Nutrient dense

Thinking what to have for breakfast? Often, people skip this first and important meal of the day. And if they do have it, they make unhealthy food choices for it. In order to make it nutrient dense and exciting, here are some tips from sports nutrition experts.

Breakfast and its importance

Breakfast is the first meal of the day. It is vital because you have been fasting overnight while asleep. Therefore, you need to replenish your body with energy and nutrients. These have to come from your breakfast. It should fill, be tasty and nutritious too.

But often, people skip their breakfast, according to the recent data from Graze. This is not healthy. In fact, you should not only have your breakfast daily, but it should have foods that are nutritious.

Breakfast should be filling and satiating. This will keep hunger away fur a longer time. Also, it will give you energy to start the day and carry on with your daily duties.

Nutrient dense
Oats with yoghurt and toppings (Source: My Quiet Kitchen)

Nutrition experts from advise on how to ‘healthify’ your breakfast. They suggest that one should incorporate these four foods in it to make it nutrient dense and thrilling.

Nutrient dense foods to include in your daily breakfast


Oats are a great choice for breakfast. They have good carbs and these release energy slowly. They prevent high blood sugar spikes and keep you full longer. And they have dietary fiber for bowel movement regulation. Moreover, they are full of vitamins and minerals. They keep blood bad cholesterol under control.

One can have them sweet or savory. They can be topped with fruits and nuts. They are also gluten free. Also, they are easy to prepare and one can do it in advance with overnight oats.


This is a versatile food and great to start the day. One can have it in oats, with fruits or as a smoothie. It has proteins, vitamins and minerals. It is a probiotic and good for gut health. Having yoghurt plain is also good. Greek yoghurt is the best variety of yoghurt. It is dense with less water and preferred for health reasons.

Nutrient dense
Nuts and nut butters (Source: Tasting table)

Nuts, seeds, dried fruits

The nuts have proteins, healthy fats, potassium, magnesium, and antioxidants. They are good for the heart. Nuts such as almonds and hazelnuts have a lot of dietary fiber. They can be had raw or roasted or used as toppings on oats, in smoothies or in yoghurts.

If you do not like them in the hard firm, nut butters are an equally healthy choice. They go well with oats or on whole grain bread. Similarly, seeds have protein and healthy fats. One can add sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, or chia seeds to oatmeal, yoghurt, smoothies, or porridge. They are rich sources of omega 3 fatty acids that protect the heart.

Fatty fish

Nutrient dense
Fatty fish (Source: iStock)

This is not a typical breakfast menu item. But it could be considered because it has a lot of health benefits. It has protein and can reduce food cravings and snacking.

Oily fish has healthy essential fats. These are EPA and DHA. These are excellent for heart as well as the brain. Moreover, they give the body vitamin D and antioxidants.

Also, read What is fishless fish? Advantages and challenges!

Grilled or smoked salmon can be eaten at breakfast over wholemeal toast. They are packed with nutrients, omega 3 fatty acids and vitamins and minerals with proteins.