5 minute towel method

People try several methods in order to shed some body weight especially around the belly area. And for this, a Japanese physician Toshiki Fukutsudzi developed the 5 minute towel method to lose belly fat. This is a less commonly used method to shed the extra body fat. But does this method work or is it just like other weight loss hacks?

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Belly fat shedding hacks

People are overweight and obese. And most are concerned about the belly fat that comes up along with the increase in weight. The waist circumference increases. And this is a bad indicator of health.

People try several methods to lose weight. They start dieting with or without workouts in order to minimize the extra fat over their tummy. Some change their full lifestyle to achieve weight loss and health goals.

5 minute towel method
The 5 minute towel method (Source: Pinterest)

But not all are successful in eliminating their abdominal fat. Whatever they try, their tummy bulge does not budge from its place.

At such a desperate hour, some resort to the 5 minute towel method of Toshiki Fukutsudzi. How effective is this way to lose the abdominal fat? How does it work?

The 5 minute towel method of Toshiki Fukutsudzi

Around a decade back, the Japanese doctor Toshiki Fukutsudzi developed a unique method to lose belly fat. This is the 5 minute towel metho. Toshiki stated that besides shedding the not-needed fat, this method can also rectify posture and strengthen the back muscles. Thus, it also reduces back pain.

According to Toshiki, the fat around your belly is partly due to misplacement of the pelvis. By this method, the pelvis placement improves and the waistline comes down. In this, a medium-sized towel is rolled into a cylinder, 38 cms long and 10 cms wide.

5 minute towel method
The 5 minute towel method (Source: DMoose)

Lie down on the back and place the rolled towel under the small of the back just at the level of the navel. Place your feet shoulder width apart and touch your both toes together. Stretch your arms above your heads with palms facing down. Touch the two little fingers with each other. Hold this position for 5 minutes.

Do this daily for a month. And the belly fat would reduce.

Does it work? How?

Also, read Sue Cleaver lost 3 stones with this diet!

Personal trainer, Kirsten Scott, feels that there are some complex mechanisms at work here. It targets the stomach gases and bloating and hence weight line decreases. Kirsten explains in depth:

All our organs and limbs, including the intestine and stomach, connect to the brain via the vertebral column,”

“It is true that misalignment of the bones, reflected in bad posture, can mean that nerve pathways are constricted.”

5 minute towel method
The 5 minute towel method (Source: Pinterest)

“The part of the spine between the ribs and the small of your back is where the intestine nerves are connected, so if you slouch or push your pelvis too far back, it may result in digestion issues, such as constipation, bloating, gas and acid reflux.”

“While constipation and bloating make your belly appear bigger, it is not fat; it’s just the waste that is not being eliminated.”