Quitting sugars

Sugar has a bad name in foods, nutrition, and health industry. When diets for weight loss come in, the first thing to be ticked out in them are sugars and sugary foods and drinks. But this is hard for some to follow since sugar enhances taste of foods. How to ease out this process of quitting sugars?

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Sugars and sugary foods and drinks

People are fond of sugars and sugary foods and drinks and enjoy them the utmost. It is a comfort food for many. Life would be dry and sad without them. But over the years, sugars got a bad reputation since studies showed that they can cause diseases and weight gain. The first thing that nutritionists ask people to delete on their diets are sugars and sweet products.

Quitting sugars
No to sugars can be hard (Source: ISSA)

But this process of quitting sugars from their daily diet is difficult for many people especially those with a sweet tooth. Besides, like all nutrients, sugars in moderation are okay for the body. But they can harm only when taken in excessive amounts. Sugar is a macronutrient that sweetens dishes and is essential in eating. It is OK if it is part of a balanced diet. Therefore have them but in moderate quantities. But how to go about minimizing sugars with ease? Here are some simple and easy ways to do so!

Quitting sugars: factors

Amount of sugars

NHS states that 30 grams of sugar per day are okay. This is 6 teaspoons or 7 sugar cubes. This excludes the fructose you get from fruits. A cola van has 9 sugar cubes and is therefore not advised.

Is there anything called detoxification of sugars?

This has no scientific support of it. Some people find it easier to completely cut off sugars in diet while others can reduce it and there are others who cannot do it at all.

Withdrawal symptoms?

Some may get these withdrawal symptoms while others may not. Age, gender, genes, lifestyle, amount taken per day, nutrition, hydration, stress, sleep duration and quality determine these symptoms. These include restlessness, anxiety, lack of concentration, brain fog, depression, light headedness, nausea, cravings, weakness etc. But all these symptoms disappear in 3 weeks times.

Quitting sugars
Sugars are tempting (Source: BBC good food)

Any benefits of reduction of sugars?

Studies do show that reducing sugar intake benefits heart, teeth, weight, and prevents cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Types of restrictions?

Some people cut back only on refined sugars. Others quit even foods that have added sugars in them such as sauces and condiments. Replace these with high protein foods or fats or low sugar vegetables. Quit alcohol and avoid all sugary drinks.

Steps to help the quitting process


Dietitian Claire Goodwin explains:

When it comes to quitting sugar,’ or simply reducing your intake, ‘clear your fridge and cupboards of sweet temptations then focus on meal prep. This way you’ll always have healthy – and instant – dinner and snack options ready when you need them most.’

Avoid blood sugar crashes

Dietitian Emma Brown feels that blood sugar crashes can lead to intense cravings. Therefore, prevent it by eating high fiber foods like whole grains that release slow energy.

Quitting sugars
Fruits have natural sugars (Source: Pinterest)

Look for alternatives

Try to stimulate your taste buds with alternative foods such as nuts with spices.

Avoid diet drinks

Do not be fooled by diet fizzy drinks. They are not healthy.

Check food and drink labels

This will help avoid foods with hidden sugars in them.

Have a backup plan

Know when you feel hungry and have alternative foods at hand for those times.

Eat before you get hungry and plan your food time

Usually every 3 hours eating is good for body. Willpower weakens with hunger. Do not let hunger overpower you.

Add spices such as cinnamon

Exercises and walking

These can help boost mental health and prevent you from getting weak to reach out for sugar.

Have gradual reduction of sugar

Go slow on lessening sugars from your foods. That will help you tolerate the loss.

Have good quality sleep

This leads to healthy food choices naturally.

Fruits and vegetables

Have five a day and it will help you reduce sugars easily.

Mindful eating

This helps to improve will power and decrease cravings.

Read more White sugar is toxic for the body! Natural sugars are OK!

Cook from scratch

Home made preparations ensure that there is no or less sugar in your food. This leads to healthy body and mind.