Valia Ayyar
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Who is Valia Ayyar?

Valia Ayyar, an NPC bikini contestant from Detroit, Michigan, has achieved success in the fitness and modeling industries via tenacity and unwavering will.

Short Career of Valia Ayyar

Valia Ayyar remembered being “thin fat” as a child. Valia remarked that she had never been into athletics or sports. She claimed she “had flapjacks for a butt, toothpick arms and legs, and carried fat on my stomach.”

But she decided to join a gym to alter her “thin physique.” She initially began exercising purely for self-esteem reasons. She found that she enjoyed weightlifting more and more as she got more involved.

I came across bodybuilding and instantly fell in love with the activity; both the physical and cerebral aspects of it piqued my interest. I have many interests, but for the first time in my life, I have discovered my true passion.

Valia has devoted her life to building the greatest life she can through modeling and fitness over the years. She shows no signs of slowing down, and her social media following is expanding.

Body Measurements of Valia Ayyar

Full Name: Valia Ayyar
ALIAS: valiaayyar
ERA: 2010
PROFESSION: Entrepreneur and fitness model
WEIGHT: 165 – 175lbs (74.8 – 79.4kg) 
HEIGHT: 5’10” (177.5cm)

Valia Ayyar



  • 2013 NPC Central States Championships- 2nd place
  • 2015 NPC Grand Rapids MI – 1st place

“My mission is to help everyone no matter what age, gender, race, size find that same passion for living up to their true potential and seeing how much they are capable of through fitness.”

“The best advice I can give for people in the process of transforming their body is be patient, be consistent, do your research, and no matter what just work your ass off.

Don’t compare, don’t care if the next person saw results in 3 weeks, and you haven’t seen any in a month. WORRY ABOUT YOU. and never stop grinding.”


In her years of training, Valia Ayyar has used a range of exercises. Her favorite body regions to work out are her legs and core, therefore she prefers to concentrate on them. She is aware, however, of the value of symmetry and balance in developing a well-toned physique.

She likes to train most days of the week to maintain her top physical condition, allowing just one or two resting days. A sample of Valia’s weekly exercise is provided below.

Workout by Valia Ayyar:

Valia Ayyar’s Workout:

Monday: Legs

Free bar squats- 4×4-8
Leg press-4×8-10
Lying leg curls- 4-8-10
Standing calf raise-4×8-10

Tuesday: Shoulders/chest

Close grip bench press-4×8-10
Dumbbell shoulder press- 4×4-8
Also, Dumbbell Lateral Raises- 4×8-10
Dumbbell front raise superset w/ bent over rear delt flys- 4×8-12
Rope Face pulls- 3×8-12

Wednesday: Back/Tris

Pullups superset with dips- 4 x failure
Straight arm pulldown- 4×8-12
Bent over rows- 4×8-10
Single arm dumbbell row- 4×8-10
Wide grip lat pulldown-4×10-12
Tricep press down-3×10-12

Thursday: Legs

Hack squat-4×10-12
Stiff leg deadlift- 8×10
Hip thrusts- 3×10-12
Cable kickbacks-3×10-12
Seated/standing calf raise-4×10-12

Friday: Shoulders/biceps

Military press- 4×6-8
Lateral raises- 4×10-12
Reverse pec deck- 4×10-12
Rear delt cable pull downs- 4×10-12
Barbell curls-4×8-12

Saturday: Legs

Lying leg curls-4×10-12
Smith machine donkey kickbacks- 3×10-12
Seated calf raise-4×10-12
Sunday: Off day

Sunday: off 

Valia Ayyar

Influences and Idols

Valia Ayyar is driven by her professional growth, job achievement, and physical appearance. She is motivated to move forward every day by the prospect of obtaining her dream body and life. like Valia says

“The possibility of improving each day is what motivates me to continue. I adore that there is no “final” goal in this sport; no matter how well you do, there is always room for improvement.

“Just remember that consistency is ‘key’ and that little progress is still progress.”

From Valia Ayyar, What Can We Learn?

Valia began working out because she was dissatisfied with her “thin obese” appearance and how she felt about herself. She noticed the benefits of working out and lifting weights as soon as she joined a gym.

Valia developed her strengths and strengthened her shortcomings year after year.

After some time, she advanced her fitness objectives, competing in the NPC bikini contests in 2013 and 2015, where she won first place and a pro card.

What we can take away from Valia is that, if you’re unhappy with your circumstances, making a series of tiny, constructive steps and remaining committed to your objectives will help to change things for the better, just like Valia Ayyar did.