Quick fixes

Whenever a doctor or nutritionist talks about healthy foods, some people get worried. They feel that it would mean doing away with their favorite foods items permanently. They imagine that they will have to eat boring and bland foods in order to eat healthily. But this is not always the case. Just a few swaps in the ingredients can allow to enjoy your loved foods without it being unhealthy. Here are some quick fixes to make your food healthy.

Foods and health

We all know that the foods we eat matter a lot as regards our health. Consuming unhealthy foods for a prolonged period or daily can harm the health. It can lead to body inflammation and an unhealthy gut and disturbed gut microbiome. This in turn leads to the onset and progression of several chronic diseases such as heart ailments, blood pressure issues, diabetes, cancer, and arthritis.

Hence, in order to avoid this, one should eat healthy. But it does not mean that you have to eliminate all the delicious foods from your diet and introduce the not-so-tasty foods in it. No, this is not needed. You can just swap some unhealthy ingredients in the food for healthier ones. Here are the quick fixes for eating healthy.

Quick fixes for healthy foods

Unhealthy foods need not be changed completely. But just replace the unhealthy ingredient in it for a wholesome and healthier one.

Quick fixes
Refined vs whole wheat flour (Source: Pinterest)

Use whole grain flour in place of refined flour

The 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that at least half of the daily intake of grains or its flour should be as whole grains or its flour. This helps to keep slim and prevents heart diseases. Whole grains have an intact bran. Therefore, they are rich in fiber, magnesium, B vitamins and other nutrients. This keeps many diseases at bay. Avoid foods that have refined flour in it. Look at and read the labels properly to be sure. If products with healthy ingredients are not available in the shops or restaurants, it would be best to make them at home for health reasons.

Replace salt with herbs and spices

Try to lessen the intake of salt. This can cause high blood pressure. On the other hand, herbs and spices are healthier and contain a lot of antioxidants that are best for the body. Hence, replace the salt with spices and herbs and you will never lament the taste. Food with less salt and more spices are equally delicious.

Replace the farmed Atlantic salmon with wild-caught Alaskan salmon

Quick fixes
Wild caught salmon is healthier (Source: Facebook)

This replacement is beneficial because the farmed salmon is fed highly processed and high fat diet. Hence, the farmed salmon has less of omega 3 fatty acids compared to the wild-caught one. Pollutants and contaminants in the wild one are also less and it is more sustainable.

Go for lean meats and plant proteins

Instead of processed meat, consume lean meats and plant meat alternatives. Proteins from plants are much better than those from animals. Avoid red meats and processed meats. These can increase risk of colon cancer. Plant proteins are cheaper and also healthier.

Also, read Delicious Dark Chocolate Olive Oil Cake Recipe (Perfect for Dessert)

In place of milk chocolate, use dark chocolate

Quick fixes
Dark chocolate is better (Source: Choc affair)

Dark chocolates have a lot of flavanols in it. Studies have revealed that these improve heart health and reduce blood pressure. They also lessen body inflammation. Dark chocolates also improve insulin sensitivity. This can help prevent diabetes. Additionally, this chocolate contains minerals such as copper, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and magnesium. For desserts or snacks, prefer a variety that has at least 70% cocoa in it. Avoid those that have added sugar, fats, and more calories.