Mohammad Kashanaki
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Who is Mohammad Kashanaki?

Iranian Men’s Physique professional bodybuilder and fitness model Mohammad Kashanaki.

He is renowned in Iran for having incredible conditioning, which he displays on stage several times a year.

Short Career of Mohammad Kashanaki

But Mohammad Kashanaki had to work hard to develop such a body. He spent numerous hours exercising and had to give up his favorite foods to achieve top fitness.

According to Muhammad, he was aware that he would need to put in more effort than his rivals if he wanted to be the finest on stage.

Mohammad developed a reputation as a famous fitness athlete not only in Iran but also around the world because of his incredible discipline.

having previously triumphed in competitions including the Men’s Physique Iran, Diamond Cup, and Olympia Moscow. Mohammad aspires to one day make a lasting impression on the bodybuilding and fitness industries.

Body Measurements of Mohammad Kashanaki

Full Name: Mohammad Kashanaki
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Men’s Physique Competitor, Fitness Model

Mohammad Kashanaki



  • Diamond Cup Overall Winner 2016
  • Olympia Moscow Overall Winner 2016
  • Men’s Physique Iran Champion 2014 and 2015


Following the Feel

Mohammad doesn’t have a set workout schedule that he adheres to. He trains as frequently and as intensely as his body demands, going by feel.

For instance, Mohammad would make an effort to gain as much muscle as he can if it is the off-season. However, he will also slow down a little if he senses that his body needs a break.

To exercise while his body is worn out, in Mohammad’s opinion, would only be ineffective. His risk of injury rises as a result, and, likely, his muscles won’t react properly either.

Chest Exercise

Mohammad typically performs a lot of heavy, low-rep exercises when he is fully fit. His routines resemble power-bodybuilding in certain ways.

Mohammad can become bigger and stronger at the same time because of this.

The final two exercises, however, are often lighter in weight and higher in reps. Mohammad uses these as his “finisher” moves.

A sample of Muhammad’s chest exercise for gaining strength;

  • Bench Press, 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press, 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  • Weighted Dips, 3 sets of 5-8 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Flys, 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Cable Crossovers for Chest, 3 sets of 12-15 reps, last set drop set, repeat 15 reps

Mohammad Kashanaki


Growing Larger

Mohammad will up his caloric intake by roughly 10% to acquire weight.

Only nutritious and lean food choices will provide these extra calories. such as quinoa, low-fat cheese, vegetables, lean ground beef, and poultry.

Mohammad makes sure he doesn’t end up acquiring too much fat from his “bulk” by consuming these lean foods. It makes his preparation for the competition much simpler.

In the off-season, Mohammad will indulge in a cheat meal once or twice a week. which might be anything he is craving at the time.

How Can Mohammad Kashanaki Teach Us Something?

Mohammad Kashanaki has shown us the importance of working hard. You must be prepared to “dig through the dirt” to achieve your objectives if you want to succeed at anything.

You will be able to endure any challenge by having this kind of thinking.

Additionally, it will give you the confidence that you will finally do everything you set out to do, regardless of how long it takes.