Luana Targino
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Who Is Luana Targino?

Luana Targino, a native of So Paulo, Brazil, has impressed the fitness community with photos of her amazing physique.

As a proponent of a holistic way of living and a weightlifting enthusiast, Luana provides a good example for many of her followers.

Luana puts a great deal of effort and passion into her workouts. When Luana walks into the gym, she intends to give it her all and lift heavy and frequently.

Luana Targino lives her life according to this idea, which she applies to both her daily activities and her workouts. Whatever the obstacle, Luana raises the bar and achieves her objectives.

She has won the love of many admirers with this approach, and they are now following her trip at every turn.

Body Measurements Of Luana Targino

Full Name: Luana Targino
PROFESSION: Fitness Influencer, Social Media Personality
ERA: 2010


  • An influencer in fitness/social media
  • Holistic Lifestyle Expert


Short Career Of Luana TarginoLuana Targino

Training in the gym for two or more hours is not difficult for Luana. She says she enjoys extended exercises because “time just flies by when I train.”

Luana Targino’s workouts include a variety of isolation and compound exercises that help her sculpt and develop her muscles.

Luana incorporates cardio into her routines as well. She enjoys swimming, sprinting, and high-intensity exercises like kettlebell swings. However, Luana dislikes slow-paced cardio because she thinks it can lead to muscle wasting.

Nutrition, (Fitness)Luana Targino

Luana Targino practices a holistic lifestyle and builds her diet on whole, unadulterated foods.

She would say, “Straight from Mother Earth.”

No amount of exercise, in Luana’s opinion, can make up for poor nutrition. She bases her diet plan, therefore, on heart-healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and lean meats. which enables her to keep up her physical fitness.

What Could Luana Targino Teach Us?Luana Targino

No matter how accomplished or inexperienced you are as a lifter, Luana Targino has taught us that you should never stop improving in both the gym and in life. When things are difficult, don’t give up; instead, keep moving forward.

Another person who takes their objectives seriously and goes above and above to achieve them is Luana. With the same mindset, you may create the lifestyle of your dreams as well.