Roasted Red Pepper (1)
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  • Food: Roasted Red Peppers
  • Writer: Lizzie Greem
  • Content-Type: Food Blog

Let’s discuss red peppers that have been roasted! One of my favorite ingredients in a recipe is roasted red peppers.

They have a wonderful, soft texture and a rich, deep bell pepper flavor. I use roasted red peppers in a variety of dishes, including dips, salads, sandwiches, and more.

Without a doubt, homemade roasted peppers taste the tastiest. Since bell pepper season is upon us, I’m sharing my tried-and-true roasted red pepper recipe. I’ll be roasting my own more often now that I’ve finally hammered out all the variables!

Roasting peppers is a simple technique, though not as simple as going for a jar of pre-roasted red peppers from the shop.

The disadvantage of using prepackaged roasted red peppers is that their flavor varies greatly—choose the incorrect brand and the whole dish could be ruined (been there, done that).

In my experience, Divina and Whole Foods 365 are consistent winners.

When it comes time to peel the peppers, enlist the help of a friend, and your homemade roasted red peppers will be ready in no time.

They’ll last for almost a week in the fridge and add flavor to all of your recipes in the meanwhile.

How to Roast Them?

Roasted Red Pepper yum (1)
Food: Roasted Red Pepper (Source: Cookie and Kate)

The complete recipe can be seen below. Here’s a quick rundown of why this method produces the greatest roasted red peppers:

Cut the peppers into flat slabs with a sharp knife.

I experimented with several slicing methods and found that slicing off all four sides of each bell pepper produces the best results. The peppers will be virtually flush with the pan, which will help them cook evenly.

Roast at a high temperature.

Roasting the peppers at 450 degrees Fahrenheit achieves maximum caramelization and tenderness without risking scorching them.

This is a much safer temperature than broiling, and it also allows you to use parchment paper to keep the peppers from sticking to the pan (we’re roasting them without oil!).

Even if your peppers wind up looking too burnt around the edges, trust me when I say they’ll taste fantastic.

Some recipes call for charring whole peppers over a gas flame, but for more uniformly cooked and fully tender results, I recommend using the oven.

As the peppers cool, allow them to steam.

Remove the skillet from the oven when the peppers are blistered, wrinkled, and tender. Transfer them to a bowl to cool using tongs or a spatula.

To assist trap the steam and make the peppers easier to peel, cover the bowl with a plate or lid of some sort.

Peel and use right away or set aside for later.

Peel the tough, scorched skins off the peppers once they’ve cooled enough to handle. Your peppers are now ready to eat! They’ll keep for a week or more in the refrigerator, covered.

Roasted  Peppers Uses

You can use roasted red peppers in place of ordinary red bell peppers in any recipe that calls for red bell peppers.

Roasted red peppers are ideal for mixing into creamy sauces since they have a softer texture and a stronger taste. When you want red pepper taste without the crunch, use them in salads, sandwiches, and pizzas.

Roasted Red Peppers

Time to Prepare: 10 minutes

30 minutes to cook

40-minute total time (plus cooling time)

Yield: 1 1/2 cup

With this easy-to-follow recipe, you can make your own roasted red peppers in no time! The flavor of homemade roasted red peppers is superior to store-bought. About 1 1/2 cups of roasted peppers are yielded from this recipe.


  • 4 medium red bell peppers

Instructions For Roasted Red Peppers

Roasted Red Pepper easy (1)
Food: Roasted Red Pepper (Source: Cookie and Kate)
  1. To prevent sticking, preheat the oven to 450 degrees Fahrenheit and line a big, rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. To prepare the bell peppers, place one pepper upright on a chopping board with the base against it. Slice downward with a sharp chef’s knife, one side at a time, to make four slabs. Remove and discard any membranes remaining adhering to the slabs with a knife or spoon.
  3. Place the pepper slabs in a single layer on the prepared sheet, skin side up. Roast the peppers for 25 to 30 minutes, turning halfway through, until the tops are blistering and browning and the flesh is readily penetrated with a fork.
  4. Scoop the peppers into a medium mixing basin and cover with a plate to keep the steam in. Set the bowl aside and allow the peppers to cool for 10 to 20 minutes, or until they are safe to handle.
  5. Remove the blistered peel from each pepper and toss it out. As desired, use the roasted peppers. Roasted peppers can be stored in a sealed container in the refrigerator for 7 to 10 days.


  • CHANGE IT UP: For a similar effect, use orange or yellow bell peppers.