Rob Sharpe
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Who Is Rob Sharpe?

Rob Sharpe is a personal trainer and WBFF Pro Fitness Model living in Dubai. After winning the WBFF Championships in Las Vegas, he received his Pro Status in August of that same year.

Rob was enamored of sports and the thrill of competition from a young age. Due to this, he participated in football and boxing while he was a high school student before switching to fitness and personal coaching after he graduated.

Rob began lifting weights out of pure interest, and over time, his physique significantly improved. As Rob gained strength and size as well as success and notoriety, small victories kept on coming.

“I am motivated by my passion for health and fitness, which I use as a pastime, career, and way of life.

It doesn’t get any more motivating than that, so after winning first place in Las Vegas and earning my pro card, I was even more motivated to compete in the upcoming pro shows.

“Always keep in mind that your concentration shapes your reality.

We never direct our concentration or concentrate our force, which is one reason why so few of us succeed in achieving what we want. In life, most people fumble around. never deciding to master any one skill.

Body Measurements of Rob Sharpe

Full Name: Rob Sharpe
HEIGHT: 5’11” (180cm)
WEIGHT: 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)
PROFESSION: Fitness Model, Personal Trainer
ERA: 2010


  • WBFF Pro Fitness Model and Athlete
  • Coach for personal training


Short Career of Rob SharpeRob Sharpe

Rob Sharpe was raised in a sporting environment. Playing with his friends and family growing up, he constantly looked for methods to express himself via physical activities.

Rob started participating in many sports while still in school. “I played football from the age of eight, boxing from the age of thirteen, and tried out for every school sports team I could,” he claims.

Continuing With FitnessRob Sharpe

Rob progressively drifted away from these sports as the years went by in quest of other challenges. After finishing high school, he learned about weightlifting. His interest was immediately piqued by this.

Rob first joined a gym when he was 18 years old. He did not know about nutrition at the time; all he knew was that he wanted to exercise hard and gain weight, which he accomplished over the following months.

License For Personal Training

Rob’s physique rapidly changed as his exercise expertise and experience improved. At this point, he understood that fitness was his “calling.” In the end, he decided to pursue a profession in this area.

He studied personal training in London, where he gained a lot of knowledge about exercise, diet, and other fitness-related topics. With this information, he was now able to assist others in achieving their fitness objectives.

Career Development

Rob relocated to Dubai after four years of working as a personal trainer in London. He focused there on developing his career as a fitness model and athlete.

He eventually entered the world of physique contests as a result of this. Rob competed in the WBFF’s fitness model division, and thanks to his powerful and well-defined body, he placed highly in his first show.

Rob pushed himself hard during his training and nutrition to develop his greatest physique yet he was hungry for more success.

“This made me even hungrier to achieve more and push myself to succeed in what I set out to do,” he said. “I trained harder and found the most effective way through nutrition and scientific methods to reach my next goal.”

Rob’s next objective was to win his second show, and he succeeded in doing so.

After two years of arduous training, Rob finally reached his potential on August 14, 2015, when he won the Las Vegas WBFF Physique Championship and received his WBFF Pro Card.

Rob’s status as a WBFF Pro athlete wasn’t the only thing that this victory guaranteed. It also helped him score multiple endorsement partnerships with publications, fitness centers, and modeling agencies.

Rob did his first photo session for one of the biggest fitness publications in the business only three weeks after his triumph.

Now With Rob Sharpe

Since he won the WBFF competition, Rob’s career has advanced significantly. He is now a well-known fitness model, a personal trainer with international recognition, and an internet sensation.

Despite all of his achievements, Rob’s life philosophy has not changed: “I want to make a difference in people’s day-to-day life, including help with motivation, goal setting, and nutrition, which will lead to a positive, well-balanced lifestyle, granting confidence in an all-around perspective, and bringing them life-changing results.”

assisting others by offering fitness guidance and inspiration. Rob has a big heart and never stops giving; he has no intention of doing so any time soon.


High Reps, High Volume

Rob likes to use a lot of volume throughout his exercises. He also enjoys training with a lot of repetitions. I’m a little of a high volume junkie, and I love chasing the burn, he says.

Although he enjoys increasing his power, maintaining excellent technique while exercising is his first concern. Rob will even give up weight if he thinks it will help him get in better shape.

Rob Sharpe’s Exercise Program

  • Monday:
    • AM – Chest. Low reps 6-8 Monday
    • PM – Chest & Shoulders high reps 12-15
  • Tuesday: 
    • AM- Hamstrings, glutes 6-8 reps
    • PM hams, glutes 12-15 reps
  • Wednesday: 
    • AM- back and arms with a mixture of intensity and volume
  • Thursday:
    • Cardio
  • Friday:
    • AM – Quads 6-8 reps
    • PM – Quads 12-15 reps finished with close-footed walking lunges for 3 sets 50 reps
  • Saturday:
    • Shoulders, chest concentrating on volume 12-15 reps
  • Sunday:
    • AM – Back 6-8 reps
    • PM – Back biceps 12-15 reps

“Abs are like any other muscle group; they require recovery time and a variety of rep ranges. using weights both hefty and light.

I wouldn’t train them more than twice or three times a week. Just like any other muscle that requires development, train them and allow them to heal.


Dieting Protocols By Rob

Rob Sharpe adheres to the conventional “bulking” and “cutting” method of dieting. In other words, he goes through phases where he consumes more calories than he needs to maintain his weight and phases where he consumes fewer calories than necessary to build muscle.

Although Rob is aware that this strategy may not be suitable for everyone, his physique has benefited from it, earning him the WBFF Pro title in 2015.

Carb Cycling And Adaptable Eating

To spice things up, Rob occasionally makes minor dietary changes. According to him, “I carb-cycled using a high, moderate, and low day kcal plan during one of my concerts.

I am a strong supporter and a flexible dieter since it suits me best and I can continue to live an ideal lifestyle while taking into account items that most people would consider to be typical cuisine.

I want to switch up my meals as much as I can while still adhering to my macro ratios because I get bored easily. Robert Sharpe

Stack of Supplements

  • Yogurt protein
  • zinc and magnesium before bed
  • fatty fish
  • Acids Amino
  • Tablets with probiotics for intestinal health
  • Nutrition D
  • Multivitamin

Influences And Idols

Rob Riches is one of the many athletes that Rob admires.

Here Rob is talking about Rob Riches, his idol; Rob Riches was the first person I thought, “Yes, this guy loves what he does,” in terms of motivation and achievement.

“Fear, doubt, and uncertainty have always accompanied perseverance, measured risk, and repeated action on the road to achievement.

The courage to act, time and time again, is what separates someone who fails from someone who succeeds.

What Rob Sharpe Can Teach Us?

Rob Sharpe has demonstrated through years of dedication to sports and fitness that a winning attitude, systematic training, and the desire to succeed all play important roles in achieving success.

He began his career in sports before switching to weightlifting. Rob Sharpe has consistently demonstrated a great sense of discipline and work ethic.

He’s shown us that, with the appropriate mindset, anyone can achieve their objectives, whether they be related to fitness or anything else.