Sandy Riddell
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Who is Sandy Riddell?

In the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, Sandy Riddell was a female bodybuilding legend. She was born in Scottsdale, Arizona, and between 1989 and 1992, she participated in four Ms. Olympia pageants.

Sandy Riddell never did manage to take home the top prize at the Olympia, but in 1989, she came incredibly close by finishing as Cory Everson’s runner-up.

Short Career of Sandy Riddell

Despite this, many people agree that 1991 was her best year. Everyone was in awe of her amazing figure and posing as she entered the stage that year.

But Sandy’s toned physique wasn’t just for show; Sandy Riddell was also incredibly powerful. She reportedly had a 350-pound bench press capacity in her prime.

She enjoyed conducting interviews for bodybuilding magazines, and she is remembered as someone who never shied away from expressing her opinions.

You can view all of Sandy’s top photos, along with her old training and dietary guidelines, below.

Sandy Riddell

Body Measurements of Sandy Riddell

Full Name: Sandy Riddell
ERA: 1990, 1980
PROFESSION: Bodybuilder


  • 1988 Ms. International, N/A
  • 1989 Ms. Olympia, 2nd place
  • 1991 Ms. Olympia, 4th place
  • 1992 Ms. Olympia, 4th place
  • 1993 Ms. Olympia, 6th place


Sandy Riddell liked lifting heavy weights to hone her athletic physique. She performed a variety of exercises, including bench presses and squats, paying close attention to every muscle area.

Sandy used isolation workouts to focus on the muscles that need greater attention. These comprised:

  • Biceps cable curls
  • Glute kickbacks
  • Lying hamstring curls
  • Bent over rows

She prolonged her workouts to burn more calories. She also didn’t have to perform any cardio during the off-season because of this. But she continued to do daily cardio in the last stages of her show preparation to stay in the best shape.

Sandy Riddell


Sandy was aware that the key to achieving her amazing appearance was a healthy diet.

During the preparation for a competition, she maintained everything tidy and wholesome. She wouldn’t treat herself to her favorite food until after the performance.

She concentrated on “bulking up” during her off-seasons by adding quality muscle to her weaker regions.

When the cutting phase arrived, she would discontinue all the high-calorie meals and start introducing more lean, raw foods instead, such as vegetables, blueberries, egg whites, chicken breast, and a few sweet potatoes.

Sandy Riddell

What Sandy Riddell can teach us?

In her profession, Sandy Riddell had reached incredible heights. Many of her followers still consider her to be one of the best female bodybuilders from the 1980s and 1990s, even though she was never able to win the elusive Ms. Olympia title.

If Sandy has taught us anything, it’s that even if you don’t achieve every goal you set for yourself, all that matters is that you tried your hardest and didn’t look back.