Nikki Blackketter
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Who is Nikki Blackketter?

Nikki Blackketter was a typical youngster growing up in Huston, Texas, where she was born and reared. Nikki began regularly consuming alcohol when she was in her late teens, which steadily harmed her health.

Short Career of Nikki Blackketter

Nikki Blackketter ultimately decided to stop drinking alcohol and joined a gym to rebuild her life.

Nikki’s life has drastically altered since that time, and after many years of hard work in the gym, she improved her figure, became a fitness model, and amassed a lot of online renown.

Nikki also started working as a personal trainer, assisting ladies all around the world in changing their way of life.

“Trust your instinct, take risks, and find your happiness.”

Body Measurements of Nikki Blackketter

Full Name: Nikki Blackketter
HEIGHT: 5’1″ (155cm)
WEIGHT: Under 115lbs (52.2kg)
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, Personal Trainer, Bikini Competitor
ERA: 2010

“Please keep in mind to stand up for what you believe in. Even when you cannot find it in others, fight for what is right. You have no other option except to battle for your heart. Because our lives are so brief, fighting for the good is worthwhile.


Nikki Blackketter has competed in two bikini contests, amassed a sizable social media following, and runs a personal training business as of 2016.

She is a sponsored athlete as well as a fitness model.

“We have the chance to be unique every morning. potential for transformation. a chance to improve. Leave your history alone; it is your past. Move on to the next section.


Unsound Behaviors

On February 23, 1992, in Huston, Texas, Michelle Blackketter gave birth to Nikki Blackketter. Growing up, she wasn’t an active child and wasn’t interested in sports.

When Nikki started high school, she began forming bad habits. Because of her quick metabolism, she would frequently eat fast food and sweets, which did not affect how she looked.

Nikki didn’t start to detect a negative alteration in her body until her final year of high school. She also started drinking alcohol during this period.

She used to drink socially with her friends on the weekends at first, but as time went on, she started to regularly consume alcohol, and she soon found herself showing up to school nearly every day with a hangover.

“I ultimately concluded that I was sick of showing up to class every day with a hangover. I detested the way my body felt and appeared.

If Nikki wanted to maintain her physical and emotional health, as well as stay up with her academics, she recognized she had to make some changes to her partying problem.

A Different Way Of Life

Nikki Blackketter

Nikki recalled that she frequently considered joining a gym during her adolescence but refrained out of concern that weightlifting would make her overweight.

However, as her bad habits began to catch up with her, Nikki abruptly decided she needed to make a change, and the gym was the ideal place to do it.

As she gained confidence, Nikki Blackketter began exercising with heavy weights and high volume after beginning with lighter weights and lots of cardio. She then observed changes in her physical appearance.

As she put it, “I became addicted to lifting weights, and I haven’t looked back since!” it goes without saying that Nikki became infatuated with working out and entirely forgot about her old partying lifestyle.

Increased Fame

Nikki had a lot of experience with lifting weights by the time she was 21. She also began to examine her nutrition at that time, and as a result, she saw even more significant improvements in her body.

After months of strict dieting and laborious workouts, numerous friends urged Nikki to consider participating in a bikini show. Nikki decided to attempt it since she had always enjoyed the idea of being on stage.

Nikki declared after her first bikini competition that it was a great sensation and that she wished to repeat it.

The aspiring fitness model also started her social media accounts, where she posted images of the body she had over time sculpted along with inspirational quotes.

Her social media engagement gained a lot of attention, and Nikki soon had a ton of admirers asking her for fitness tips.

A Good Example

Nikki has developed into a well-known fitness model and bikini competitor after taking her first steps into the fitness industry.

Nikki decided to launch her training firm as a result of the numerous inquiries she received for fitness guidance. She has since assisted ladies all around the world in transforming their lives.

Nikki looks forward to the new challenges that lie ahead as she continues to motivate her supporters every day.

“My favorite exercise is laughing till my abs hurt.”


Cardiological Exercise Philosophy

Nikki has always enjoyed performing 5-day splits with 2 upper body days and 3 leg days for the majority of her fitness career.

For novices, she claims that concentrating on compound movements is one of the finest ways to lay a strong foundation. She didn’t begin doing isolation exercises until after several months of gym training.

Nikki claims she performs cardio exercises anytime she feels the desire. Otherwise, she enjoys plyometric exercises since they raise her heart rate.

Nikki engages in a lot of high-intensity interval training, which can involve sprinting or utilizing a Stairmaster, in case she has to lose weight quickly.

Favorite Workouts

Nikki Blackketter

Step-ups: Nikki feels that this specific activity combines both aerobic and weightlifting for her. She claims that it keeps the heart rate up while being a wonderful technique to build glutes and quads.

Squats – According to Nikki, this one is self-explanatory. She claims it’s the ideal exercise for building a well-rounded physique and that trying to break her records while doing it is a terrific challenge.

Nikki asserts that lunges are one of the best exercises for the glutes and quads since they never get boring. The sheer number of variations she may perform with this exercise is one of her favorite aspects of it.

Training Division

For Nikki, a typical week’s worth of exercise looks like this:

Monday: Glutes

Circuit 1

  • Squats 3 x 10
  • Super Wide Leg Press 3 x 10
  • Cable Kickbacks 3 x 10

Circuit 2

  • Barbell Hip Thrust 3 x 10
  • Walking Lunges 3 x 15
  • Single-Legged Leg Press 3 x 10

Tuesday: Hamstrings

Circuit 1

  • Stiff Legged Dumbbell Deadlifts 3 x 10-12
  • Lying Leg Curls 3 x 10

Circuit 2

  • Glute Ham Raises 3 x 10
  • Lying Ham Curls with Exercise Ball 3 x 15
  • Seated Leg Curl 3 x 10 

Wednesday: Upper Body

Circuit 1

  • Pull Ups (Resistance Band Assistance) 3 x Failure
  • Seated Cable Row 3 x 15
  • Dumbbell Renegade Rows 3 x 10

Circuit 2

  • Dips 2 x 10-12
  • Front Raises 2 x 15 (Superset)
  • Side Lateral Raises 2 x 15
  • Cable Crossovers 2 x 10
  • Push Ups 2 x 10

Thursday: Quads

Circuit 1

  • Front Squats 3 x 10
  • Narrow Stance Leg Press 3 x 10
  • Leg Extensions 3 x 10

Circuit 2

  • Dumbbell Walking Lunges 3 x 15
  • Dumbbell Step Ups 3 x 10 (Each Leg)

Friday: Full Body/Plyos

Circuit 1

  • Front Squats into Shoulder Press 3 x 20
  • Jumping Lunges 3 x 20
  • Kettlebell Swings 3 x 20

Circuit 2

  • Burpees 3 x 20
  • Alternating Med Ball Push Ups 3 x 20
  • Box Jumps 3 x 15

Saturday: Active Rest

  • Rest

Sunday: Active Rest

  • Rest

“I’ve been documenting my experience on social media since day one because, quite frankly, I don’t want to let anyone down. I want to be a healthy and inspiring role model for girls.”


Dietary Principles

If It Fits Your Macros, or IFFYM, is an acronym that Nikki supports as a way of eating. In general, Nikki’s diet allows her to eat whatever she wants as long as it adheres to her daily macronutrient plan.

Since she believes that dieting shouldn’t be difficult, she claims it’s one of the best things she could do for herself.

Breakfast is Nikki’s preferred meal of the day, and he enjoys eating eggs, bacon, oatmeal, waffles, and hash browns.

A Menu Plan

Although Nikki’s diet varies considerably, a typical day of eating for her looks like this.

  • Meal 1: 2 Whole Eggs, 2 Egg Whites, and 2 packets of Sugar-Free Maple Brown Sugar Oatmeal
  • Meal 2: 4 ounces Chicken, 1 slice Turkey Bacon, 2-3 cups Spinach, ½ cup Strawberries, ¼ cup Reduced Fat Feta Cheese, handful chopped Tomatoes, handful shredded Carrots, 1 tablespoon Olive Oil and 1 tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar Dressing
  • Meal 3: 4-6 ounces Chicken, 1 cup chopped White Potatoes, 3 ½ ounces Asparagus, and 1 tablespoon Reduced Sugar Ketchup
  • Meal 4: 80 calorie Light and Fit Greek Yogurt, 5 ounces Bell Peppers and ½ cup Strawberries
  • Meal 5: 1 serving Kodiak Power Cakes, 1 Whole Egg, 3 tablespoons Peanut Butter, and ¼ cup Syrup


Nikki doesn’t like supplements very much; the only two she takes every day are Vitamin C and Biotin. Occasionally, if she feels it is necessary, she will take BCAAs or a pre-workout.

A dream with a deadline is a goal.

Influences And Idols

Growing up, Nikki claimed she had no role models in the fitness world, but after giving up drinking and taking up exercise, she encountered some fantastic individuals who served as inspirations, Jamie Easton being one of them.

What Nikki Blackketter Teaches Us?

During her time in college, Nikki Blackketter all too quickly learned how to live a life of bad habits. Nikki’s physique suffered as a result of drinking, eating fast food, and a sugar-rich diet.

She eventually mustered the courage to give up her bad habits and dedicate herself to fitness; ever since that time, she hasn’t turned back.

If Nikki has taught us anything, it’s to break harmful habits gradually and put our health first. You too can achieve remarkable outcomes if you take Nikki’s path.