When is Master P’s Birthday?
Master P is a basketball player, rapper, actor, and producer from the United States. He was born in New Orleans, a consolidated city parish in Louisiana. On April 29, 1967, he was born (use Q486231 for the city-parish) and is now 55 years old.
How old is Master P?
Master P is 55 years old.

Biographical data
Birthday | April 29th, 1967 (Saturday) |
Place of Birth | New Orleans City; consolidated city-parish in Louisiana, United States. Use Q486231 for the city-parish |
Birth sign (Zodiac) | Taurus (The Bull) ♉ |
Chinese Zodiac | Goat 羊 |
When was Master P born?
Master P was born on April 29th, 1967.
Place of Birth
Where was Master P born?
New Orleans (city; consolidated city-parish in Louisiana, United States. Use Q486231 for the city-parish).
What is the zodiac sign of Master P?
Master P was born in the zodiac sign Taurus (The Bull).
Chinese Zodiac
Which Chinese zodiac sign does Master P have?
Master P was born in 1967 in the year of the Chinese zodiac Goat.