Steve Kris
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Who is Steve Kris?

Growing up, Steve Kris, an Austrian from Salzburg, was a potential football player. His 12-year football career, nevertheless, came to an end in 2006 when he tore his meniscus.

Short Career of Steve Kris

Steve Kris started training at home, initially focusing solely on body weight exercises, to keep up his physical health. He decided to join a gym because his recovery was going well and he wanted to intensify his routines.

Soon after his recovery, Steve was able to begin using greater weights in the gym.

From that point forward, he started going to the gym because of his size and strength gains rather than just his therapy. The development he observed inspired him to push his body to its limits, and before long, he had developed an amazing physique.

He advanced by becoming a personal trainer in 2013. As a result of a series of events, Steve began competing in local competitions and began to win.

He then went on to compete in the IFBB Men’s Physique in Austria and finished in fourth place. Without a doubt, Steve is an athlete with a remarkable life story and an inspiration to everyone.

“The harder you work the better you get.”

Body Measurements of Steve Kris

Full Name: Steve Kris
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Personal Trainer and Men’s Physique Competitor 
WEIGHT: 185 – 195lbs (83.9 – 88.5kg)
HEIGHT: 6′ (183 cm)

Steve Kris


Steve is a Men’s Physique competition and fitness model from Austria. He also runs a personal training business and is a sponsored athlete.

“Believe in Yourself.“


A Future Footballer

Steve Kris was born in Salzburg, Austria, on May 20, 1992. He was an extremely competitive and athletic youngster who joined a football squad at the age of just 4.

Steve always stood out among all of his friends and teammates on the team, according to his trainer. Steve began playing football professionally later in high school, and by the time he was 18, he had made it his full-time job.

After graduating from high school and moving to a new city, Steve took a short break from football for a few months.

An Accident

Steve returned to the pitch and resumed his previous routine after settling into a new setting.

Steve was hurt during one of his collegiate football games. The doctor diagnosed him with a torn meniscus and warned him that he might not be able to play competitive football for a very long time, if at all.

After hearing the news from his doctor, Steve was devastated and “desperately” looked for a method to relax. He began performing bodyweight exercises at home to get back into shape after recovering for a few weeks.

Steve decided to sign up for his first gym membership and gradually begin weight training as his therapy began to advance and improve.

After several months, Steve had healed. Steve claimed that as a result of all the training, his physical condition was “even better than when I played football.”

Fitness Success

Every day, Steve noticed improvements in his physique, and he soon developed a dependence on intense weightlifting.

By 2013, Steve had a well-developed physique and was free of his injury. At that point, Steve decided to pursue a career as a personal trainer, and after taking several different courses for several months, he turned his interest into a full-time career by becoming a licensed health and fitness coach.

In 2014, Steve decided to share his training and dietary plans online, which garnered a lot of interest. Steve claimed that he was overwhelmed by the volume of inquiries he received, which ranged from inquiries about general lifestyle choices to inquiries about diet and exercise.

After realizing his potential, Steve began publishing daily images of his transformation as well as different food and exercise advice online, which quickly made him a household name.

By the end of 2014, Steve had advanced his professional endeavors by beginning to participate in regional bodybuilding competitions.

He won his first regional competition when he was 22 years old and went on to achieve considerable success after that.

He switched to the Men’s Physique division and participated in the IFBB Men’s Physique Austria two years later, placing fourth.

Steve responded that his goal is to motivate more people and win more IFBB Pro competitions when questioned about his future ambitions.


Muscle Fiber Disintegration

Regardless of the body area, he trains, Steve prefers to perform heavy volume training. According to him, performing high-volume exercises will put the muscle under a lot of tension and generate tiny tears in the tissue, which will ultimately result in the best possible muscular growth.

Steve works out between five and six times per week, doing anywhere between four and seven different exercises in each session.

Steve performs between three and six sets of each exercise while keeping his repetitions high (often 12 reps each set).

Arm Exercise

Steve enjoys using bigger weights and “cheating a little” when lifting the weights when working his arms. He makes an effort to go as slowly as possible on the way down since he thinks the exercise’s negative movement is the most crucial.

Barbell curls, cable curls, and hammer curls are his top arm exercises. Additionally, he occasionally incorporates concentration curls into his exercises to mix things up.

Top 3 Exercises from Steve

  • Shoulder Press – Steve likes doing this one because it provides him with the best pump of all the exercises.
  • Squats – “Do I need to explain this one?“, Steve jokingly asked. He believes that no exercise can match squats, and he also likes the feeling he gets after doing the exercise.
  • Cable Flys – This exercise is one of the best isolations, according to Steve. It provides him with a great pump, just like the shoulder press, but in the pectoral area. He says that it’s a great finisher and the exercise itself is “simply irresistible.”

“The more you put in the more you get out.”

Steve Kris


A Proper Dietary Method

Steve Kris adds that, unlike many other athletes, he doesn’t alter his diet at all once he discovers one that works for him.

Steve will follow a strict diet and won’t allow himself a cheat meal when getting ready for a competition. However, Steve will allow himself one or two cheat meals during his “off-season.”

His approach to dieting is straightforward: “Find what works for you, and once you do, stick with it.” No need to make things more complicated.

Favorite Foods and Supplements of Steve

Steve’s preferred meal is rice with green vegetables and turkey breast. He claimed to enjoy veggies generally and to consume at least 4-5 servings daily, sometimes even up to 12.

He favors simple supplements like multivitamins and fish oils when it comes to dietary supplements. Steve doesn’t suggest anything extra because he thinks a healthy, well-balanced diet will provide all the nutrients needed.

Influences and Idols

When Steve was questioned about his greatest source of inspiration, he replied, “I am my inspiration.” Steve also stated that he always gives 100% to succeed in life and that he aspires to be better than “the guy from yesterday.”

What Can Steve Kris Teach Us?

We learned from Steve Kris not to take the bad things that happen to us too seriously. He sustained an injury that precluded him from playing football professionally in the future, but he refused to let the tragic circumstances ruin his future.

As Steve saw it, the injury was “a blessing in disguise” because it gave him more possibilities. He later rose to fame as a fitness star and served as an example for many people throughout the globe.

Never stop aiming high in life, and don’t let obstacles deter you from continuing on your chosen route. That is one method for making your desires come true.