Myles Leask
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Who Is Myles Leask?

The rugby player and MMA fan from England used an unexpected athletic injury to his advantage. He transitioned from being a field player to one of the world’s top fitness models.

Short Career Of Myles Leask

Myles Leask has crossed paths with people like Rob Riches and Shaun Stafford, has been fortunate to have a sizable support system that has helped him keep sharp and focused, and is always eager to lend a helping hand to those who need it.

Since first becoming enamored with the “Austrian Oak” when he first saw Arnold as a boy, Myles has imitated his heroes and followed in their footsteps by building an impressive physique of his own.

He’s at the top of his game and never stops astounding the world with his amazing abs and massive arms.

Body Measurements of Myles Leask

Full Name: Myles Leask
WEIGHT: 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Professional Model, Bodybuilder
HEIGHT: 6’3″ (190.5 cm)

Myles Leask



When he was 6 years old, Myles Leask initially began his training. Leask participated in mixed martial arts and rugby, and he thoroughly appreciated the demanding practice and regimen that go along with participating in sports.

Myles Leask didn’t get his hands on his first set of weights until he was 18 years old. He wanted to bulk up so he could outmuscle his rivals on the field and in the weight room.

Unfortunately, he was unable to pursue his passion for rugby due to an unexpected injury.

Weight training became his second addiction at this time. I haven’t looked back since, according to Myles, because we are all aware of what a terrible addiction this is.

Myles was able to distinguish himself in a field that is becoming more and more competitive because of his intense competitiveness and determination. But above all else, the fact that he loves it drove him to keep going and succeed.

Me, I’m competitive, and in a field where everyone is constantly raising the bar, you have to make sure you’re working just as hard as everyone else. However, the biggest reason I continue is that I love what I do.

Assistance in the Sector

He has some excellent acquaintances in the fitness sector, but despite his motivation and resolve, he occasionally falters. If his pals notice him veering off course, they’ll give him a swift kick in the behind to help him get back on course.

Some of Myles’s finest memories came just a few years before he started modeling when he started appearing in the same periodicals he had been reading avidly.

Additionally, seeing his image on billboards and supplement advertisements when he returns to his hometown makes him feel extremely proud.

Everyone can do the exercise aspect of things perfectly, but the key is in the nutrition, not the exercise.


Despite his hard effort in all facets of his life, Myles is a calculating and controlled individual, especially when it comes to his training. His exercises are challenging and created to produce the finest outcomes.

He employs tri-sets, super sets, drop sets, german volume training, and pre-exhaust training. We can see that Myles is knowledgeable in his field because of the amazing body he has developed.

His rest intervals are no more than 60 seconds, and his sets range from 15 to 8 repetitions.

“Normally, everything in my training revolves around a body weight pre-exhaust, so for the chest, I start with three sets of press-ups until failure before beginning weight training.

Then, it’s typically a tri-set, then a drop set, and finally, a superset to end, usually with resistance exercises using only body weight.


I’m a creature of habit and I don’t mind cardio at all, so I stick Netflix on and hit between 60 and 90 minutes a day of LISS usually on the X-Trainer as it allows me to do it every day without too much impact on my joints and other training, says Myles, who performs a fasted cardio session almost every day at 6 am.

MMA As Exercise

Myles has been known to participate in MMA as part of his cardio workouts because he occasionally finds LISS to be a touch boring. He started participating in MMA because of his father, and he took to it as a fish does to water.

Monday’s Myles Split Training Workout: Quads/Calves

Myles Split Training Workout

Monday – Quads/Calves

Tuesday – Chest/Triceps

Wednesday – Back/Biceps

Thursday – Hamstrings/Calves

Friday – Shoulders/Abs

Saturday – Rest Day

Sunday – Chest/Back Superset

Myles Leask


Myles took some time to understand that he wasn’t eating enough to accomplish the required progress. He claims that undereating is the main cause of why people don’t get the outcomes they want.

Cycling Carbs

Myles typically cycles his carb intake throughout his training regimen. This is what wrecks him. Long-term, he finds that this works the best for him.

He’ll keep to a healthy macro balance of lean proteins, complex carbohydrates, and excellent fats the rest of the time.

between 40% and 60% Protein 30% fats and 30% carbohydrates. He typically consumes carbohydrates after working out to prevent fat buildup.

He will make an effort to maintain his weight for the majority of the year because it benefits his modeling job.

However, Myles explains, “There are always some situations where they want me to pack on a little more size or lose a little bit depending on the character.”


  • Whey protein
  • BCAA’s

Influences and Idols

Myles Leask credits Arnold Schwarzenegger as having had the most influence on him all. Ever since he and his father first watched Predator when he was a young boy, Myles has been fascinated by the movie star’s hulking persona.

Since he was a small lad, he has read every book Arnold has ever written and has made an effort to emulate him. Myles admires his incredible body as well as the focus and tenacity that has made him famous.

Additionally, he had the good fortune to cross paths with some of his other heroes while working in the same industry. such as Shaun Stafford and Rob Riches.

Myles claims that “right from the beginning they were always ready to converse and help me in any way they could” during other picture shoots and promotional activities.

When I initially started, I recall that I just couldn’t get my chest to develop, so I walked up to this man in the gym who was much older and bigger and had a chest that looked like two paving slabs and asked him, “How?”

What Can Myles Leask Teach Us?

Myles Leask has a competitive nature that has propelled him to the top of the modeling industry. He put in a lot of effort to turn his aspirations into a reality.

His success today is a result of hard effort and a resolve to succeed at the top, not just genetics. You too can accomplish greatness if you have the same mindset and motivation.

He has given some tips to people who want to start working out as a hobby or something a little more serious. This guidance is

  1. First things first, do your homework the internet is packed full of everything you could ever need you just have to start looking
  2. Don’t be afraid to ask other people in the gym, the majority of people will be more than happy to help as we have all been there, no one woke up pumped and shredded without having to work their ass off for it.
  3. Consistency Is Key – This is what it all comes down to it’s not about killing one workout. It’s about hitting every workout every day and getting your diet on point day in and day out. If you can be consistent there are no limits to what you can achieve.
  4. Don’t go it alone – Get a training partner who is as hungry for it as you are because then even if you ever feel like missing a workout you won’t because you’re accountable to someone other than just yourself.
  5. Stay Hungry” – Never be satisfied always want more it will be what drives you to do better and be better.

You can achieve greatness too if you follow this advice and have Myles’ tenacity.