Justin DeRoy
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Who is Justin DeRoy?

Justin DeRoy is a well-known fitness model and author from Vancouver, Canada. When he was five years old, playing baseball led him to discover his early enthusiasm for staying active.

Justin DeRoy also discovered his early athletic potential and developed a new interest in the fitness industry.

He quickly became aware of his love for fitness and left baseball to pursue his dreams of being a model and bodybuilder.

Short Career of Justin DeRoy

It wasn’t all smooth sailing for Justin DeRoy, though; in 2016, after pushing himself to the limit, he tore his pectoral muscle.

Justin had to take a break from the activity he loved to reconsider how he approached training and living. He’s returned from his break both physically and mentally healthier and stronger than before.

Body Measurements of Justin DeRoy

Full Name: Justin DeRoy
WEIGHT: 175-185 pounds (79.4-83.9kg) 
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, Writer
HEIGHT: 6′ (183cm) 

Justin DeRoy


Since he began his fitness journey, Justin has developed a sizable social media following in addition to succeeding as a fitness model. He has also signed various sponsorship agreements with well-known domestic firms.


Soccer and MMA

Justin DeRoy, who was born in 1994 and hails from a small Canadian town near Vancouver, established himself on the baseball diamonds close to his hometown. His athletic prowess frequently allowed him to outperform his teammates on the field.

He became passionate about the sport as a youngster, relishing the physical challenge, the suspense, and the glory of triumph.

Justin, who competed in MMA at the age of 16, felt inferior to his friends since he was smaller and appeared to have less strength. He used every means required to build a developed and powerful body as a result of his insecurity.

He was motivated as he entered his teenage years by professional bodybuilders and fitness role models he discovered online, like Frank Zane, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Steve Cook, and Rob Riches.

Model Professionally

Justin discovered that resistance training assisted with his increasingly powerful batting swing and mixed martial arts workouts while he kept up with baseball and MMA.

He gained a deep interest in the weight room and the outcomes it produced after working out in the gym for a while to build strength. At this point, he also had a greater desire to strive to imitate the looks of his heroes.

After a five-day break and some time spent developing a strong base, he eventually developed a sculpted physique. Justin realized that he was in better shape than other fitness models his age.

Justin swiftly began scheduling photo shoots and interviews with several websites and modeling agencies after deciding to give modeling a try.

Training Accident

In 2016, Justin underwent two torn pectoral injuries as a result of his intense training to win over his fans.

Also,  In a physically hard profession where he often put in sixty hours a week, Justin acknowledged he overdid it and had to miss time from training.

In one of his most well-liked social media posts, Justin openly cautioned his followers about the risks associated with overtraining and stressed the value of treating recovery seriously.

He also complimented the benefits of modest rehabilitation activities for hastening the healing of injured muscles.

Once his pectoral muscle had fully recovered, Justin returned to the gym and began exercising with a new strategy, which made him stronger and wiser than before.

After taking some time off from bodybuilding to recover, Justin continued with his objective to develop his ideal physique. Justin offers some guidance;

“Take a stop and get assistance if you have discomfort when exercising somewhere that looks unusual or unrelated to typical muscle soreness; otherwise, you might find yourself in my situation.

Many thanks to everyone who has helped me, and to my peers elsewhere, keep going for your aspirations. (Justin DeRoy)

Personal interests

Justin is a major admirer of electronic music and frequently travels to international and American music festivals.

He has demonstrated a remarkable interest in everything related to the music scene by writing for EDM – Electronic Dance Music – websites. Justin enjoys being creative, as evidenced by his passion for both writing for online periodicals and lifting weights.

In addition to inspiring his admirers all around the world to pursue their dream physiques and lead healthy, productive lives, Justin continues to exercise, maintain his social media accounts, work as a fitness model, and write.


Justin feels that a five-day split is the most effective workout plan for him, so he sticks to it. Justin doesn’t do much exercise, but when he does, he prefers HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) on the treadmill and stationary cycle.

When he lifts weights, he takes care to maintain the majority of workouts in the hypertrophy zone, which is 3–4 sets of 8–12 reps, as this is the technique that is proven to result in the most muscular growth.

When he wants to look his best, Justin switches up his exercises with super-setting and drop-sets by performing several sets in a row without pausing, gradually dropping the weight each time until it is nearly impossible.

Justin’s Split

  • Monday: Chest/Biceps
  • Tuesday: Legs
  • Wednesday: Shoulder/Triceps
  • Thursday: Back/Trap/Abs
  • Friday: Bicep/Triceps
  • Saturday: Rest
  • Sunday: Rest

Top 3 Exercises

His favorite three exercises in the weight room are;

  • Muscle Ups
  • Weighted Pull Ups
  • Incline Dumbbell Flyes.

Justin DeRoy


Protein-High, Sugar-Low

Justin doesn’t adhere to a rigid diet; instead, he is conscious of his objectives and the macronutrients he needs to include in his diet.

However, he always ensures that he consumes three servings of vegetables and at least 25g of fiber each day.

A mesomorphic body type describes Justin. He tries to keep things diverse rather than adhere to any particular dietary rules.

According to Justin, eating a lot of protein and little sugar is essential. To avoid gaining too much weight while on a modeling contract, he also makes an effort to maintain a 500-calorie deficit.

Justin frequently participates in photo sessions, thus maintaining his lean physique is important when considering his food intake. He avoids the bulk-cut cycle in this way.


Several supplements, including BCAAs, L-carnitine, fish oil supplements, multivitamins, magnesium & iron, pre-workouts, and ZMA for better sleep and recuperation, are used by Justin to help him maintain his amazing physique.

Influences and Idols

Along with the bodybuilders Justin listed, including Frank Zane, Steve Cook, Rob Riches, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. Justin is also motivated by his ongoing development and rising level of achievement.

What could Justin DeRoy Teach Us?

Justin DeRoy spent all of his youth participating in elite sports. From practicing baseball to briefly trying MMA, Justin loved to work hard and see the benefits of his labor.

Justin’s passion for training was derailed when he sustained a severe pectoral injury when transitioning to bodybuilding. Justin changed his strategy for both training and life.

He was unfazed and willing to take a backward step. With his newly acquired knowledge, Justin kept becoming better and better.

What we can learn from Justin is to follow our passions and make them a significant part of our lives. You too may be living out your ambitions and achieving your goals if you follow this advice and adopt Justin’s attitude.