Mariana Castilho
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Who is Mariana Castilho?

Mariana Castilho developed a deep love for living a healthy lifestyle at a young age. Mariana was an active child who enjoyed playing sports at school and exercising outside.

She was born and reared in Manaus, Brazil. Later on, Mariana relocated to Sao Paulo to study nutrition, which heightened her interest in physical fitness.

Short Career of Mariana Castilho

Mariana Castilho discovered how to maintain her strength, leanness, and fitness while at college by adhering to a set meal regimen.

She used this information after graduating along with a strict weight training regimen to develop a great figure. Mariana didn’t stop there, though.

She decided to post her complete fitness journey on social media after developing an excellent physique.

As a result, Mariana quickly gained popularity among online fitness “fanatics,” which helped her establish a strong name in the field.

Mariana has grown steadily since then, becoming a social media sensation, a licensed nutritionist, and a well-known fitness model.

Mariana consistently takes her career to new heights thanks to her incredible physique and commitment to the fitness lifestyle.

Mariana Castilho

Body Measurements of Mariana Castilho

Full Name: Mariana Castilho
HEIGHT: 5’6″ (167.5cm)
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, Nutritionist
ERA: 2010


Rounding Out The Shoulders

Mariana’s favorite physical part, after her legs and glutes, is her shoulders. She uses a gradual overload approach to her workouts. This implies that Mariana will begin her training with small weights and gradually add more weight as she goes.

The exercises Mariana likes best for strengthening her shoulders are listed below, along with a description of each one;

  • Positional Dumbbell Press
  • Dumbbell Front Raises
  • Lateral side raises
  • Positional Dumbbell Press

Mariana does the seated dumbbell press to target her middle deltoids. Mariana does this exercise with heavy weights and few reps to put the most stress on the muscle at the beginning.

Mariana will warm up with modest weights before the exercise, though. She will then sit with her back straight, her feet flat on the ground, and heavy dumbbells in her hands on a level bench.

Mariana will then press the weights up while swinging them up to her ear level with her hands facing forward.

Mariana won’t completely lock out her elbows after she reaches the peak of the exercise. Instead, she will gradually lower the dumbbells to her neck before repeating the exercise for a set of reps.

Dumbbell Front Raises

Mariana Castilho

Mariana’s front deltoids are the objective of the front dumbbell raise. Standing with her knees just slightly bent, she begins the action.

Mariana Castilho carefully raises the weights she is holding in front of her body to shoulder height. She then repeats the maneuver for a certain number of reps before carefully lowering them back in front of her legs.

Mariana performs the workout without swinging the weights. She ensures proper form by performing calm, deliberate repetitions.

Lateral Rise While Sitting

Mariana’s middle deltoid is mostly worked during seated lateral raises. To focus more on her rear deltoid, she occasionally substitutes a bent-over rear delt raise.

Similar to front dumbbell lifts, Mariana starts the exercise by holding the dumbbells right in front of her torso.

She lifts her arms out to the side until they are shoulder height while keeping her elbows slightly bent. Mariana then slowly resumes the action by bringing her arms back to the starting position.


Mariana is a nutritionist, therefore she is aware of how food affects the body. She will only consume the “cleanest” food options to maintain the greatest possible physique. That is to say, no foods high in sugar, salt, or fat are permitted.

Mariana said she wouldn’t want to live any other way, even though her diet is stringent. Observing the results of her efforts inspires Mariana to maintain her excellent diet throughout the year.

What Mariana Castilho Teaches Us?

Mariana Castilho

What Mariana Castilho teaches us is that if you want a healthy body, you need be willing to give up on some decisions that don’t support your objectives.

More specifically, you want to cut out most processed foods and swap them out for wholesome, nourishing, and lean meals.

You’ll be well on your way to developing an excellent figure, just like Mariana Castilho, if you can sustain this type of food and a planned exercise regimen.