NCT Yangyang
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A vocalist, Yangyang is a part of the Kpop trio NCT, NCT U, and WayV. He is still rather young, having only recently begun his journey with the group, and intends to continue for many more years.

NCT Yangyang is well-known among his followers for his singing prowess and attractive appearance. Fans still attempt to look like him even though vocal training may not be simple.

Therefore, keep reading if you’re also interested in learning about the NCT Yangyang Workout Routine exercise regimen and food strategy.

NCT Yangyang Diet And Exercise ProgramNCT Yangyang

Body Stats For NCT Yangyang

Height 5 ft 9 inch
Weight 62 kg
Age 20 years
Chest 40 inch
Waist 30 inch
Biceps 14 inch

NCT Yangyang Exercise Program

Whether it’s the NCT, NCT U, or WayV group, Yangyang is an active member of Kpop ensembles. So for Yangyang to keep up with the choreography and other things, being in shape is pretty important.

So what exercises must Yangyang be performing to maintain his trim physique? Don’t worry; I’ll talk about Yangyang and everything I know about it.

In no interview or open debate or V-Live conversation did Yangyang reveal his training in detail. Yangyang accomplishes certain things, such as dancing, without a doubt.

We are all aware that all Kpop performers must practice dance virtually daily to maintain their dance abilities and pick up new choreography.

The same goes for Yangyang when it comes to dancing; he must put in two hours of practice on average, practically five days a week.

Involved are additional factors like stretching and particular activities. Additionally, I discovered an interview with the way group in which Kun, one of the group members, made certain comments that even Yangyang agreed with.

You can watch the interview right here as Kun answers a fan’s question about how to obtain a slimmer, more athletic physique.

It’s easy, according to Kun, and you don’t need to adhere to a rigorous diet.

He began by stating that a good place to start is by remaining active and doing an 8-kilometer brisk walk every morning and evening before bed. Keep your heart rate elevated during your workout to burn more calories.

Let me give you a workout plan so you can get in shape like Yangyang. According to the plan, we will train daily for around six days.

Every day, we’ll alter a few things to provide you with a better workout while putting more of an emphasis on aerobic exercises and remaining active.

then Yangyang Workout Routine exercise consists of:


We will exercise for an hour to two hours in the cardio regimen. For a comparable pattern to Yangyang, I would advise learning a dance routine and enrolling in a dance class.

However, you may perform it on your own and even burn more calories by substituting 5 km of running for the hour-long dance practice.

That’s why I would recommend adhering to a dancing routine as it will be entertaining, and you will burn many calories according to your weight, height, and fitness level. Also, make sure you perform enough stretching full-body before starting this workout.

Toning Workout

In the toning routine, I would suggest doing boxing and completing some core and free-body workouts. Forty minutes of boxing training will offer you an intense aerobic routine while exercising all your core, lower, and upper body.

After you finish done with boxing, you can conduct a workout that will involve exercises like push-ups, crunches, leg lifts, planks, etc.

That t’s it for the NCT Yangyang training program.

NCT Yangyang Diet Plan

Sadly there was no specific diet included, but in that same video, an interview with Wayne. Kun indicated that you don’t need any diet plan; all you need to do is lower the quantity of the food you typically eat.

That is not wrong, and it will surely help you lose weight due to the calorie shortage. However, you can still start living a healthy lifestyle by modifying parts of your meals and adopting healthy practices.

I will be giving you an easy meal to follow that will undoubtedly help you get results if you follow the program.

NCT Yangyang diet includes:


  • Oatmeal
  • Juice


  • Green smoothie (spinach, broccoli, kale, and asparagus)


  • Chicken breast
  • A small bowl of rice
  • A small bowl of soup
  • Salad


  • Sweet potato

That’s all for the NCT Yangyang diet plan.