McKenzie Flinchum
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Who is McKenzie Flinchum?

McKenzie Flinchum has a reputation for being a flexible dieter, personal trainer, and master in karate. Since she was three years old, fitness has been her entire life.

Short Career of McKenzie Flinchum

McKenzie Flinchum has resurfaced stronger each year. She’s always willing to impart her knowledge to her countless internet fans, and each new year brings new skills mastered.

Even today, the certified personal trainer and die-hard exerciser serve as a symbol of a healthy way of life.

Body Measurements of McKenzie Flinchum

Full Name: McKenzie Flinchum
WEIGHT: 135 – 145lbs (61.2 – 65.8kg) 
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Personal trainer and Bodybuilder
HEIGHT: 5’5″ (165cm)

McKenzie Flinchum


A Career in the Profession

Dietitian nutritionist McKenzie Flinchum is both registered and licensed.

She first enrolled in the didactic program at the University of North Florida after finishing her studies at the University of Florida. She earned a bachelor’s degree in dietetics and nutrition with honors.


Basketball And Karate

McKenzie has always had a passion for exercise and training. Her mother enrolled her in gymnastics when she was just three years old, and she excelled at it right immediately.

When McKenzie was only 6 years old, her mother recognized this and chose to enroll her in karate since she liked the feeling and the favorable outcomes it would bring.

McKenzie claims that after participating in two elite sports for so many years, she cannot imagine her life without fitness.

Additionally, McKenzie has three brothers, Morgan, Dylan, and Gunnar, with whom she gets along well. Her mother and all of them have earned their second and third-degree black belts.

“My body feels better because of my flexibility. On certain days, I’m so stiff and sore that walking hurts. But stretching through that discomfort makes my body more flexible more quickly.


McKenzie’s Modularity

She claims that being able to fully extend her muscles after intense workouts helps her feel better because of her renowned extreme flexibility.

She can perform squats and other activities at a higher level thanks to her hips’ full range of motion and flexibility.

“I am frequently asked how to increase my flexibility. Many people claim that they used to be flexible but are no longer, and they would like to regain it.

McKenzie has always made an effort to keep her flexibility, even though she hasn’t practiced gymnastics in years. She knows how important flexibility is for better performance and increased mobility.

I occasionally stretch for almost an hour straight. Like anything else, flexibility can be improved with practice. Pick just a few stretches to do each day, but hold them each for a few minutes at a time.

“Being consistent is key, and practicing regularly will lead to improvement.”

The Key Is Consistency

McKenzie believes that consistency is essential, especially with her training, as many successful athletes do. Every week, she’ll exercise at the same time and place. This is what McKenzie claims works best for her.

Her workouts are arranged into her daily schedule, just like her work week. To maintain as much variation in her training routine as possible, her workouts will change.

“I like to change things up to keep it fun while challenging my different muscles.”

Top Three Exercises

There are three main exercises that McKenzie can’t live without. These are;

  1. Squats: “I love squats! It is fun to improve on them over time and to add more weight to the bar. I love to hit new PRs that seemed impossible the previous year, and I also love quad muscles!”
  2. Burpees: “Burpees are so difficult and a full body workout. I love them because they are very challenging.”
  3. Handstands: “Handstands require extreme focus and full body strength. I have a fun time setting new goals of how long I can hold a handstand without moving or how far I can walk on a handstand without falling. (Laughs) Handstands require a lot of skill and full body strength which is why they are one of my favorite exercises.”

McKenzie’s Workout

Monday: Cardio/Full Body


  • 2 Mile Run
  • Air Squats 100
  • Dumbbell Lunges 50 (per leg)
  • V-Ups 100
  • Handstand Push-Ups 10
  • Barbell Good Mornings 2 x 25


  • Power Clean/Squat Clean 2 x 12
  • Pull Ups (5-second holds at top) 3 x 5
  • Single Dumbbell Rows 3 x 10
  • Front Rack Lunges 3 x 14
  • Handstand Hold (1 minute)
  • Flexibility/Stretching (30 minutes)

Tuesday: Cardio/Endurance

  • Assault Bike
  • Double Unders 50
  • Row 5 x 250 meters
  • Flexibility/Stretching (20 minutes)

Wednesday: Cardio/Full Body/Metabolic Conditioning


  • 2 Mile Run
  • Dumbbell Squat Hold 1 minute
  • Tricep Pulldowns 3 x 10
  • Lateral Shoulder Raises 3 x 10
  • Dumbbell Side Crunches 3 x 15
  • Single Leg Curls 2 x 15
  • Hanging Knee Raises 100


  • Handstand Push-Ups 10
  • Burpee Box Jumps 10
  • Toe to Bars 4 x 10
  • Flexibility/Stretching 30 minutes

Thursday: Cardio/Yoga


  • Rowing/Assault Bike x 1 hour (switching every 5 minutes)


  • Yoga

Friday: Cardio/Full Body


  • 2 Mile Run
  • Hollow Body Rocks 100
  • Front Squats 3 x 10
  • Calf Raises 3 x 25
  • Leg Extensions 3 x 12
  • Back Extensions 3 x 12
  • Bicep Curls 3 x 15


  • Barbell Snatches 12 x 2
  • Good Mornings 3 x 15
  • Kettle Bell Swings 3 x 10
  • Handstand Hold 60 seconds
  • Flexibility/Stretching 20 minutes

Saturday: Metabolic Conditioning


  • 1 Mile Run
  • Double Unders 80
  • Wall Balls 60
  • Burpees 40
  • Front Squats 20
  • Flexibility/Stretching (45 minutes)

Sunday: Recovery

  • Rest day

“I have learned to eat intuitively and follow a flexible dieting approach while making sure I get the most ‘bang’ for my buck, as far as nutritious calories.”

McKenzie Flinchum


Adaptable Diet

McKenzie Flinchum uses a flexible approach to dieting; she has learned to pay attention to her body and provide it with what it requires based on how much or how little she is training.

However, her diet will stay largely the same throughout. She’ll eat every two to three hours. She makes sure to eat a wide variety of foods and high-density nutrient-rich sources of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats right after her workouts.

McKenzie eats a lot of vegetables each day, along with strawberries, yogurt, peanut butter, and chicken. Additionally, she consumes protein bars to maintain strength throughout the day.

The food she enjoys most is peanut butter. In some way, shape, or form, peanut butter usually makes up my snack meals. In terms of cravings, I think of food as “fuel” for both my physical well-being and my training.

Fueled By Food

With the numerous hours of training McKenzie puts in each day coupled with her hectic schedule, she is aware of how food affects her mood and gives her the energy she needs for exercise.

“Food is ‘fuel’ for my body and my exercise, in my opinion. I don’t feel my best if I eat too much, too little, or if I consume a lot of added sugar or calories without many nutrients.

I don’t perform as well as I know I am capable of because I feel drowsy and my workouts become sluggish.

Every time she consumes a non-preparation meal, she chooses it consciously.

McKenzie will consider the advantages, what to consume, and what it will offer.

“Whenever I have a craving, I always consciously consider if it will fuel my body or if I’m just blindly indulging. It helps to have a craving for healthy foods since I adore vegetables and can eat a full bag of steamed Brussels sprouts!

Although she does have a sweet tooth, she prefers to cook sweets that are high in protein, high in fiber, low sugar, and filled with healthy fats.

McKenzie’s Diet

  • Meal 1: 1 poached Egg, 2 slices Ezekiel Bread, 2 tablespoons Fat-Free Cream Cheese, Lettuce, Sriracha Sauce, and 1 cup Coffee with half a cup Soy or Skim Milk
  • Meal 2: 4 ounces Chicken and 1 large baked Sweet Potato
  • Meal 3: 2-3 tablespoons Peanut Butter and 3-5 Rice Thins
  • Meal 4: (Post afternoon workout) Protein Bar
  • Meal 5: 4 ounces Chicken or Fish, large Salad, 1 ounce Nuts, ¼ cup Dried Fruit, 1 cup starchy Vegetables or ¼ cup Grains, and Vinegar Dressing
  • Meal 6: Frozen light Greek Yogurt or 1 scoop Juice Plus Complete Powder mixed in Water

Influences and Idols

Her internal drive and influences motivate her to perform better than she did the day before.

“When I can reach and surpass my own goals, I feel a genuine sense of happiness and an awesome sense of success; it’s something that I just cannot describe. I also enjoy sharing my interest in fitness and nutrition with others.

McKenzie adds that encouraging others is another thing that spurs her on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

What Can We Infer About McKenzie Flinchum?

Since she was three years old, McKenzie Flinchum has always been interested in health and fitness. With the assistance and encouragement of her family, she has participated in competitive sports such as gymnastics and karate.

Even though she has spent most of her life training, she consistently cites steady progression, variety, and flexible dieting as her key success factors. By following McKenzie’s counsel, you can lead a strong and healthy life.