetables being the optimal source for this, including apples, peppers and cucumbers.”

“Some of the most common signs of dehydration can include extreme fatigue, mood change, a lack of concentration, headaches and dizziness, so ‘eating’ your fluids is a great way to stay hydrated, particularly as the British weather heats up.”

Apples are hydrating and affordable (Source: Everyday Health)

Fruits and vegetables in hydrating body

Fruits are nutritious with lots of water. But they can be expensive too. The most affordable and hydrating fruit is the apple. It has 86% water in it.

And it costs just 23 pence. Rob has teamed up with the British Apples and Pears organization to promote this message this summer.

The other foods that help in hydration are sweet peppers. They have over 84% water. Therefore consuming 180-gram of pepper gives 171 ml of water. All color peppers are good for hydration.

One can have it as a snack or salad. One can mix it with dips or stir-fry fry it as a vegetable. And one can add it to pizzas or noodles. In all forms they are good. They also are rich in vitamin C, beta carotenoids, and other phytonutrients.

Yogurt has excellent water content (Source: Zikoko)

Other foods good for hydrating the body

Yogurt has 85% water in it. That implies it is 127 ml water in 150 ml of yogurt. You can have it at breakfast or as a snack or during meals as a side dish. Besides water, they have calcium and vitamin B12.

The other food that is good for summer is white fish in steamed form. It has 77% water. In 140 g serving, this would amount to 108 ml of water. It has high proteins.

People often mistake high-protein foods to have less water. But this is not true. Steamed forms of such foods has a fair amount of water in them.

Fish also has high vitamin B6 and potassium. The former is required for energy production and the latter for blood pressure maintenance.

Cooked pasta has added water (Source: food good foodie)

Additionally, cooked pasta has 72% water. This amounts to 130 ml in a 180 g serving. It has carbs. Hence choose whole-wheat pasta. They are healthier for bowels and blood sugar control.

Also, read Is consuming sparkling water good for health?

Normally an adult requires 1.7 to 3 liters of water per day. This increases with strenuous activity or hot weather. Adding foods with high fluid content and drinking adequate water is good.