Nimai Delgado
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Who is Nimai Delgado?

American vegan athlete and professional Men’s Physique bodybuilder Nimai Delgado. Nimai had always been a vegetarian, but in 2015 he decided to go completely vegan.

Short Career of Nimai Delgado

Nimai Delgado has a personal quest to maintain good health and fitness. It eventually developed into a “full-blown” movement that informs people about how eating a plant-based diet is still feasible to maintain muscular mass.

“I’m standing up against the killing, suffering, and violence against innocent living things.

I’m educating people on the possibility of competing against professional athletes while maintaining a vegan lifestyle, pushing your body to its physical limits, and realizing this! ”

Nimai now uses his social media platforms to widely disseminate his message of leading a vegan lifestyle. This is his story:

Learn to look within yourself for solutions rather than outside sources.

By engaging in mindfulness practices, we can tune into how and why we are feeling and, after we’ve identified it, change it. But first, you need to learn how to quiet your mind and recognize such emotions! ”

Body Measurements of Nimai Delgado

Full Name: Nimai Delgado
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Mechanical Engineer, Men’s Physique IFBB Pro, Online Fitness Coach

“What motivates you?  I believe that too many of us forget to search deep within ourselves to find what truly motivates us. We are told from a young age to grow up and get a good paying job to buy nice things. But we are rarely taught to follow our heart and do what makes us happiest.”

Nimai Delgado



  • Fresno Classic, NPC, Men’s Physique Class C, 2nd
  • Fresno Classic, NPC, Men’s Physique Novice Class C, 1st


  • Grand Prix Championships, NPC, Men’s Physique Class B, 2nd
  • Fresno Classic, NPC, Men’s Physique Class C, 1st
  • USA Championships, NPC, Men’s Physique Class C, 1st – Pro Card Earned
  • Sacramento Pro, IFBB Men’s Physique, 6th


  • Hawaii Pro, IFBB Men’s Physique, 8th
  • San Jose Pro, IFBB Men’s Physique, 5th
  • Vancouver Pro, IFBB Men’s Physique, 7th

“Life becomes so much clearer when you have a purpose. Your purpose will constantly inspire you and provide the necessary motivation to work for it.”


Vegan Since Birth

Nimai Delgado was born in South Mississippi and was brought up by his Hindu parents on a vegetarian diet.

My wonderful parents, who are both now practicing Hindus, nurtured me with a great sense of compassion. Growing up, my diet has always been roughly 95% vegan, except dairy products.”

Nimai had a nutritious diet and was active and fit from a young age.

He engaged in extracurricular activities and sports that maintained his strength and stamina at high levels, gradually laying the groundwork for the fitness journey he subsequently started.

How to Go Vegan?

Nimai decided to switch from vegetarianism to veganism in 2015. To completely convert to veganism, he eliminated all dairy, eggs, and other animal products from his diet.

Nimai’s motivation was straightforward: he wanted to lead the best lifestyle possible by consuming only whole, plant-based foods.

Nimai also wanted to go vegan to raise awareness of the advantages of this way of life in terms of both health and the environment.

Nimai elaborates on his motivation for going vegan in the following words: “I decided that I wanted to not only live the vegan lifestyle, but I also wanted to help raise information on how to become the best version of yourself while living this lifestyle.”

A Rising Fitness Star

Nimai worked out diligently at the gym to develop a physique that was a representation of his vegan lifestyle.

Using himself as an example, he wanted to demonstrate to people that it is feasible to follow a plant-based diet and maintain a lean physique.

Nimai achieved his goal over time, adding significant quantities of muscle gain while consuming grains, beans, avocados, lentils, salads, and other vegan foods.

He did this to demonstrate to the public that plant-based diets may be just as effective as other diets for increasing muscle mass.

Nimai didn’t stop there, either. He went one step further and started competing in Men’s Physique.

Nimai won multiple competitions at the end of his first season competing on the bodybuilding scene. not to mention the NPC USA Championships, when he was made an IFBB Pro.

Today’s Nimai Delgado

Nimai is still working to advance his cause by encouraging a plant-based diet and an active lifestyle.

With his example, he intends to encourage as many people as possible to adopt a diet and way of life that are both environmentally responsible and healthful.


When Nimai trains for size, he prefers to include a lot of volume in his workouts. He believes that performing a lot of sets and reps while using heavy weights results in the greatest amounts of muscle hypertrophy.

However, Nimai’s training regimen looks a little different when he is getting ready for a bodybuilding competition. He will reduce the intensity of his workouts and the weight at this point.

Nimai does this mostly to prevent muscular damage because losing body fat leaves his body more vulnerable to injury.

Nimai’s Arm Exercises

Nimai will adhere to his training philosophy of incorporating large volumes of heavyweights when trying to gain size.

As he states, “I do 4 sets of each exercise and my rep ranges are 12/10/10/8 with the increasing weight each set.” He’ll also utilize progressive overload.

The exercises;

  • Heavy Barbell curls
  • Seated dumbbell curls
  • Preacher curls
  • Single-arm cable curls
  • Tricep pushdowns
  • Close grip bench
  • Skull crushers
  • Cable kickbacks

“Even though vegan pizza isn’t the healthiest vegan option. I still like to live a balanced life and satisfy my cravings sometimes. It’s important to know that one piece of pizza won’t make you fat just like one salad won’t make you skinny.

I would rather satisfy my craving than completely eliminating certain foods from my diet and end up binge eating and falling off track.”


Transitioning From Vegetarian to Vegan

When Nimai was a vegetarian, he combined eating animal goods like eggs and cheese with a 95% plant-based diet.

However, after making the switch to a fully vegan diet, there was no room for any animal products. Nimai claims that the change wasn’t tough for him and that the only little issue he had was that he was no longer able to consume the cheese on his pizza.

But there are vegan cheese substitutes. Nimai easily adjusted to his new way of life and continued his exercise and diet without any issues.

“You Are What You Eat”

Nimai firmly believes in the proverb “you are what you eat,” and feels that there is a direct connection between the foods he consumes and how he feels and looks.

Nimai decides to consume only the healthiest foods as a result, such as beans, whole grains, and vegetables with dark green leaves.

Hormones and Soy

Nimai thinks that the idea of elevated estrogen levels in soy-eating guys is untrue.

He claims that soy is one of the best sources of plant-based protein and that it is safe for men’s hormones.

Nimai continues, “In fact, soy has been demonstrated to lessen the incidence of certain types of cancer in men.” He also notes how soy “contains all of the essential amino acids and is a very excellent source of protein.”

Diet When Cutting

When Nimai wants to cut down his body fat for a contest, he’ll have six meals – each meal having this macro ratio;

  • 35 grams of protein
  • 15 grams of carbs
  • 11 grams of fat

Nimai says it’s okay if he goes a few grams above or beyond the targeted macro range per meal. That is, as long as his overall daily intake is in alignment with his goals.

An example of one of these meals would be;

  • 1 packet of vegan chicken
  • 1 avocado
  • 2-3 handfuls of spinach (Nimai never counts the exact weight of his veggies. He always tries to get as much as possible as they are low in calories, and rich in fiber)
  • 1 medium yellow squash
  • 1 medium zucchini
  • Lemon Juice and Balsamic vinegar for salad dressing

Nimai Delgado’s Favorite Vegan Dish

Nimai’s favorite vegan meal is a fresh avocado on toast. He’ll typically have this for breakfast, as it’s rich in fats and carbs which give him the energy to begin the day.

  • 1 whole  avocado
  • 2 slices of toasted whole-grain bread
  • 2 slices of tomato
  • A dash of olive oil and balsamic vinegar
  • Oregano

Influences and Idols

Miami finds motivation to continue preaching veganism from his followers and from everyone else who has a similar outlook.

Nimai Delgado looks up to his followers as well as other fitness influencers that champion an active and healthy lifestyle. He draws inspiration from their success stories to keep working hard toward both his fitness and personal development goals.

“I’ve always preferred collecting stamps in my passport than accumulating a lot of unnecessary material possessions.

You’ll soon forget about those shoes you bought once, but I can assure you that you’ll never forget the one time you viewed a sunset from the top of a mountain in a faraway country. build up your experience. not objects

What Might Nimai Delgado Teach Us?

If Nimai Delgado has taught us anything, it’s that success doesn’t require following the crowd.

Numerous individuals have doubts about Nimai’s ability to become an IFBB Pro while remaining vegan.

People argued that he couldn’t possibly achieve his goals by only eating vegetables, but he proved them wrong by succeeding in every single one of them.

This teaches us to work toward our own goals rather than trying to imitate what others are doing. Like Nimai Delgado, you should keep your attention on your road and remain true to who you are.