Veggie Power Bowl
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  • Food: Veggie Power Bowl

  • Writer: Alice

  • Content-Type: Food Blog

This tasty, energetic veggie power bowl recipe is simple to make. It’s full of crunchy vegetables, nutty grains, and gooey eggs, making it ideal for dinner preparation.

Make this veggie power bowl if you need a little something to make your day (or week, or month, or even year…) brighter! I always smile when I see it since it has such a variety of vibrant colors and textures.

Though. What’s not to ooh and aah at that gorgeous purple daikon?

When I’m seeking brighter, lighter dishes after the holidays in January, power bowl recipes are always among my favorites to prepare.

This year, the power bowl dish in question has been delivered. A rich, jammy soft boiled egg, creamy avocado, and nutty black rice complement the crisp vegetables. A sweet and savory sesame ginger dressing binds everything together, while pickled ginger gives it a revitalizing jolt.

This recipe is excellent for dinner preparation because it uses only raw vegetables. Over the weekend, prepare the dressing and cook a batch of rice, then store them in the refrigerator.

In this manner, you may quickly put this power bowl together throughout the week. Nothing beats an exhilarating, revitalizing lunch like this for me, at least, on a gloomy winter day.


Veggie Power Bowl
Food: Veggie Power Bowl
Source: Choosing Chia

This recipe for a power bowl is full of delicious, healthy ingredients:

  • Black rice is a nutrient-rich grain that is slightly sweet and nutty. This power bowl recipe’s basis is a delectable, filling one.
  • For protein, try soft-boiled eggs! I adore the way the runny yolks cover and combine with the vegetables.
  • Edamame – It increases the protein level of this power bowl even further.
  • Use whichever baby greens you choose for your salad! I decide to go with a blend of baby kale, arugula, and chard.
  • Radishes: For their crisp and spicy flavor. Purple daikon works well here, but any color or kind will do.
  • Carrots are sliced into curly, crisp ribbons with a vegetable peeler.
  • Avocado: Its creamy texture contrasts beautifully with the vegetables’ crispness and the rice’s nutty flavor.
  • Pickled ginger: It gives the dish a tangy, slightly sweet kick.
  • To bring everything together, use sesame ginger dressing! This spicy, gently sweet, and nutty dressing is highly addictive. You’ll adore it, I can tell.

I top my bowl with sesame seeds for texture and scallions for sweet, oniony flavor just before I eat it. I top it up with a squirt of sriracha because I enjoy this power bowl hotter than others.


Although this dish is excellent as described, it can be altered like with any power bowl recipe. Use what you have on hand or modify it to suit your preferences. Here are some simple ways to switch it up:

  • Veganize it. Simply leave out the egg to make this power bowl vegan! Increase the edamame by two times, or top the bowl with black beans, baked tofu, tempeh, or crunchy roasted chickpeas for more protein.
  • Replace the grain. Is black rice unavailable? Don’t stress over it. Use quinoa or brown rice instead!
  • Try a different sauce. It would be wonderful with gochujang sauce, tahini dressing, peanut sauce, and cilantro lime dressing.
  • Adapt the vegetables. Replace the radishes with shaved beets or the carrots with thinly sliced fennel. Here, roasted vegetables would also be excellent. Add Brussels sprouts, asparagus, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, or other vegetables.


A revitalizing, reviving lunch or dinner is this nutritious power bowl recipe! I enjoy making the dressing and the rice in advance. The bowl comes together quickly in this manner.

Prep Time: 20 mins
Serves: 2


  • Two handfuls of mixed salad greens
  • 1 cup cooked forbidden black rice
  • 1 carrotpeeled into thin ribbons
  • 1/2 avocadosliced
  • 1/3 cup frozen edamamethawed
  • 1/4 cup thinly sliced daikon radish or any radish
  • 1 to 2 soft-boiled eggs
  • Sesame ginger dressing for drizzling
  • Sesame seedsfor sprinkling
  • 1 chopped scallionoptional
  • pickled gingeroptional
  • Lemon or lime wedgesfor serving, optional
  • Srirachafor serving, optional
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper


Veggie Power Bowl
Food: Veggie Power Bowl
Source: Choosing Chia
  1. Put the salad leaves, rice, carrot, avocado, edamame, daikon, and soft-boiled eggs in each bowl.
  2. Sprinkle with sesame seeds after dressing. Add the pickled ginger and, if desired, the scallions. Add salt and pepper to taste. If desired, garnish with lemon wedges and sriracha.