Soil conditions

Healthy eating implies having foods with nutrients. These nutrients in plant foods come from the soil. But poor soil conditions can impact the nutrients density of the crops and their yield. And a new report of UK’s provider of soil analysis, NRM showed that nearly two-thirds of the soils in the UK have deficiency of important nutrients.

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UK soil conditions are poor

We try to eat healthy. Hence we incorporate and consume foods that are rich in key nutrients in our daily diet. We assume that what we are eating has the nutrients that past analytic research has shown it has. But this might not be necessarily true. Because the nutrients in the crops and the grains, fruits, vegetables, pulses etc come from the soil vis the roots. And if the soil lacks a particular nutrient, it might be less or absent in the plant part used as food.

Soil conditions
Poor soil conditions in major area of the UK (Source: The Guardian)

NRM is a provider of soil analysis in the UK. And recently, this agency came up with its annual summary report on the soil conditions in the UK for the year 2021-2022. And the results are shocking. The report states that two thirds of the soil in the UK has nutrients deficiency. This soil has lesser amounts of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. And this has been the trend for the last three decades.

Details of the survey

The agency surveyed and analyzed thousands of soil samples across the UK. These soil samples were collected between the period of June 2021 to May 2022. The mineral content of the soil samples particularly levels of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus was studied.

This survey was to help the farmers know about the condition of the soil in which they sow their crop seeds. It gives them an idea about the current nutrient status of their soil, compare it with other farm data and assist them to improve on it. And for the first time ever, NRM also assayed the nutrients in the plant tissue and grain tissue.

Soil conditions
Soil in the UK has less potassium, phosphorus and magnesium (Source: Pedersen Contracting service)

This was the CropCheck and GrainCheck analysis services. This will also greatly help the farmers to enhance the health of their produce. CropCheck measures the amount of nutrients in the cereal crops at key growth stages that usually coincides with the time the fertiliser is applied. And GrainCheck measures the nutrient levels in the final grains. This gives the farmers an indication of the health of their grains.

The findings

Two thirds of the soil in the UK lack the vital nutrients for proper crop growth. The wheat crops has 10% lesser nitrogen in 2022 compared to 2021. Also, the phosphorus level in the crop was 25% lesser in 2022. Sajjad Awan, the agronomy manager at NRM said:

We had a colder and drier spring in 2022, which prevented soil mineralisation, a necessary process that allows nutrients to be taken up by the crop.”

Soil conditions
Good soil favors good crop (Source: Elite Tree Care)

“The situation was made even worse due to the soil moisture deficit during the hot and dry summer, which was then exacerbated by rapid crop growth.”

“This is why crops couldn’t take up all they needed to thrive.”

Also, read UK’s cost of living crisis forcing people to eat less, unhealthily and unsafely!

He added:

“Not only does this help crop performance, but it also improves nutrient use efficiency. This helps protect our planet by reducing nitrate and phosphate losses to the environment.”